Zola the Gorgon
Zola the Gorgon is a 3 Mana Cost Legendary Neutral Minion card from the Kobolds and Catacombs set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Choose a friendly minion. Add a Golden copy of it to your hand.
Flavor Text
Her name seems a bit cheesy.- Mana Cost: 3
- Attack: 2
- Health: 2
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Kobolds and Catacombs
- Mechanics: Add to Hand, Battlecry, Copy Minion
Zola the Gorgon Additional Information
Zola the Gorgon Card Review
Before anything else, even though it’s exciting, in order to better and honestly evaluate what she does, we have to immediately forget that the copy she adds to our hand is golden, because that’s absolutely irrelevant. Great, but irrelevant. Now, what does being able to add a copy of a minion mean? The most obvious answer is that it’s great with Battlecry minions. Obviously Zola’s stats are not great, but any deck that wants to generate more of a minion probably won’t care about the slight loss in tempo that comes with playing her. This is a value-oriented card. As such, she opens up new possibilities. We saw Manic Soulcaster being played in the Kazakus Mage lists from the previous Standard rotation and she is still core to most Reno Mage decks in Wild. The problem with Soulcaster is that she was a Mage class card. Zola now opens up that possibility to get 4 Kazakus potions with Brann for Priest and Warlock too, at least one of which has a prominent Kazakus deck currently in Standard.
Aside from Kazakus specifically, there is no shortage of good cards you could copy with Zola the Gorgon. Probably not cards that cost more than 7 mana, because they are not guaranteed to live until the next turn, but Zola is a better Youthful Brewmaster because she allows you to gain all of the value from your minion again without returning it to hand. This is particularly true when you want to get a copy of a fat defensive creature or perhaps even a Deathrattle minion. Her usefulness doesn’t begin and end with Battlecries, which makes her a somewhat unique figure in the value generating space, functioning a lot more like a Shadowcaster rather than a Youthful Brewmaster while keeping the minion’s stats… and unfortunately the mana cost.
Card Review by Chimbarozo
Great with Queen Azshara
…..a golden copy… .
So i’m guessing if Zola gives you a Golden copy anyway, getting a Golden Zola is better off dust?
Its for the golden coin
Coin? Doesn’t Zola only copy minions?
when you got a deck with all 30 cards in golden, the coin will be golden too.
This is true, I think the pun revolves around people’s initial image of cheese being yellow/Orange but it’s funny because kabold are like rat people and well you gotta give them the cheese
It’s because her name is Zola the gorgon. Gorgon-zola
Brann (3) + pavelbook (1) + zola (3) + 2 pavelbooks (2) = 6 random mage spells for 9 mana.
Brann (3) + kazakus (4) + zola (3) = 2 kazakus potions plus 2 kazakus in your hand for 10 mana.
This is the best legendary so far.
Great value card that will see play after the Jade / Highlander meta.
For now i cant see where this can fit.
So right away, a 3 mana 2/2 that draws a card seems… okay. It compares okay to Novice Engineer, though a 2/2 body is much more relevant than a 1/1. The fact that you pick the card you get is pretty important, and I suspect that it will allow some interesting combos, but I can’t see this being anything more than niche. I’ve seen cards like this that have just kind of bobbled and died. In wild, I imagine it’ll do some fun things with Brann.
In Arena, card advantage is pretty important, and using this to draw one of your late game cards might just win you the game, but early on it might not do anything, and arranging a board where you can grab a big minion might be tough (other than grabbing a 7 or less)
Standard: 2/5
Arena : 3/5
Its a cheese joke. Zola the Gorgon. Gorgonzola cheese. Amazing.
Best card name of this expansion.
Last one’s winner was brrrlock
It’s a fantastic card so it get 5 stars, but…. I know prince Rogue and other aggro types will use it and therefore I also hate it
Gorgon Zola, get it !? XD
Hahaha now I can’t stop thinking about cheese when I see this card XD
Think of it from a golden card collector’s point of view.
They have to suffer getting non-gold minions every day, whether it be by copy or token.
I think I just started to hate this game a little more.
why this expansion has high mana cards? i mean 5 mana priest dragon has 5 6 body and op effect and marine 8 mana 6 6
evolve a board with 1 mana and this expansion is rly high mana
Prince Keleseth +Zola the Gorgon = Aggro any deck possible
Two neutral legends that will pop up in every face deck.
Except you need to have booth in hand…. And booth are legendary so it’s pretty rare unlesh the player is holding onto them until he has them together….
Neutral, powerful effect, a lot of diferent uses, a nice card to craft.
There’s a mistake in the text…
It should be “..add a golden copy of it to your collection” 0:)
HEArthstone: Improving wild one Reno at a time
Wait. So if you craft a golden one of these, is the copy double golden? Or perhaps platinum?
BTW so op. A million ebil things you can do with this.
Hold on a second, the whole point of the Kobolds set has become clear to me!
It was never to give each class cool weapons.
It was never to add fun new mechanics.
It only had one goal, and that goal…. is making quest rogue the new meta!
Trying telling me this isn’t true! A minion that adds copies of itself to your hand, a card that copies a minion on turn three, and a shadowstep secret for rogue! What more could they need!
With that 1 mana card that gives a copy to your hand when attacks it is very possible.
This would be great for a player like me, who doesn’t have a single golden legendary, to get to see the glorious animations that come with golden cards!
10/10 for the memes and my lack of gold cards
8.5/ 10 for competitive play, it might be a little weird to copy anything good as your opponent normally tries to defeat good minions in one turn
Then don’t give them the chance to defeat it. I.E. Use it when you have enough mana to play your minion you want to copy and Zola on the same turn, Leeroy Turn 8, Dr.Boom turn 10, Sylvanus turn 9.
Interesting design. It’s kinda like a mix between Shadowcaster and Manic Soulcaster.
Shadow in the sense that the card is added to your hand and the base stats are the same and 1 below the Mana cost, and Soulcaster in the sense that it’s a 3-Drop that gives you an important card in full glory.
Lots of potential in so many different instances, I have to imagine at least one of them will show up eventually.
4 Stars from me.
Best legendary so far.
a early game shadowcaster
for all clases!
This is basically a better Panda. Why? Because it generates another card instead of bouncing it back to hand, letting you keep the minion you already have on board.
Well, panda is better stated- I understand that this is a lot better effect, by generating a card, but I don’t think this is an EVERY deck kind of card. Personally I’m having trouble thinking of a deck to put it in- it seems like a value card, so it’d have to be a more control-y deck. I can definitely see it getting played, I’m just having trouble seeing why everyone thinks it’s so amazing. I’m going to read more comments, so hopefully I’ll gain some insight
Tempo Rogue is the one deck this seems to obviously fit. Lots of strong battlecries.
Almost thought they would start doing special rules for golden. (Like pirate or murloc).
Like deal 8 damage to all, but golden cards.
Because that would stink
Too bad I can’t disenchant cards from hand :/
The Midas touch
I see what you did there
Nice card, and being only 3 mana means you can play a 7 or less mana minion and copy it in the same turn, very playable.
In quest priest you can even play and copy Amara in the same turn, which is a lot of value. And also is not a dead card since you can copy any other deathrattle minion.
You can also play it in keleseth (because it’s a 3 mana bounce) and since it’s neutral the non-rogue keleseths will get a big buff to their minions of +2/+2 making them about as good as the average rogue turn 2. Rogue can also play this for a possible +4/+4 with keleseth, shadowstep, shadowstep, turn 3 zola.
Of course this is assuming your opponent doesn’t have removal to get rid of keleseth or they don’t care.
I mainly use Kelelock, so I’ll definitely craft this.
Looks like a good arena and jade card
I like it principally for rogue and reno decks (5 stars)
Thematically, I love this card. Mechanically, yeah sure. Get another N’Zoth or C’thun, get a combo piece, or just a quality card like Rag or Sylvanus, etc. Great card in specific decks, but not an auto-include.
Let’s look at shadow caster when comparing cards. I think this is a great card, think of all the creatures we would love to have two of, prince, nzoth, aya, obsidion statue, lich king, sure they can deal with one but multiple threats, solid card. I’ll play it.
Oh and quest rogue would like this card
why? why golden? what purpose does it server for it to be a golden copy? Would they drop 1 mana from the cost if it were a regular copy?
It’s just thematic… It’s a gorgon. Makes no difference to the cost of the card, but it’s a cool feature.
Gorgon normally turn people into stone. Perhaps this one turns people into gold…?
Maybe it’s because they make these cool Gold card animations and people don’t want to spend all their dust crafting them.
Its gorgon zola, cheese, it turns minies into cheese!
Ah, I see what they did there. And cheese is a nice golden color.
This is a great…
meme card.
The point of the golden copy would be what? I mean the card is good but why a golden copy when a copy is a copy?..
Its just a marketing strategy.. showing the golden version so you get tempted to crafting more golden minions..
Gorgonzola = cheese, and cheese is yellow – I think that’s what they were going for
Gorgonzola is actually white & green
My first thought was that she’s a Gorgon. They’d turn others into stone, so maybe it has something to do with it? What I thought at first but it seems dumb now
There has to be some way to exploit this with Barnes, Stitched Tracker, Mirage Caller, etc.
More like with reno, kazakus, bran. A fourth musketeer of reno trio.
So prince?!
Not a good card whatsoever. It reminds me of Stitched tracker, but instead u have to have minions on the board.
similar but not the same.. because this card is not limited to hunter, where the battlecries are very poor. And also stitched tracker has more RNG to its effect. This card will probably be limited to meme decks tho.
A golden copy? They should probably make the golden Zola add a normal copy to your hand then ^^ haha
Was thinking the same thing