Tour Guide
Tour Guide is a 1 Mana Cost Common Neutral Minion card from the Scholomance Academy set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Your next Hero Power costs (0).
Flavor Text
"Here is the original blueprint for the Academy grounds! Don't mind those so-called dark chambers… They'll be at the end of the tour."- Mana Cost: 1
- Attack: 1
- Health: 1
- Crafting Cost: 40 / 400 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 5 / 50 (Golden)
- Rarity: Common
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Scholomance Academy
- Mechanics: Battlecry, Change Cost
Regular Pog in arena on this
Waterboy: Who are you?
Tour Guide: I’m you, but stronger.
Me; Seems about right. 3 Stars, but 5 Stars for Mage.
Meme Demon Hunters will use this for sure, Kappa.
God this card is a problem for wild. Every odd deck (besides odd demon hunter, I guess) will auto-include this. Odd paladin is the most notable, but this is also just kobold lackey in odd mage.
Really strong card for aggressive archetypes!
Zoolock can use it as (slightly worse) Kobold Librarian
Paladins got Alleycat
Mage has Elven Archer, but the Battlecry can also be cast next turn.
This goes great into every tempo mana curve and will probably fill a variety of decks. Solid 4 Star card!
Fabulous. Totem Shaman would like this guy…
Odd paladin can now get 3 guys on turn one going first, or even going second one could play this and coin south sea deckhand and have 5 minions on their turn one. It is probably good for paladin or warlock in arena but for the rest of the classes it is pretty much just trash.
Wow, it’s literally a Kobold Librarian for Warlock but with 1 less attack. Impressive, not a bad card at all.
His slogan is you can be a DH to for one turn only see what’s it’s like to have a 1 cost HP.
All the Wild Odd decks are gonna be happy with this lil guy.
As for Standard, pretty much a weaker Kobold Librarian, but for all classes, so this is definitely going to see some sort of play.
The comparison I made with Kobold Librarian was that it replicates the classes’ respective hero power on a cheap stick. Kobold Librarian was a warlock card that was pretty much warlock HP on a stick. This is just that, but neutral, so any hero power.
Rip fencing coach
A LOT better than that silly card from Rastakhan. Do you guys even remember it? Water seller or something.
Waterboy. 2 mana 2/1 with the same battlecry but the effect only lasted one turn. Terrible card, especially compared to this.
Yeah. It was really really bad. I think this one might see play. Perhaps only I am interested in this combo but this is also a nice combo with Lord Jaraxxus, with 10 mana it allows you to finally Hero Power on the same turn that you play him so that you have some degree of board presence (without needing the coin which is usually long gone, assuming you even had it).
I think the reason it was so weak was because Genn and Baku were still standard.
Very strong.