Dean “Iksar” Ayala’s Twitter Q&A – January 27, 2021 – Roundup of All Answers – New Classes, Mechanics That Might Make It Into The Game, Achievements and More!

And so, weekly Dean “Iksar” Ayala’s Q&A session on Twitter became a thing. He started them on January 13 and promised to do them every Wednesday (6:30 – 7:30 PM PT). People have been asking lots of questions about the game’s balance, design, specific cards, mechanics and so on. Sadly, Twitter is kind of a mess when it comes to such things. Messages are short, you have to create long threads if you want to talk about something in detail, lots of comments get hidden, and it just doesn’t flow right. To make it a bit easier for all of you, just like last week, I went through all of his replies and decided to make a quick summary of the most important talking points.

Check out his last Q&A from January 20 here.

That said, if you want to read the full Q&A – all the questions and answers – here’s the Tweet you should go to:

And here’s the summary. I mean, it’s pretty long for a summary, but he answered A LOT of questions. Of course, I didn’t cover everything. Instead, I tried to focus on the more interesting / important stuff. Again, if you want to read his full replies on all topics, check out the Tweet above.

  • They’re still exploring solutions when it comes to Khadgar in Battlegrounds. More details in the next couple of weeks.
  • Overall, the release of Demon Hunter was successful (either the new class itself or marketing around it brought more players into the game).
  • There is no new class in development right now, but we probably will have another one in the future. They’ve talked about Death Knight, Monk or maybe something entirely new. However, it’s not something they want to do every year.
  • Initially, Death Knights weren’t Hero cards. Instead, they shuffled corrupted cards into your decks, which then turned you into Death Knight, but each class felt too similar. That’s when they turned them into Heroes.
  • They’ve been trying to answer some questions regarding deck slots (what % of playerbase wants more, how many slots players would be happy with), they have some initial information, but they will share it later in official communication.
  • Hearthstone is big enough that they don’t mind fragmenting playerbase with new game modes. What they do is releasing major content updates for different modes at different times, so people can jump around and play what’s new.
  • It’s easy to say that QA does a bad job when some broken cards get released because we don’t see all of the cards they caught before going to live. One example Dean gives is Livewire Lance, which used to cost 2 mana until shortly after release (and it would be really broken at 2).
  • Devs usually test 3-10 new mechanics every expansion, and only 1-2 of them make into the game. One interesting mechanic they had tested were Champion cards. They were minions with no Attack and an ability that triggered every turn. They wouldn’t be affected by AoEs like Flamestrike. Something like a mini-hero. Their abilities and visuals didn’t feel good enough, but they might revisit this concept in the future.
  • Another mechanic that might come into the game in the future is having spells of different types – e.g. Fire, Frost, Arcane etc.
  • People responsible for Tavern Brawls are also working on Duels, Book of Heroes, as well as an unannounced game mode they haven’t talked about yet – that’s why we’ve been getting so many repeats this year. We should get more new Brawls once they’re closer to finishing their projects.
  • “Pack vouchers” instead of pack rewards from X or Y expansion is a complicated issue. Most of the rewards are already Gold, but they don’t want to add another layer of decision making to getting packs. Most of the players don’t know what packs are good for them and which they want to buy, so making them get specific packs or even card rewards makes it easier to just jump into the game instead of wondering what will work best.
  • Devs knew about Wretched Tiller + Hysteria combo pretty late into the release cycle, but they didn’t change it, because it didn’t look that powerful. There are a lot of combos they let slip through simply because they make the game more interesting. In this case it just didn’t work out.
  • They plan to add achievements for older PvE content, but have no plans to create achievements for older expansions (like GvG etc.) – they aren’t sure if it would be very enjoyable (but they’ll talk about it).
  • They won’t allow achievements to be completed in casual or friendly games, because it would make them too easy, which isn’t the point of achievement hunting and it’s not fun.
  • Achievements from the current expansion will no longer grant XP after new expansion is out (but that new expansion will have its own achievements with XP).
  • Reprints can be good for the game and they will probably do some of them in the future. E.g. they planned to reprint Webspinner in Un’Goro, but landed on a slightly different design (most likely Jeweled Macaw). So far they felt that they can accomplish something similar to reprints by just making some tweaks and releasing new cards.
  • Dean isn’t worried about “running out of ideas” for new cards.
  • It’s pretty rare that an undiscovered powerful deck flies under a radar nowadays – good decks are usually popular. The exception might be decks that players find boring (e.g. Highlander Hunter, Even Paladin) – players know that they’re strong, but their play rate is lower than it should, because not many people enjoy them.
  • Dean recommended Peter Whalen for the Hearthstone team after playing his card game Dream Quest.


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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  1. Nerose
    January 28, 2021 at 12:14 PM

    I keep meaning to ask about if there will be new tribes for Battlegrounds. It would be really interesting if they added totem.

    • Numbskull420
      January 28, 2021 at 11:08 PM

      I think totems could definitely be added to BGs but mainly as support minions, as I don’t see a full totem build being a thing that makes sense as most have 0 atk and that concept should still remain like that in BGs, so maybe giving adjacent minions some sort of buff when the “battle begins” like Divine shield, windfury or just basic stats seems like it would work fine.

      The reason I put battle begins in quotation is to avoid issues where if a minion dies then the next one gains the buff, I think that would just create problems but then again aside from taking a hit the totem itself becomes useless during the battle after giving those buffs, maybe give some Deathrattles to some, I dunno just a concept I guess.

      • Nerose
        February 4, 2021 at 12:33 PM

        An interesting idea! A class that mainly supports other classes…

  2. Thurgrin
    January 28, 2021 at 12:08 PM

    I really want achievements in Casual mode.

  3. 2asandab
    January 28, 2021 at 11:24 AM

    Khadgar? They need to do something about Rivendale, the wolf and that parrot. Everytime beasts are included its a race to that combo and it is getting really repetitive. I see far fewer pirate/khadgar builds, if that’s what they’re referencing.

    • Fidgety Troll
      January 28, 2021 at 11:37 AM

      it probably isnt. they are more than likely referring to the fact you can save a khadgar and a bunch of token minions to get 10+ triples in a turn.

    • Stonekeep - Site Admin
      January 28, 2021 at 5:32 PM

      Nooo, he’s referencing the builds where you buy Khadgar, possibly triple it, get Brann and then play Alleycat / Murloc Tidehunter (T1 token generators). You get a lot of tokens, they triple, and you can discover a bunch of Tier 6 minions. You can really scam people out of the games around Turn 8-9. I one faced a Golden Kalecgos on T9, lol (and it wasn’t from Reno’s HP).

      • 2asandab
        January 29, 2021 at 4:01 AM

        But to pull that off is not easy. You need to plan ahead, manage your board properly and the time limit can become an issue. I think they should remove rivendale and brann, to a lesser extent, I think it would be more balanced.

  4. H0lysatan
    January 28, 2021 at 11:20 AM

    I guess now we know who was responsible for that BattlePass fiasco.
    Gold and Dust is not fun, instead you want to remove what most of us literally want, and give us “fixated” rewards that no one asked for.
    Remove the only way to choose what we want for ourselves, and just take whatever rewards you gave us. Good job.

    Too bad for you, I love my gold and dust.
    Good luck on getting another horrible Battlepass in the future.