The Azerite Hawk (Legendary Excavate Treasure)

The Azerite Hawk (Legendary Excavate Treasure) Card

The Azerite Hawk (Legendary Excavate Treasure) is a 4 Mana Cost Legendary Mage Minion Beast card from the Showdown in the Badlands set!

Card Text

Battlecry: Get a random Titan. It costs (1).

The Azerite Hawk (Legendary Excavate Treasure) Additional Information

THIS IS NOT A COLLECTIBLE CARD! You can’t put it into your deck. The only way to get it is through the new Excavate keyword. You can learn more about it with our Excavate mechanic guide.

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  1. A-Deg
    October 29, 2023 at 7:57 AM

    I don’t think this is well-designed. I see they wanted big, flashy effects for that minion cycle, but why give Mage access to random non-Mage Titans? Many don’t really fit in Mage’s playstyle, and why the flavor mashup? Ok, you’ll have Titans and the “cowboy set” in Standard together anyway, but a card that generates Titan cards IN the cowboy set? Also, I think it’s increasingly problematic to design Legendaries that give access to off-class cards. The Countess, for example, was honestly not a Paladin card, even though she uses the “pure deck mechanic”.

    • MrAranak
      October 29, 2023 at 6:25 PM

      Azerite is titan blood, it makes booms bigger, spells stronger, gear greater, and apparently now makes other titans. At least they are the same rotation so that mage cannot make titans after other classes lose them. Priest can and does steal good titans and so does any class that runs the Yogg or the rush dude that steals stuff.

  2. Cassio
    October 29, 2023 at 3:12 AM

    For mage players, this card is complete garbage!