Update: You can find all of the cards revealed so far (30/35) here!
It’s finally here! In the latest 21.6 Patch Notes, we’ve learned more about the United in Stormwind mini-set. It’s called Deadmines and it’s based on WoW dungeon with the same name, notably featuring the classic Rogue Legendary Edwin VanCleef (the WoW boss encounter was later replaced by his daughter – Vanessa VanCleef). But what else do we know about it?
Just like the previous two mini-sets, Deadmines will contain 35 new cards (16x Common, 14x Rare, 1x Epic, 4x Legendary). You can purchase the entire mini-set at once for $14.99 or 2000 Gold. Alternatively, all of the cards will be added to United in Stormwind packs, so if you already opened enough, you will be all but guaranteed to get the new ones. However, with 4 Legendaries, purchasing it for 2k Gold is generally a better option. Of course, whether it’s worth it or not all depends on the quality of cards – we’ll try to rate them before release and give you some advice about whether you should get it or not.
Deadmines mini-set launches next Tuesday, November 2. Card reveals should happen over the weekend, with a full mini-set revealed on Monday, November 1. We aren’t sure where the cards will be posted yet (most likely official channels like Twitter, Facebook or YouTube), but we’ll round all of them up and post them on the website, so you don’t have to go out and look for them!
Yess! Finally new cards.
Well, 2 mana draw 3 with tradable… … … Why… :/
It’s actually 3 mana draw 3, and only if you draw it this turn… mehhh
I don’t know if I need this site card reviews. Wait…..
So, go on and make one please.
Still need all 32 cards to predict, but after seeing a bunch of Parrots and Defias underlings,
One of the possible achievements is to play a bunch of Parrots and Defias minions.
Probably 30 to 50 times.
DH Drawing cards not possible, Playing pirates also not.
Although, destroy enemy minions with cannons could be one.
Super excited for all these Pirates & Parrots!
Can you smell that Edwin reprint? … AS A HERO CARD? (maybe?!)
Yeah, Edwin HAS to be in the mini-set. But I’m not so sure about a Hero card, I think that he will be a regular Legendary minion.
Just curious, since I sort of remember the Edwin boss in WoW – why was he replaced by Vanessa? Since the WoW environment & characters didn’t really change by design. The story was basically followed through quests and the users’ imagination. So once you beat a boss you basically figure that guy is dead now in the story and your crew were the badass few to bring all these bosses down. So anyway what need was there to replace Edwin? So that users would feel like time has passed or something and the original guy has been replaced to reflect that? Just for a random level 10ish dungeon? Did they replace other bosses?
It happened during Cataclysm – the expansion has basically changed the entire old zones. A lot of NPCs, Dungeons, Quests etc. from the Classic WoW have been revamped during Cataclysm.
I think the story was that Edwin was killed by the adventures (so basically by players) and then his daughter took his place, or something like that. I honestly can’t tell you exactly why, because I wasn’t playing WoW at the time (I quit late in Wrath of the Lich King and then got back during Mists of Pandaria). Maybe there’s a deeper reason behind it or it was explained better.
My quest warrior decks like the look of were this is going
Exactly what I was thinking. Evolve Shaman could also benefit from that Shaman card