Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End
Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End is a 10 Mana Cost Legendary Neutral Minion card from the Whispers of the Old Gods set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Cast a random spell for each spell you've cast this game (targets chosen randomly).
Flavor Text
I spell your doom... Y-O-U-R D-O-O-M!- Mana Cost: 10
- Attack: 7
- Health: 5
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Whispers of the Old Gods
- Mechanics: Battlecry
Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End Additional Information
Try out our Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End Spell Card Simulator!
- “Yogg-Saron’s Battlecry affects all potential targets, including your own hero.” [Source]
- “Yogg-Saron’s spells are randomly selected from all collectible spells, and one is cast for each spell you’ve played.” [Source]
- “Random effects in Standard will only use cards eligible for Standard play, so Yogg-Saron would only cast Standard spells.” [Source]
- “Yogg-Saron can target himself, but even if he’s destroyed or transformed, the full Battlecry still takes place.” [Source]
- “If a card provides options, such as Raven Idol or Wrath, Yogg-Saron randomly selects one of those options when the spell is cast.” [Source]
- “In a case where one of Yogg-Saron’s spells has no eligible targets, it fizzles.” [Source]
- Will cards that only affect enemy minions target yours instead? “Yogg-Saron follows the rules, so the spells will follow their card text as though your hero cast them.” [Source]
- If you can repeat Yogg-Saron’s Battlecry will it count the spells from the first Battlecry? “Yogg-Saron counts the spells that your hero has cast, so its Battlecry doesn’t contribute to that number.” [Source]
- “Spells cast by Yogg-Saron will NOT buff Mana Wyrm, interact with Archmage Antonidas, trigger Flamewaker, etc.” [Source]
- “Forbidden cards (Forbidden Shaping, Forbidden Flame, and Forbidden Healing) will use any mana you have remaining (normally 0, but more if you’ve reduced Yogg’s mana cost somehow.)” [Source]
- “Secrets can be casted by Yogg-Saron as well and they would go into play as if you casted them.” [Source]
- “Yogg-Saron’s spells count as being cast by Yogg-Saron, so they shouldn’t interact with Trade Prince Gallywix or Lorewalker Cho.” [Source]
- If you Fireball yourself for lethal damage could you then heal yourself? “If the Fireball would do lethal damage, then the rest of the spells stop casting.” [Source]
- If Yogg-Saron casts a spell with Overload you will NOT receive the Overload. [Source]
- Hallazeal the Ascended WILL heal you if damage spells are cast by Yogg-Saron. [Source]
Cards Relating to Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
C'Thun Type: Minion - Cost: 8 - Attack: 6 - Health: 6 Battlecry: Deal damage equal to this minion's Attack randomly split among all enemies. |
N'Zoth, The Corruptor Type: Minion - Cost: 10 - Attack: 5 - Health: 7 Battlecry: Summon your Deathrattle minions that died this game. |
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound Type: Minion - Cost: 10 - Attack: 10 - Health: 10 At the end of your turn, put a minion from your deck into the battlefield. |
People don’t really understand how OP this truly is. Sure you can pyroblast yourself in the face, but around 70% of all spells are confirmed to have positive or symmetrical value. Think about it. Cards that have word ”enemy” always work for you
-ALL card draw spells (Arcane Intellect, Nourish)
-About 80% of board clears (rest with symmetrical effects) (Flamestrike, Blizzard, Frost Nova, Holy nova etc)
-About half of removal (execute, MC, assassinate, swipe, cobra shot etc.)
-ALL secrets
-All split damage effects (Avenging Wrath, Arcane Missiles etc.)
-ALL summon a minion effects (Mirror image, Feral spirit, Stand Against Darkness,Call of the Wild etc.)
-Some face damage spells (Mind Blast etc.)
and here around 80% of ppl think it sucks because…It can pyroblast your own face? But really what are the chances of that? I really think this will see a lot of competitive play. You don’t even need to build a deck around it.
At first I thought this was bad, then I read this… facepalm
Also forgot to mention all the hero-enhancing cards such as Shield Block, Claw, Bite, Heroic strike…
This will be the best. You are a fatigue warrior with tones of armor. Play this, unstable portal to get velen, unstable portal get wrath guard. Then double ancestor’s call to pull out velen and wrath guard. Finally shield slam the wrath guard.
Or this can use ancestor’s call to pull out auchenai soul priest and play tree of life. GG WP
And now there r 2 great Old Gods and…. 2 extra fun monkey cards. Trolden approves
Definetely the most fun of the old gods, but probably not competitive.
In the end it looks like Cthun will be the god of Standard, N’zoth will be the god of Wild, Y’Shaarj, will definitely be the God of arena, and finally Yogg-Saron is the God of RNG!
All of them definitely seem super awesome to me, I really can’t wait till the expansion now!
Imagen this card played with a Nozzdormu on the field… guess how many turns will skip during the animation time ^^
Prediction: the game will end due to the 50-turn limit!
Definitely not competitive, but I’m so gonna make a new freeze mage with this. Cabalist Tome will superpower this card, which is awesome. You can basically run a more spell heavy freeze mage (its already really spell heavy actually lol) and than throw this down for an epic finish.
except by turn 10 you will be at low if not 1 health and ice block will not save you
Play Yogg, summons bouncing blades and kills self, then hits yourself in the face with every damage spell in the game.. Biggest screw you in the history of hearthstone. ALTHOUGH I will still use this card just for the sheer fun of it
and then you realize the last spell he casts is the tree of life,
If he kills either player first the game ends
There is a reason it is “Hope’s End”…
The truest #yolo card
Complete RNG junk. Will never be played except as a joke.
read my comment, before you judge
I agree, we’ll done on the homework, this could very well see competitive play. Even if you get minor spells, this card definitely has a shit ton of board impact, and that’s the sign of a solid 10 drop, even in the most minion heavy decks you are bound to play enough spells to give this value.
do you think this card fits well in reno decks?
absolutely, after all, like all old gods, Yogg Saron is a 10 drop and for it to be useful, you also have to be alive on turn 10 with preferably some health to be safe.
Geez, everyone is looking at this in the worst way. This card is meant to not be played with risky pyroblasts and fireballs, it’s meant for general effects. Imagine a priest deck with thoughtseize, shadow madness, holy Nova, maybe even mindblast. (Lightbomb in wild).
EDIT: ohhhh it says random spell for each spell you cast… nvm pretty bad. Good for people that wanna have fun though.
I don’t care how uncompetitive this card is; this is going to be hilarious.
But if you actually care about the competitiveness of a card this amazing, I see it as a sort of last-ditch effort to win the game (1 health, enemy has full board? Not anymore!). Basically, no matter how bad your situation, you still have a chance at an incredible comeback. As people have noted, you have a chance to Pyroblast your face 3 times, but it has an equal chance to happen to your opponent; if your opponent has 30 health and you have 1, this might just pull you back from the brink. Basically, NEVER play this while you’re winning.
Trolden will be pleased.
pyro blast yourself 2 times , tree of life , pyroblast enemy 3 times , watch them rage
Tree of life will not be in standard.
This card might be really good finisher in freeze mage – if you have ice block in play, then you can make sure your hero is immune to potential face damage. Also, you need to be smart and attack as much face as you can with your minions before playing him , not after. Its situational, needs to be played correctly but has neat potential – plus, its just plain cool.
It doesn’t work with ice block, you hero can kill themselves with their own spells even if you have ice block
It doesn’t work with ice block, you hero can kill themselves with their own spells even if you have ice block
Actually i’m wondering how that works, will ice block trigger according to turn, or according to who cast the spell. if it is the latter then you will trigger ice block. since it’s yogg that casts the spells. not your hero
Turn not who
it does not matter who cast. secrets dont activate on the owner’s turn. you can kill youself by pinging a boom bot, for example.
Ice block does not work on your turn.
Fun card, can’t wait to see in go stand against darkness into doom into stand against darkness into doom into stand against darkness into concede.
Worst card in this expention confirmed!
GG Blizzard! We were waiting for the best card in the new expention, but got an unplayable card. It can give your opponents 1-1 5 kings) or phyroblast your face 3 times) or even stupid sh#it like you play priest, play auchenai, and then this card) and it heal weaves you 3 times for 14 and you die… Trolden payed Blizzard to make such card 100%
I suspect that this is a card that you hold in your hand until you’re 1 turn away from dead; if it’s your only option, people will trade into an enemy Shredder in the hopes of getting a Doomsayer. This will be like that, except with 10-20 spells- you might get unlucky and die, but you would have died anyway, so it won’t matter. However, this also has the chance to pull you back for a miraculous comeback.
Like you noted, it has a chance to wail on your face with spells. However, it has an equal (actually, far better) chance to deal damage to your opponent’s face, clear the board, summon minions, or heal you. And when you’re in a losing position, any of those can completely turn the game around in your favor (or win you the game outright, if you get lucky).
So while I don’t know if it’s playable, it certainly has the possibility of bringing you back from the brink. As long as you never play it while you’re winning, it should be a very potent comeback mechanic. If nothing else, it will be hilarious.
It can not give your opponents stand against darkness, the description explains, the spells are cast as if you are the one casting them. Also, I can guarantee you if it hits you 3 times in the face with pyroblast it will be a one in a trillion event, you should be happy to see something like that happening.
actually it’s 4,7%*4,7%*4,7%=0.0103823% chance of fireblast your own face in standard
And 4.2%*4.2%*4.2%*=0.0074088% chance in wild.
3 times pyroblast to face, i mean
important question: does hallazeal the ascended heal you for the damage dealt by this card?
Yes: https://twitter.com/PlayHearthstone/status/718213910541807617
Ok, I do not care if this guy isn’t viable in constructive, you know damn well you are going to have a chaotic time when you summon this guy. He is pure chaos and could bring us some of the best moments in the game. Let the insanity commence!!!
Holy shit, miracle rogue will destroy the whole hearthstone universe with this card.
definitley my favorite card in the set. Also, how is it affected by spell damage?
Not sure about Spell Damage.
I am going to build a freeze age deck and see if I can time out an opponent’s turn from the spells alone. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
freeze age decks are my favorite
This is going into my Freeze Mage, for sure.
No matter what I can’t wait to see the effect in the game
It’s a cool card, but not worth the 10 mama in my opinion. It’s too dangerous and too niche. I probably wont run it in most decks.
I don’t think this card will be amazing because of fireball and pyroblast etc. hitting ur own hero but u won’t cast too many spells before u play him maybe 5-10 so there is a small chance of him hitting ur face.
Guys… do you realize that with this card you can actually play secret mage or secret hunter? i think that a deck with one/two copy of 5 good secrets, some boardclears, this card, and then a lots of minions will actually be pretty fun… i can see even some interactions with cabalist’s tome…
I feel like most are jumping to shit on this card, but you have to realize that anything bad that can happen has an equal chance to whack your opponent instead. Then consider that while there are quite a few spells that could target your own minions as well as opponents, there are also a ton of spells that only hit enemy minions. Throw in the fact that any secret just acts as if you’ve played it and I could see this being a late game threat in a control deck. Play it against a board of at least 2-3 opponent minions and you will probably make a significant (positive) impact on your victory chances.
100% agree. I could really see Yogg fitting into a spell-heavy control deck. He could outright lose you some games, but as long as he wins you more games than he loses, you’ll keep climbing the ol’ ladder…
Just tell me… what’s the chance in freeze mage, that this guy will deal dmg to opponent minions and face? OK.. how many buff spells like kings do you know? 3 palladin spells, 4 priest spells, 3 druid spells, 3 shaman spells, 4 warrior spells, 1 rogue spell, 3 warlock spells. Too rng for constructed. So it would be like mill rogue… fun, funny, sometimes you win. But most of the time you spend 20 minutes playing without mistakes and winning, and then this card takes the win from you.. fbm..
Once again, you are only looking at the worst possible outcomes. Think about all the board clears. Think about all of the burn he could unleash on your opponent’s minions. From my original take on the card, you can clearly see that he has a much higher chance to generate a positive outcome than negative, so long as you play it while they have some amount of board. A fun and viable late game drop.
42% in wild and 4.7% in standard with each spell
As long as you don’t play it while you’re ahead, it should help you out quite a bit… If you’re at 1 health, and your opponent is at 30, this could very well be your only chance to win.
Everyone says that you’re going to get fireball’ and frostbolted to death, but the exact same thing could happen to the enemy.
Just think of the possibilities! :O
– Pyroblast your own face 3 times!
– Cast 5 different draw spells, sending you straight to fatigue!
– Call of the Wild + Ball of Spiders + Stand Against Darkness + Twisting Nether! What a combo!
– Savagery + Bestial Wrath + Sacrifical Pact + Totemic Might + Bolster! The ultimate value play!
– And in Wild, kill your opponent with a Fireball and then get Tree of Life! Wow!
they would still lose, “If the Fireball would do lethal damage, then the rest of the spells stop casting.”
Aww. That info wasn’t there when I posted. RIP Fireball + Tree of Life combo
You forgot the combo where he casts Blessing of Kings on himself twice, Polymorphs himself, and then casts Smite on himself! How could you miss that one?!?
How could I be so blind!? It’s amazing! :O
Wow, just when I thought they could never print a card WORSE than Arcane Explosion. 10 mana flip a coin to see if you lose the game.
Correction, worse than Millhouse. Millhouse can get you killed on turn 1 if the stars align but this guy just reads “10 mana 1/0 Battlecry: Flip a coin, if heads, you die. If Tails, something mildly good happens. If the coin lands perfectly on its side, you win.”
If you’re 1 turn from death, a coin flip is the best chance you’ll get. Besides, it will be very amusing to watch, whatever ends up happening.
Or you could win the game.
This is the first hearthstone card I’ve seen that probably requires a 15-page academic paper with statistical analysis, monte-carlo trials, meta analysis and weighted card models to examine the average effect and it’s variation. Questions such as: if I cast this as class X and there are Y and Z minions controlled by me and my opponent how likely is each minion to survive, and how much damage to face is expected? What is the optimum number of spells? What minions that I play optimise this? What minions that my opponent plays optimise this?
fiddy %. The answer is always fiddy.
just play fatique warrior kinda armor up as f… and drop it or even better armored warrior but u need to cast spells wich is harder in warrior
still shouyld be fun
If it casts a secret, will the secret be yours or will it be played for your opponent?
Yours. https://twitter.com/PlayHearthstone/status/718131227774087169
People are so pessimistic about the opportunity of being hit in the face with damage spells. Your opponent has an equal chance to get hit hard by damage spells. Also, remember there are a lot of board clear cards, drawing cards, discover cards. Analysis would need to be done to see what the odds of getting certain types of spells are.
But remember: this is HS! When you play something RNG you will get shit upon! When your opponent does you will get shit upon!
Take the hint…
Never lucky rubber ducky
100% Ladder fun, 0% Competitive Play
so true it is unreal
Troll freeze Mage incoming.
This card is probably unplayable. In theory you play it in a losing position and wipe the opposing board, but in reality it can’t be counted on to do that. You’ll play it and draw some cards, play a few weak minions, kill an enemy, buff an enemy, kill a few of your own guys, kill another opposing minion, draw some more cards, kill Yogg-Sharon and realize that you’ve mostly wasted your turn. It has potential, but it’s far too random to actually be of any consistent help. You’re just as likely to screw yourself or do very little impactful as you are to actually do what you want. Actually, you’re probably more likely to screw yourself than do what you want, Murphy’s Law and all that.
It would be good if negative spells only hit your opponent and their minions, while positive spells only hit your stuff. I think playing this on ten mana and then having Yogg-Saron proceed to assassinate itself and then heal your opponent is a good way to ruin the game. So I think it’s bad unless the targets are a bit more intentional.
Okay, so it can’t assassinate (card text is only destroy enemy minions), but it can power overwhelming itself or drop a twisting nether or shadow word death
Its for me goood cause there is ALOT of spels wich are tarheted on enemys like most board clearers
u need to be caerfull if its fatigue war cause u can draw nd is ALOT spels wich can deal demage to all enemys or few wich only target heroes and target random enemy so most cases it will be more + (and u can just drom at end happily tree of life and hate life
daaaaaaam just filldeck with spels and u will seee power of pure RNG when it comes out its soo dam RNG just NECER use it when u are jaraxus (cuz u now u are deamonaand maby ONLY deamon) )
What happens when you Pyroblast your own face killing you but then Tree of Life is cast as the next spell?
It looks like once someone receives lethal damage the spells will stop: https://twitter.com/PlayHearthstone/status/718137544609828865
So because his battlecry is “Cast a spell,” does he combo with Antonidas? I guess what I’m wondering is if the battlecry is making you cast the spell. It would also be a good clarification for Troggs and Spellbender/Counterspell.
No, it was just clarified: https://twitter.com/PlayHearthstone/status/718132869109981184
Is unplyable… you can Frost yourself, Pyroblast your minions, make the other gain life… is TOOOOOOOO rambom
When you’re about to lose, you NEED the randomness if you want to make a comeback. That said, it’s incredibly unreliable and obviously a very niche card.
Can it.. Can it kill its own body ?
Can it hit itself?
Can it target itself*
Talk about pure RNG, either way I love this random spells on random targets effect
I dunno, targets are chosen randomly, what if you get Pyroblasted in the face by accident lol
OMG! i’ve been waiting so freaking long for Yoggy to be released. Now the hype for the rest of the cards is totally gone. But damn he’s a straight up badass! Can’t wait to pull this off together with a C’thun deck maybe. It’s gonna be so epic. I’ll have both a Yogg’saron and C’thun deck. And he’ll even be useful at doing some heroic adventures
couldn’t he just fireball your own face multiple times?
Yep, he could lol.
Nop , that is like 1/30000
Till you get pyro-blast in the face. Then you gonna have a bad time.
but u cant mindblast yourself and u cant assasinate but u can tree of life all or flame lance or polimorph both sheep and boar or cabalist tome or draw till fatique still LOVE IT
but for me ods are MOSTLY it will more positive (but will be games whan u triple pyro ur face)
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