Wispering Woods
Wispering Woods is a 4 Mana Cost Epic Druid Spell card from the The Witchwood set!
Card Text
Summon a 1/1 Wisp for each card in your hand.
Wispering Woods is a 4 Mana Cost Epic Druid Spell card from the The Witchwood set!
Summon a 1/1 Wisp for each card in your hand.
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So one more card directly coppied from Magic:The Gathering? It is a nice one though. I might actually try “hand” druid myself when the expansion hits
P.S. The magic card I am talking about is spontanious generation – look it up. I find it really cool when HS copies cards from MTG though, I love both games a lot.
They are making mill/hand druid a thing, and this is a 4 mana 7/7 in it.
maybe good in mill or control in wild, played with poison seeds
will definitely find it´s way in my druid deck
why? because that´s the damn first nice worgen female art card
Actualy i like synergy with Witchwood apple. I can see some possibility for high hand Mount giant +buffs deck for this
Another furry art. Nice 10/10
If druids get a chance to lower spell cost, then this and Pilfered Power will be great in wild.
I can only see this card being useful if you have at least 7 cards in hand, so you’d summon 6 wisps. Putting 12 stats on the board for 4 mana is pretty good, but Living Mana does it better and more reliably.
Perhaps if they were 1/2s instead, this would be decent if it only summoned 4 of them, but that’s not the card we have.
Hopefully, the two cards revealed in the stream will be the only total crap cards druid gets.
Just as nearly all the Druid mass-buffs rotate out … but then again, this would be a terrible fit for aggro-token Druid as you’re never likely to have that many cards in hand when you could play this.
I suppose it combos OK with Nourish – but then I think I’d rather have a free 4/4 Arcane Tyrant on turn 5 than 6 or 7 1/1s on turn 9 (or Onyxia would be more popular). Unless there’s going to be some good token Druid support this is going to be pretty weak in Standard – I don’t think Soul of the Forest, Evolving Spores or Branching Paths are going to cut it.
I guess there’s some potential in Wild with Mark of the Lotus or Poison Seeds maybe.
Even in a Big EZ deck I don’t really see what this does. Against Aggro its just too slow, and against control its a dead card.
100 dust, nothing more.
Giant druid deck? Nc
This is supposed to be aggro oriented, but how likely are you to have a big hand in turn 4 as aggro?
Noooooo I don’t wanna play against aggro druids!
So agrro druid is getting even better hmm
R u high? This is trash in aggro Druid
True aggro Druid won’t have many cards in their hand by turn 4
It works with cards like Twilight drake and mountain giant
but maybe this can be a last resort in agrro, when you don’t have many minions and only buffs. You do the 5 card draw and play this next turn.
Or it can work just as a helping hand in self mil druid that I am going to make.