Sunborne Val’kyr
Sunborne Val’kyr is a 5 Mana Cost Common Neutral Minion card from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Give adjacent minions +2 Health.
Flavor Text
Bring valor to Odyn's halls, Champion!- Mana Cost: 5
- Attack: 5
- Health: 4
- Crafting Cost: 40 / 400 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 5 / 50 (Golden)
- Rarity: Common
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Knights of the Frozen Throne
- Mechanics: Battlecry
I run this in mye Divine Shield pala deck. Works good
This looks like a good arena card
Man, that’s what I wanted to say :/
My bad, I honestly just said it for anyone who thought the same thing
If you his no minions with it, this card sucks. If you hit one minion with it, it’s mediocre (we had a 5 mana 5/6 and it never saw play). If you hit two minions with it, it’s good.
TBH, Defender of Argus is probably just better in general. Hell, Grimstreet Protector is almost certainly better than this card and it hasn’t really seen play. Granted, only Paladin has access to Protector, but being one of the best class at getting dudes on the board, if it doesn’t work in Pally, it probably won’t work elsewhere.
But this takes up the 5 mana spot where a buff card like this could be viable. IMO it’s not on a constructed power level but it’s decent
Well, the more mana a buff card costs, the less viable it is (which is one reason the aforementioned Grimestreet Protector never saw play). Defender of Argus is probably about the most mana you could reasonably expect to pay for one of those buffs.
I like it merely because it is a neutral cards that gives a health boost. It’s rareasy to find one that aren’t class specific. This can allow me to make some neat new decks.
I like cards like this, that are stated right for their effects
Will/could be a solid card in the right deck
Solid card
Hmm.. this or defender of argus?