Switcheroo is a 5 Mana Cost Common Priest Spell card from the Voyage to the Sunken City set!
Card Text
Draw 2 minions. Swap their Health.
Flavor Text
Would you rather fight one Whale-sized Goldfish, or 100 Goldfish-sized Whales?- Mana Cost: 5
- Crafting Cost: 40 / 400 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 5 / 50 (Golden)
- Rarity: Common
- Class: Priest
- Card Type: Spell
- Set: Voyage to the Sunken City
- Mechanics: Change Minion Attack, Change Minion Health, Draw Cards
Imagine switching a Boat 1/1 with charge with The Darkness ????
20/20 Charge Minion,not meta defining,but maybe could be a fun deck to play
seems very good:
– great card draw that priest needs
– minions tutor
– combo potential with the swap stats
– its a spell so can be discounted/discovered, and no weird conditions so great for general purpose.
Amazing artwork
why is it always priest who gets so many weird cards
Ok so it’s obviously a meme card, although tutor effects are really nice, but what’s the fun meme? I’m thinking stonetusk boar+deathwing into a 12 attack charger, then throw on vivid nightmare for 24 damage! Not meta defining in any way, but can make for a fun deck
I mean card draw is card draw. I mean it technically can replace insight as your kazakusan tutor. I don’t see the stat swap ever really being relevant since Priest doesn’t have the payoff cards like say Paladin did with Lens which was also typically meme territory.
How about bless and high health minion combine with a charge minion? You’d need some sinking mechanic to make sure your minions stayed in the bottom of your deck though.