Wand Thief
Wand Thief is a 1 Mana Cost Common Mage, Rogue Minion card from the Scholomance Academy set!
Card Text
Combo: Discover a Mage spell.
Wand Thief is a 1 Mana Cost Common Mage, Rogue Minion card from the Scholomance Academy set!
Combo: Discover a Mage spell.
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Disgusting in rouge so 5/5 stars there. I don’t really think mage likes combo cards. Not being able to play this turn one in mage is game breaking. Also kinda clunky in Highlander mage if you start the game drawing your expensive cards. 3 starts for mage 5 for rouge.
How would wand thief work with the 0standard rogue quest? More specifically, when you draw it, would it count as “adding” a card from another class to your hand? If so, this expansion will make a tempo style quest rogue not just viable, but meta-defining maybe.
How would wand thief work with the 0standard rogue quest? More specifically, when you draw it, would it count as “adding” a card from another class to your hand? If so, that would be insane.
I run an Off Meta Stealth/Combo Rogue deck that I could see this fitting into. It’s a highly enjoyable deck but currently has no 1 cost combo cards… but it will soon. This looks great but it has minor drawbacks that would keep some decks from wanting it. Could Quest Rogue return with help from this? Not sure but I’ll run it.
Not much to say here. 5 stars.
Will probably be replacing Pharoah Cat as the 1 drop of choice for Rogue.
5 Stars.
This is a Ridiculos Card. Powerful for Galakrond Rouge, And Even something like Highlander Mage could see themselves using Wand Thief.
Ok so this may see a bit of play in a spell combo mage type deck it’s a cheap minion that could give another spell. Overall though it fits better in rogue but mage may try it out.
I’m starting to understand why the nerfed DQ Alex and Galakron. Imagine a Highlander Rogue with such a cards.
Quest mage let’s go.
The fact it needs Combo active holds this back a lot, especially in Mage. I think it might end up in a lot of decks, but at one of the cards that are most likely to be cut. Something you add as 26th card in your deck instead of something like Anchient Mysteries or Sap.
I couldn’t agree more.
Will 100% be in all rouge decks. In mage not so much I think
This cards fits better in Rogue than Mage but it’s an OK card.
Of course, strong, but an unhealthy effect.
Can’t wait to use this in my quest rogue deck.
If Reno mage is still a deck, this probably goes right into it (but it’s perhaps gona be tricky to activate). The current mage spell pool is really good…
A 1-cost 1/2 minion that replaces itself usually winds up feeling like “why NOT run this card?”. The fact that it isn’t actually a one-drop like Pharaoh Cat or Town Crier is a knock against it, but still seems playable, maybe moreso for Rogue than for Mage.