Wailing Banshee
Wailing Banshee is a 1 Mana Cost Rare Neutral Minion Undead card from the March of the Lich King set!
Card Text
Deathrattle: Give a random friendly Undead +2/+1.
Flavor Text
:O- Mana Cost: 1
- Attack: 2
- Health: 1
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Minion Type: Undead
- Set: March of the Lich King
- Mechanics: Buff Minion, Deathrattle
Another Undead 1 drop, but this one is bad. Simply put, 1 drops which are bad on turn 1 are never worth playing. This one in particular, it sucks.