Topior the Shrubbagazzor
Topior the Shrubbagazzor is a 7 Mana Cost Legendary Druid Minion Dragon card from the Murder at Castle Nathria set!
Card Text
Battlecry: For the rest of the game, after you cast a Nature spell, summon a 3/3 Whelp with Rush.
Flavor Text
They got a dragon that burns 1000 gallons of anima a week.Topior the Shrubbagazzor Additional Information
Cards Relating to Topior the Shrubbagazzor
Whelpagazzor Type: Minion - Cost: 3 - Attack: 3 - Health: 3 Rush |
I guess I just fundamentally like…don’t understand how Team 5 approaches balancing classes.
They nerfed a ton of Druid’s survivability because of how insane its endgame can be only to…give it the best survivability card it’s probably ever had since Spreading Plague?
This is coming down on turn 5 so consistently. You have Jerry Rig into Wild Growth, then half of Nourish into this. There’s also Guff and the new 4 drop to give you the option to coin or Innervate into this on 5.
For the rest of the game, almost every single spell Druids run will give them a free 3/3 rusher to control board and let them progress to a Kazakusan endgame.
Obviously this card is a 5 star card, but I seriously question how Team 5 plans its balancing because this is such a 180 from what they said and did this past expansion.
Busted card. Even the designer have messaged on twitter that this card is under surveillance.
In druid there a so many cheap and strong nature spells.
This card is for me one of the safest crafts in the new expansion if you play druid. Its very likely to get nerfed and will be strong for sure 5/5
Love this card! It’s art and design are just up to my taste.
Definitely much better than the viper card we all forgot about and had to stay on the board.
I suspect this to be quite good. It can be tutored with the Coldtooth mine or used as supplementary piece to fuel Sire Danathrius deck, while also providing some reactivity.
Imagine a Ramp deck playing this against you when you have like 4 mana and then never having to care about losing tempo again. However, it does feel like it’s too slow for token decks, and it’s a huge investment for a deck which doesn’t run Guff or other tools to ramp. Anyway, it shouldn’t be underestimated: it’s very powerful if it does get going.
Wait a sec, is Onixya immune because those dragons are welp?
Good question. Should be unless, only the 2/1 whelps are coded for Onyxia