Un’Goro Brochure

Un’Goro Brochure Card

Un’Goro Brochure is a 4 Mana Cost Common Druid, Warrior Spell card from the The Traveling Travel Agency set!

Card Text

Draw two minions. Give them +2/+2. (Flips each turn.)

Flavor Text

Our Un'Goro package includes the Tortollan travel tour! Just don't mind the Devilsaurs.

Un’Goro Brochure Additional Information

The card flips each turn between Un’Goro Brochure and Dalaran Brochure:

Cards Relating to Un'Goro Brochure

Dalaran Brochure
Type: Spell - Cost: 4
Draw two spells. They cost (1) less. (Flips each turn.)

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