Unite the Murlocs
Unite the Murlocs is a 1 Mana Cost Legendary Shaman Spell card from the Journey to Un'Goro set!
Card Text
Quest: Summon 8 Murlocs. Reward: Megafin.
Flavor Text
Form feet and legs! Form arms and body! Oh. Sorry. I was thinking about Mechafin.- Mana Cost: 1
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Shaman
- Card Type: Spell
- Set: Journey to Un'Goro
- Mechanics: Quest
Unite the Murlocs Additional Information
Cards Relating to Unite the Murlocs
Megafin Type: Minion - Cost: 5 - Attack: 8 - Health: 8 Battlecry: Fill your hand with random Murlocs. |
For those who do not believe in the capabilities of this card, do you not remember the wise words of hearthstone master Brian Kibler?
“Don’t let your memes be dreams!” -Brian Kibler 2017
If it was possible for him to become a 40 health Jaraxxus, then it is possible for all hearthstone players to achieve a turn five Megafin into filling your hand with Murdoch bandleader and old murk-eyes. It takes more luck to dirty rat – entomb jaraxxus than it does to get a good hand with an early megafin. If I can fight through the spell check this paragraph is giving me (Somehow jaraxxus = antacids) and Kibler can get a forty health antacids (jaraxxus) then by all means, you can get a good megafin!
Don’t let your memes be dreams!
There’s one GIANT flaw with this Quest. There are many answers to it. Megafin himself can be Shadow Word: Death’d or Siphon Souled, and the murlocs, even with Warleaders, most of them can be destroyed by Twisting Nether, Dragonfire Potion, or even Pyro plus Equality. Good Quest, but if you opponent has an answer, you’re screwed.
Death will rise, from the tide!!
I am
Murloc Shaman will finally rise.
Morgl has been waiting.
Can you get megafin from megafin? just imagine it
Nope, you can’t get uncollectible cards.
Yeah, and probably it would be too owerpowered.
I’ve seen Megafin and he is very similar to Neptulon, but with no Overload cost. Megafin is a 5 mana 8/8 Battlecry: Fill your hand with random Murlocs. Not really impressed and the only good Murloc support that came out in Un’Goro is Primalfin Lookout which allows you to Discover a Murloc if you have an existing one on board. The best Murlocs in the game currently are Bluegill Warrior, Murloc Warleader, and Finja, the Flying Star. Other than that the only other Murloc(s) and support that is worth running is Grimscale Oracle and Gentle Megasaur. If Blizzard didn’t rotate Old Murk-Eye, then it’d be option to use. I still think Jade Shaman will be dominant and maybe the possibility of Elemental Shaman.
Neptuno is a 7/7 for 8 mana which adds three murlocs to your hand and has overload. Giantfin in 5 mana 8/8 and fills your hand with murlocs. Its a big difference to neptulon so you can’t say your not impressed just cause neptulon wasn’t great. Giantfin is a lot fcking better
Not only that, but Giantfun IS actually a murloc.
You forgot about coldlight oracle
your forgot sir finley mrrggleton
You forgot standard
Don’t forget murloc ambush
i hope a murloc with taunt for we have a viable deck shaman murloc
Rooolll the Gentle Megasaur!
Hmm intresting so lets teory craft
U putting all murlocks wich u need Blugill/warleader finishers finja new discover murlock etc
would be great if not rotating out Everyfin is awesome
thou i wana see agro Murlock shamans with all posiible murlocks
uh. you… you know that anyfin is a.. paladin card. right?
as in, not shaman?
man you know that there are 2 cards existing that are 10 mana and deal with murlocs:
ANYFIN can happen: summon 7 friendly murlocs that died this game
EVERYFIN can happen: give your minions +2/+2, costs 1 less for every murloc on your board
so better think about you comment next time,
have a great day!
the card is “everyfin is awesome” and costs 7 mana XD…
Going to give you the same advice!
Have a great day!
And they’re both going wild
What about wild tho…? Why doesn’t anybody like wild?
Blizzard was like, “I guess we should let the people know we won’t be making this the year of the shaman again, so let’s give them the worst quest that requires them playing 10 of the worst minion type in the game”
the brutal true.
Well honestly the idea of this quest isnt that bad. The main Problem with murlocs has always been that you have too many low drops, which requiered you to combo them but still if it goes badly you will eventually run out of cards. This card prevents exactly that. You can keep flooding the board with murlocs and eventually refill your hand. Pretty cool idea imo.
Honestly I am happy lol
I Play murlock shaman and have 1-st rank DR
No, it’s “Maybe we should stop pumping good shaman decks into broken shaman decks. So let’s pump the worst shaman decks.”
Its not a bad quest and murlocs aren’t bad either, mechs are a lot worse.Stop talking trash
… Or maybe you can’t handl the truth
Making your deck worse by adding bad murlocs to it isn’t made better by filling your hand with EVEN WORSE Murlocs.
This won’t be played, although midrange elemental shaman might be played
Umm, it says summoned, not played. That means that Call in The Finishers counts towards it.
“Witness the power of pure water”
…. *hits blunt*
*narrows eyes*
…Curator… shaman…
One of the main problem of murloc aggro decks was running out of steam, and this card aims to correct this. But it’s not the best card for that – spending your turn 1 in such an agressive deck on a quest and losing a card of your mulligan to this is not a great idea for any aggro deck.
However, I think it might be just playable in shaman with double bluegill/warleader, finja and call in the finishers. Nevertheless, it would require you to insert the two murloc spells in just for the same reason people ran neptulon – some extra juice in the form of random murlocs.
Also, I’d say that the 5 mana 8/8 murloc is awesome, but it’s Shaman, so I guess it’s nothing out of the ordinary.
Don’t you think it could be a midrange murloc shaman? I mean not like the jade version, but like the old mid paladin..
I’d really love to see midrange murloc shaman work, though I fear that it won’t see any play as long as jade is also an option
My personal fear with this quest, minus the lost temp swing of Everyfin rotating out, is that Finja ruins the quest by pulling murlocs to the board, and not counting for “Summon 10 Murlocs.” Surely, Blizzard will have the insight to include that… But Blizzard doesn’t always behave correctly.
Pulling minions with finja counts as summoning, dude.
Derby of the season : Murloc Paladin vs Murloc Shaman.
But this means that the mage quest would be very probably “Summon Elementals”
I knew they would get a more like West I f****** called it now we just have to see if made to get sin Elemental or secret Quest
I don’t think that this in a deck would be a main win condition. This + water package + 2 call in the finishers = 8 cards that can produce 13 murlocs before megafin. You could still play jade shaman with this in mind.
SHAMAN: “hmmmmmm jade, elemental or mrglmrgl? which should i play?”
HUNTER: “can i play too guys?!?!?!”
Honestly, that’s quite sad, but you’re totally right!! XD
your comment cracked me up >.<
Hope that hunter legendary may see some plays in hunter decks and them being finally somewhat played in general…
Looking around turn 6-7, optimally, I do not know if this card is all that good. Megafins nice and all but by ten murlocs you probably have won. Maybe a good back up against control decks.
It would be used to stop murloc decks from losing momentum when the enemy swings bored control.
This card seems really bad at first but if you think about it, there is that 4 mana spell that summons 4 murlocs, finja, bluegill warrior, that new murloc that discovers another murloc, warleader and corrupting seer. These are all descent murlocs but the problem I have is that the reward sucks dick like why would I want to fill my entire hand, which already forces me to overdraw, with useless murlocs. Maybe this is for an aggro murloc deck but then we still need to see some other cards that can support this deck because now its not powerfull enough but I still will try out this deck for the memes
but because megafin is only 5 mana you can probably play some of the murlocs you get as you will be on turn 8-10 most likely
A hand full of Murdock’s is insane! Esp if you got the right combos like a tidecaller, stinger, and seer.
yay now its easier to do the 75 murloc quest
Ok i died
Glad someone sees the positive side here