Wrathscale Naga
Wrathscale Naga is a 3 Mana Cost Epic Demon Hunter Minion Naga card from the Demon Hunter Initiate set!
Card Text
After a friendly minion dies, deal 3 damage to a random enemy.
Flavor Text
If throwing glaives is what you crave;summon tokens and make 'em broken.
- Mana Cost: 3
- Attack: 3
- Health: 3
- Crafting Cost: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 100 / 400 (Golden)
- Rarity: Epic
- Class: Demon Hunter
- Card Type: Minion
- Minion Type: Naga
- Set: Demon Hunter Initiate
- Mechanics: Damage
The card is a lot of fun to play combos with it.
Obviously this will die as soon as your opponent gets hist turn, so you have to play it and get as many triggers out of it immediately.
[Coordinated Strike] and [Command the Illidari] are obviously the best options, and [Umberwing] is just a very good card that also happens to create tokens, albeit without rush.
With so many token generators, [Knife Juggler] becomes an auto-include. Feast of Souls helps you to recharge after running all your Illidari into your opponent’s minions. Skull of Gul’Dan helps you to assemble the combo and accelerates the combos by making the parts cheaper.
To stay alive until the mana for the combos is available, Eye Beam and Ashtongue Battlelord help with lifegain.
The rest of the deck can be filled with random good cards that keep your opponents busy until you can surprise them with tons of wrathscale damage out of nowhere
Kind of an interesting card. It only has 1 health despite being 3 mana, so it’s almost guaranteed to die before your next turn. I would recommend saving it for late game so you can play Coordinated Strike/Command the Illidari and this in a single turn. 3.5/5.
This card is so ridículous, this cosas play around a lot of tokens and cheap minions, 3 damage for each is so damage, need nerf
Naga + tempest illidan + the 2 cost that draw for each minion dead with are 3 1/1, 9 random damage and 3 cards…
8 Mana play this and the summon 6 1/1 rush minions and you have a ridiculous amount of triggers that pays for itself. Depending on RNG.
So Soul Juggler makes it into constructed, sort of. Seems powerful with the cards generating 1/1s with Rush to help clear boards, and it can go face which is massive. The 3/1 statline makes it easy to remove but it can probably pop off on the turn it’s played.