The Darkness
The Darkness is a 4 Mana Cost Legendary Neutral Minion card from the Kobolds and Catacombs set!
Card Text
Starts dormant. Battlecry: Shuffle 3 Candles into the enemy deck. When drawn, this awakens.
Flavor Text
I would rather light a single candle than curse the darkness. But I'm willing to do both.- Mana Cost: 4
- Attack: 20
- Health: 20
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Kobolds and Catacombs
- Mechanics: Add to Deck, Battlecry, Dormant
The Darkness Additional Information
The Darkness Card Clarifications
- If you Recruit The Darkness it will come into play dormant, but you will not shuffle the 3 Candles in your opponent’s deck. It is not a good Recruit card! – Source
- The Darkness DOES work with Brann Bronzebeard, so you can shuffle 6 Candles into your opponent’s deck. – Source
Cards Relating to The Darkness
Darkness Candle Type: Spell - Cost: 4 Snuff out a candle. Draw a card. Cast this when drawn. |
I think it works better by understanding that it randomly prevents card draw for 3 turns (paying 4 is prohibitively expensive).
So with that in mind, how can this card be useful?
I’m thinking warlock is the deck for this guy with gnomeferatu and the howlfiend/treachery combo. Cripple the opponent’s hand and draw.
Also DK Valeera combos well, and it’s immune to vanish while dormant. Prevents card draw twice as much, and can wake up faster, and your opponent must deal with both copies when they do. Good single card add to compliment 2 arcane giants.
On the subject of doubling its battlecry, murmuring elemental gives great value to the darkness for only 1 mana.
In short, I believe the darkness’ battlecry can be powerful if properly exploited.
Nevermind, the 4 cost candle card is automatically cast. If your opponent had to pay 4 this card would be awesome. As is, fun to play at best, but looks like a good idea that failed by committee.
Not good enough for most mill decks either except dead man’s hand warrior. This card is made for that deck as a surprise finisher.
Another bad thing about this card is, it will go out of dormant state on your openent turn. Unless you force him to draw on your turn, and not milling him.
Btw if you shuffle 6 candles into your openents deck does it still need 3 to awaken?
lets say that chance of waking it up in AVARAGE deck taking in concideration that it can be on botom oof deck but not couting it dirty rat its around 1 in 928 games
wich is BAD
I don’t know if I trust the maths of a man who can hardly speak English but I agree with the sentiment at least haha
People keep mentioning hard removals but so what? your opponent is using hard removals on a 4 mana minion when they could be using it for bigger minions
well lets say that you draw single card ( legend )in turn 4 lets say you skip ENTIRE TURN to play it
Let say enemie will play enough cards to awaken it well… chance that YOU PLAY IT and it AWAKENS is aboot 1/928 sooo its slim like REALY SLIM
and it can be summoned by any summon effeckt wich makes skip batelcry(BAD)
ir by dirty rat(BAD)
Or enemy burns candle(BAD)
well i think good outcome is preeeety slim
where did you get those numbers from? 1/928 chance? Have you played ambush? more than once I managed to summon all three Nerubians from my opponents deck
and in Day9’s stream with Ben Brode he went though only half his deck and already snuffled out 2 candles I guarantee you if the game went any longer The Darkness would’ve awoken
Your math is as good as your English. Go back to your third grade class kid.
give this taunt and its concede or earthern scale and you got a 20 armor !!!!!! its just to easy.
really gone mess up the game maybe i stop !!
Its “Dormant” it doesn’t count as a minion until you meet the requirements
So no silence, no taunt, no mass dispel, no twisting nether
Blizzard isn’t that dumb
anyone remember this Daily Quest in World of Warcraft in Highmountain? You literally have to snuff out the candles to kill it!!
goodbye highland priest meta
Noggenfogger charge mill warrior
If you play this with brann in wild and shuffles 6 cards, does it still require only 3 candles to be drawn for it to awaken? OR will the requirement go up to 6? This in wild with brann would counter highlander decks shuffling six cards and costing a removal, (ehem priest) add in Loatheb lol.
it has litle “quest” timer when you hover it wich shows how many candles need to be snufled like 1/3
It’s cool as all hell, but I’m not convinced it’ll be that useful because when the third candle is drawn it’ll be at the start of your opponent’s turn (Mill decks notwithstanding) – and they’re likely to have 10 mana and had several turns to prepare.
Razakus can hold a Mind Control, Shadowreaper Anduin, Power Word Death, or hope they had a Kazakus spell that transforms everything into sheep.
Exodia Mage can just keep it frozen or tech in a Polymorph (or hope they got one from another card).
Miracle Rogue can Vilespine Slayer it.
… of course, if your opponent doesn’t draw a counter, they’re possibly completely hosed – but this gives them plenty of warning.
It stops the rizakis from working, that may be good enough in itself, and its the maret large of hearthstone you know without the indestructable.
Well it doesn’t stop it dead – but it slows it the hell down. Remember they only have to draw 2 of the candles to get Raza and Kazakus back in play – the trick will be killing them before that happens.
Mind, delaying the Kazakus spell will probably be more powerful against Razakus Priest than having a 20/20 minion on the board.
I just don’t think this will be a “must craft” since you’ve only got a 50% chance of playing the Darkness before they play Kazakus (they’re both 4 mana Legendaries) and both Kazakus and Raza rotate out of Standard in a few months.
So how does this work with evolve? Will it be dormant?
actually not :/ but still be weaker
Murmuring Elemental then darkness…sound ok.
Yes, another great combo!
Did anyone realize how this counters Razakus
? Got 1,6 k left and will craft this asap. See you ladder.
yeah I realised that thanks to the three candles they can’t activate Kazakus or Raza
Now the 4-mana 7/7 is sad
What happens when both players play the darkness do all candles remove a candle from the opposing darkness.
This card is a good priest card because of the new card that grabs a spell from your opponents deck.
WTF??? Dewd this is broken !!! Just give it taunt or silence it!!!
Oh i realized it’s dormant XD
This is just a bad C’Thun. In the C’Thun meta everyone hold a card to kill him when he’s played on the board. At least C’Thun could trigger his battlecry, this guy will just die right after he awakes in 90% of the times.
But is a counter to Raza and Kazakus, so for sure it’ll have it’s place in alot of decks.
This sound just perfect to go in miracle rogue in place of a sherazine, or with the out of arcanes giant (rotation). I’m excited. This with valeera seems great.
The candles are in your opponent deck. Drawing your full deck wont make this thing awaken.
Holy sh*t…. damn me.
Hm, its appears less interesting. Maybe in a mill deck ? The risk is a candle destruction when your opponent hand is full.
Goddamn, i’m disappointed.
Allso more cards to burn…