Survival of the Fittest
Survival of the Fittest is a 10 Mana Cost Epic Druid Spell card from the Scholomance Academy set!
Card Text
Give +4/+4 to all minions in your hand, deck, and battlefield.
Flavor Text
Sometimes the fittest is the one smart enough to not start a fight with seven 6/6 Treants.- Mana Cost: 10
- Crafting Cost: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 100 / 400 (Golden)
- Rarity: Epic
- Class: Druid
- Card Type: Spell
- Set: Scholomance Academy
- Mechanics: Buff Minion
This card is being underrated.
The card has leaked earlier and was translated, now it’s official. That’s why the name has changed.
Is there a way to cheat this out at the moment? I can’t think of one.
Kaelthas seems the most likely way at the moment, and with the perfect start you can double lighting bloom on three, then drop Kaelthas and Survival Of The Fittest
New card Omu just made it a lot better. Especially if you play some rush or taunt minions along side it.
Ysiel might work. You can cheat her out with things like Innervate or Lightning Bloom, then play this for 1 mana.
Grand Archivist; Spiteful druid
What a great spell… let’s cast it again, at a random target!
But seriously think about copying this spell, busted!
Gift of the Wild has already seen play, so…
Oh you can just tell someone’s going to break a fight with this were not even counting kaelthas being able to cheat this out. Sure it doesn’t apply to future generated tokens but its rather established buffing the power of minions with evasive is a real threat to several decks. Overall it’s an interesting card that would rarely be played at it’s true 10 Mana cost being more likely to be cheated.
Embiggen Druid: BIGGER! BIGGER!
Token Druid: BIGGER! BIGGER!
Once you reach 10 Mana with an Oppertunity, Defnitally use this card. THough you may need only 1 mana of this card, it’s still going to be very power to obtain.
Oh. Whoops. 4 Stars, btw.
As Druid, playing double Lightning Bloom into Kael’thas into this card on turn 3 seems pretty busted.
Too bad its only going to happen once or twice every hundred or so games.
it’s not like Druid doesn’t have any other 0 mana spells. If you already have a minion on the field than it’s an immediate +8/+8 in your field
You’re better off playing Overflow as your free spell most of the time.
The only exception would be if you had a wide board, and decks playing Kael’thas aren’t likely to be playing a whole lot of minions with the exception of Glowfly Swarm.
But just having 3 or 4 minions that can attack is so worth it. I would expect people to put one in a deck if they are running kael’thas
Today is the second day of the expansion, the combo is happening constantly on the ladder and this guy looks really sad and a bit humbled.
I’d expect to see this card in a super heavy late game build, with lots of expensive minions and such. But expensive minions tend to already sport heavy stats. Adding +4/+4 to them won’t make much of a difference by turn 10 – or even probably turn 7, if you managed to ramp.
Also, this card doesn’t apply to future tokens that you might generate from spells like the Forest’s Aid. Sad.
I’m glad this gives a direct buff rather than what Rogue quest did. This way spells and cards that generate tokens won’t be busted and you actually need to draw and play the minions. Therefor this card does not win you the game even if you manage to play it unless you have a board full of minions. I don’t think this card will work that well unless the meta is very slow.
Also, the new druid/hunter legendary will also buff the minions in deck, encouraging the beast build. However due to Breath of dreams being important ramp card the deck will most likely run dragons at least to some extent.
Gonna need testing, sadly I’ll be pessimistic even when Kaelthas exists and give this card 2/5
A combo that won’t be really playable, but fun in wild druid is to trigger this 3 times and have all the charge minions in the game become a lot scarier. Like 13/13 charge piggy for 1 mana xD
Box now has high rolls
Dunno ’bout y’all but Kaelthas is looking much better at 7 Mana. Still tricky to deckbuild though, since you’ll want him AND cheap spells AND Overflow (or other big card draw) AND ramp AND minions to make use of the buff.
Ysiel is still probably not the best way to pop this off.
Playing this card without cheating it out is probably not worth it unless you’re treating it like a Bloodlust.
You ramp into it and play it in turn 6 or something. Then draw loads of minions.
You could compare this to Ysera Unleashed, i guess, take a turn slower to get a much better deck in the long run. But Ysera gives you a body on board… while this buffs your existing board…
Well, this is only with Kael’Thas right? There’s no way in hell you “just” play this turn 10…
And to take advantage of it you need a minion heavy deck, preferably a lot of small creatures… How do you have KT+ cheap spells + minions heavy?
They either completely blew this card out or they have some special way to cheat big spell (but they just nerfed dragoncaster, wtf…)
Well druid can mana boost itself to 10 mana by at least turn 5 (But then you need a few spells, and this card needs many minions in the deck to pay off) or play this with the new introvert at turn 6. (But then of course you need to draw two)
This is going to be cheated out in wild a lot.
You’d rather play Ultimate Infestation.
Tooo slowwwa
Wtf? It seems so brutal..