Whirliglider is a 2 Mana Cost Common Neutral Minion card from the The Boomsday Project set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Summon a 0/2 Goblin Bomb.
Flavor Text
She's on a bomb voyage.Cards Relating to Whirliglider
Goblin Bomb Type: Minion - Cost: 1 - Health: 2 Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to the enemy hero. |
Whirliglider Card Review
It has incredibly weak stats, but it summons a Goblin Bomb, so I guess it makes it fair. Definitely bad in a deck that can’t take advantage of the Bomb. But it might be playable in a deck that wants to summon as many Bombs as possible and utilize them. That said, I feel like “Bomb Hunter” has enough ways to summon them already so it looks unnecessary.
Like, it’s similar to Bomb Toss, but it gives you a 2/1 body instead of dealing 2 damage. Deal 2 damage is definitely stronger, because it scales better into the late game, but it’s not the worst thing ever in a deck like that. Overall, okay card in a Bomb deck and bad outside.
Card rating: 5/10
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Board Clear
Strong because it also summons a mech and enables many effects thereon.
2/5. Competes with current neutral 2 drops but isn’t good enough when compared to class specific ones.
it’s pretty garbage to just throw in a deck, but if you build around the goblin bombs this could be pretty powerful, especially in hunter with stuff like cybertech chip, void ripper, and the new baron riverdale
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Seems not so bad in a go-wide strategy, like the old token druid deck with mark of the lotus. 2 bodies for 2 mana, 1 of which has an aggressive deathrattle and 1 of which has a decent attack stat. Despite seeming bad/boring, I can see this card being fun and not too terrible.
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