Wildpaw Cavern
Wildpaw Cavern is a 4 Mana Cost Rare Shaman Spell card from the Fractured in Alterac Valley set!
Card Text
At the end of your turn, summon a 3/4 Elemental that Freezes. Lasts 3 turns.
Flavor Text
Adventurers were quite confused when they saw how many boots were frozen to the ceiling.Wildpaw Cavern Additional Information
Cards Relating to Wildpaw Cavern
Frozen Stagguard Type: Minion - Cost: 3 - Attack: 3 - Health: 4 Freeze any character damaged by this minion. |
9/12 worth of stats for 4 mana + freeze. 4.5 stars.
So it’s a spell.
It involves freezing things.
It’s not a Frost spell for the legendary.
Either way probably too slow at 4 mana.