Sunkeeper Tarim
Sunkeeper Tarim is a 6 Mana Cost Legendary Paladin Minion card from the Journey to Un'Goro set!
Card Text
Taunt Battlecry: Set all other minions' Attack and Health to 3.
Sunkeeper Tarim is a 6 Mana Cost Legendary Paladin Minion card from the Journey to Un'Goro set!
Taunt Battlecry: Set all other minions' Attack and Health to 3.
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I have no idea why there are so many negative comments about this card. It’s a huge board swing card that I use regularly to buff my own weenies, nerf enemy minions (get rid of huge jades or taunts), and/or soft board wipe. The only reason I can think of not to put this card in your deck is if you’re running a heavy goonie paladin deck (in which case, you’re nerfing your own minions).
However, I haven’t seen many of those, since most Mean Streets of Gadgetzan cards tended to be underwhelming for Paladin players.
The only thing I dont get is how it doesnt synergies with the paladin quest…
I love that it curves perfectly into Finja, though Warleaders won’t benefit from this, which is a shame. Anyways, if Finja summons a Bluegill+ Warleader, slamming this on board ensures that the Bluegill survives removing an enemy (now 3/3) taunt. Overall I think this card is good in both aggro decks (murlock-based, even, if it could finally become a thing again), and as a play into Finja, or as part of a board clear. I honestly think this is better than most people consider it to be, mainly due to its versatility.
Why did they create this now? It doesn’t work with the Goon cards that buff minions in the hand that they introduced with the last set. In fact, it is a counter strategy for that. Why would they do that? The Goon strategy is already the weakest from the last set. I’m really curious to see what else they introduce for paladin.
Its because the goons were not powerful enough that this card exists. This card stops jades from getting out of hand while letting you buff the unbuffed minions in your hand.
You guys are not thinking right on this one this is a aggro paladin card with this as the big guy. Think about it for two reasons one he makes any taunt 3/3 so you can easily get through it and he makes you smaller aggro pieces 3/3 again some are going to be damaged. Also he makes the times you go heh worthless recruit is all i can do in my aggro deck not worthless if they ignore them turns you made recruits in your aggro deck they become 3/3 at turn 6 and become relevant with your other pieces. Im sure there is more you can do with this card but to me this is utter face is the place.
Because an aggressive deck is going to run a 6 mana 3/7 Taunt in hopes that their 1/1s haven’t died.
Yes it’s a bit slow for a pure aggro deck but the effect is kinda 3-fold:
1) It buffs all your weeny minions to 3 health which puts them clear of a lot of common AoEs like Holy Nova, Consecration, Demonwrath and Swipe (for all bar 1 minion).
2) because everything goes to 3/3 it now means you can trade a Leper Gnome or Argent Squire for a Druid of the Claw or Ancient of War – which can’t be bad. This completely neuters large boards of Jade Golems as well.
3) it puts a Taunt minion on the board, for you, which at 3/7 now has enough attack to kill anything on the opponents board and survive 2 hits.
It gives a little more depth to an aggro deck – and with cards like Divine Favor you might actually get to draw on that depth.
I suspect it’ll be more like the old Muster for Battle > Quartermaster combo than anything else… I don’t think it’ll be a game changer but I don’t think it’s terrible either.
No it is not based around their 1/1s just a added benefit and if you think 6 mana is to high a curve for aggro you are just not that good at hearthstone friend.
He literaly gave you a wall of text explaining every detail of the card and you with you amazing brain only saw one thing which was the least relevant in the whole post. Seems to me you are the one who is bad at hearthstone, very conceited and not very bright.
Insane card. As a counter to golems is not its only job. It lets you swing the board, it lets you buff your board if you are an aggro paladin, it lets you kill powerfull minions like the Storm Guardian from White eyes, Ysera, Deathwing, N’Zoth etc. People don’t see this but it’s great
Hmmm looks like a replacement for Eadric the Pure when he rotates out… except this is more beneficial to aggro paladin maybe since it sets the health of everything to 3.
For example, Argent Squire will trade favourably with Ancient of War (or just about anything else) so when combined with Small Time Recruits there could be some potential here.
Not as good a combo as Equality > Consecration for enemy board clear but perhaps not terrible.
Just wanted to correct my previous comment saying no one got you exactly get it.
or 10 mana tarim-pyro-consecrate, yeah it’s slow but it clears the board while leaving you with a board
Awyeah a jade killer
Just bad
Do u ever played with it? Which rank you are? Even rank 8 was not a big deal for me. Either with this one not with my own decks i created by my own.
I think not the deck is the problem, why j don’t be as to reach the next rank. Not the deck is bad but “someone” else.
Actually… i don’t know(?)
maybe they are going to add combo cards for this one?
Kind of a super Keeper of Uldamon with taunt. I think this will be a useful card. can be used both defensively and offensively
the only place that this legendary could work is against jade’s deck but versus another meta decks its trash
welcome to the rank 25 boys
This card is kinda neat. It reminds me of Quartermaster in a way.
Insane Board swing, without removal you’d have to trade 3 of your minions into it while the paladin player could possibly turn a few low mana drops and silver hand recruits into 3/3’s. Could be pretty strong depending on how the meta plays out.
Token Palladyn? Oh yeah…
Omg its the big daddy of keeper of us Daman.
Don’t think this card is gonna bring paladin back, unless the meta slows way down.
So Eadric with Keeper of Uldaman effect and a bit cheaper…..Dunno how i feel about that. Kinda seems like lazy design to me. Maybe a nice combo with the 5 mana 5 silverhands card( forgot what its called).
This card is incredibly versatile and also, fun fact, it counters jade golems.
Eadric kind of does this too atm, and its not seeing a lot of play since its to slow. Dunno how much 1 mana less and taunt is gonna matter in that aspect.
The difference is that Eadric doesn’t kill the debuffed Jades. This does.
But, tbh, this card needs a muster 2.0 to be good. Some sort of cheap way to summon guys you can then buff the same turn that this also weakens the opponent’s board.
Huh i think i saw very similar card ealier
just that one is on steroids
dam couter for jades? and if u hace some tokens it can buff them
its 3/7 so he can kill 3 of enemy cards that way
So If i Wanna play paladin i have to craft this guy ragnaros the lightlord and that guy who is a cannon plus maybe the quest…
This card is powerful and will be on a legend list soon. The body is 5 mana worth and the effect is about 2-10 mana worth. Nice card :D, if you like paladin
Paladin just took another L
Think token pally.. great card! One of the best at the moment