Zoobot is a 3 Mana Cost Common Neutral Minion Mech card from the One Night in Karazhan set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Give a random friendly Beast, Dragon, and Murloc +1/+1.
Zoobot is a 3 Mana Cost Common Neutral Minion Mech card from the One Night in Karazhan set!
Battlecry: Give a random friendly Beast, Dragon, and Murloc +1/+1.
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I don’t know why people think this is a pretty bad card. The opportunity cost isn’t too big, and if the effect lands on at least one type, it has a pretty big effect. I’d imagine it would be the first thing you would put in a murloc/dragon/beast deck (if the deck type works at all).
should it be “or Murloc” though?
Because it said “give A RANDOM FRIENDLY…” so it only works on 1 target, therefore it cannot work on Beast, Dragon AND Murloc
English is not my native language though, correct me if I’m wrong
It can buff three random targets, one from each of those tribes.
Murloc pally runs 2 Murloc Warleaders, 2 Bluegill Warriors, 2 Stampeding Kodos and 2 Azure Drakes.
The murloc is taking the picture.
There is no murloc in the card at clearly there is inherent class-ism at blizzard’s I’m very disappointed with blizzard #murlocsarecardstoo
This is the most useless card of the adventure -.-
Any idea for this card? For instance:
Turn 1: Murloc Tidecaller
Turn 2: Faerie Dragon
Turn 3 + Ring: Stonetusk Boar and Zoobot (plus Baby Murloc).
Murloc Pally
Aside from the card art being the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen in Hearthstone, I don’t think the card will see any play
Baby Stranglethorn Tiger <3 Who are the other babies? Is it Azure Drake, Stonetusk Boar, and Ironfur Grizzly? Or is it Buffer and Misha?
Also, why no Murloc Tinyfin?
*Huffer. Autocorrect plz
It seems that one of the others has eaten the murloc!
Flavour Text: The Murloc Is Taking The Picture!