Yoink! is a 1 Mana Cost Epic Rogue Spell card from the Forged in the Barrens set!
Card Text
Discover a Hero Power and set its Cost to (0). Swap back after 2 uses.
Flavor Text
Saying the spell’s name makes it work better.- Mana Cost: 1
- Crafting Cost: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 100 / 400 (Golden)
- Rarity: Epic
- Class: Rogue
- Card Type: Spell
- Set: Forged in the Barrens
- Mechanics: Change Cost, Discover
Not great, but for 1 mana it is okay. 3 stars.
So here’s my opinion for each 0 costed Hero Power:
Demon Hunter 11th
Druid 6th
Hunter 4th/5th
Mage 4th/5th
Paladin 8th
Priest 3rd
Rouge 7th
Shaman 10th
Warlock 1st
Warrior 2nd
I also feel like that you would just take Warlock, Warrior, Hunter, Mage and Priest, and like the rest is like filler or the Bad Hero Powers.
I also think that this is more suited for a more slower-oriented Deck. Maybe someone for Midrange Combo or even Control Rouge. Since, having a 0 Mana Deal 2 Damage to the hero is what Midrange wants for example, or if they want to deal 1 damage to a minion, but usually, the moment you see warlock’s Hero Power, Most of the time, Rouges will instantly just take it, without hesitation, almost in a braindead way. I know I would just instantly grab Warlock’s Hero power at least, especially since it’s 0 Hero Power.
I’m actually going to give it 4 Stars since Combos exist.
Finley specified “basic Hero Power” whereas this doesn’t, so do we have confirmation whether this will or will not be able to discover non-basic Hero Powers?
It’s just basic hero power, which sucks, especially since it could have been much more in Wild.
1/5, in case you need help completing the “Use your Hero Power” quest and don’t want to play that annoying Razapriest.
Wandmaker looks pretty cracked in Rogue post rotation to begin with (getting you only cards ran in aggro rogue ANYWAY) so if this sees play it’ll be randomly generated and still be probably “on par” with a sinister strike generated.
I always hated Rogue hero power so this is a nice card. It’s actually alot of value for being a 1 mana card, I like it. Will it see play..? Hard to say. 3 stars for now
Maybe good in Weapon Rogue (since your hero power is useless after your equip a self-sharpening dagger) for some draw or face damage, otherwise kinda memey
How is the rating over 4 stars?! How is it even more than 2?
Thinking about it in terms of “it’s 4 mana value” is ridiculous as most hero powers are 0 cost effects. So basically it’s 1 mana get two 0 cost spells except not really spells as they won’t activate combos and other stuff that wants you playing cards.
Let’s see: (all of the following effects are over 2 turns, which makes them even worse)
Mage: Deal 2 (extremely bad)
Warrior: Gain 4 armor (bad even for rogue)
Priest: Heal 4 (lol)
Shaman: 2 totems (decent at best)
Warlock: 4 health for 2 cards (probably the best, but good luck getting it consistently)
Demon Hunter: 2 attack (probably the worst one to get)
Druid: 2 attack and 2 armor (like that bad 1 mana druid card… except over 2 turns)
Paladin: Two 1/1s (might be good if it was both upfront, but it’s not)
Hunter: 4 damage (second best, but two good outcomes out of 9 is pretty terrible)
Please, I’d love to know how it’s over 4 stars. I’ll wait.
Too inconsistent and too low value to warrant inclusion in a deck.
seems aight, and great wandmaker thing to get
The best HP you could have is Warlock’s with 0 mana, and Rogue already have plenty of draws method.
Next one probably Hunter’s. Dealing extra 4 damage.
Totem, S.Knight. Armor. Heal. Nope.
Those of us who have played Magic would have thought that a Rogue Yoink spell would have been a bounce spell.
(Bouncing a friendly minion for one).
This is a great card with lot of cool uses. But I wouldn’t have called it Yoink.
And frankly bounce is really powerful and useful for rogues.
I just love how mad this is