Stolen Goods
Stolen Goods is a 2 Mana Cost Rare Warrior Spell card from the Caverns of Time set!
Card Text
Draw a Taunt minion. Give it +2/+2.
Flavor Text
It fell off a kodo, I promise!- Mana Cost: 2
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Warrior
- Card Type: Spell
- Set: Caverns of Time
- Mechanics: Draw Cards, Handbuff
Obviously you play twilight geomancer, then supper buff your C’thune. If that’s not a consistent and productive use of that card, nothing is. :-p
Twilight Geomancer only gives C’thun taunt, it doesn’t buff his stats. In addition, no C’thun buff cards buff his stats based on their own, with Blade of C’thun being the closest with its destroy effect.
Um, they meant that once it’s in your hand buff it with this since it has Taunt at that point.
Huge synergy with the 5 mana 2/7. I believe this may be one of in warrior. Also good with soggoth. plus most turn 2 for warrior is just armor up or war axe.
Either Taunt Warrior gonna suddenly become a legitimate thing in this set, or Blizzard needs to cool it with these taunty warrior cards.
I think they really are pushing the taunt warrior, with some of these cards and with the Khaz. Taunts that were added, there might actually be some pretty good taunt decks that synergize well with Varian.
This is a buff spell that can be used on Soggoth. It’s not an easy to pull off situation but if you can get two of these to land on him he’s a 10/15 that can’t be targeted by spells or hero powers. Anything short of BGH, Black Knight, or a “destroy all/random minions” effect won’t be able to realistically clear him.
I already thought of a deck that uses two of this card, Brann, and Don Han’Cho to buff Soggoth to 21/25. Without a Silence, BGH, Black Knight, or destroy all minion effect there aint a damn thing that can handle a monster like that.
Discover a taunt minion with I know a guy and buff it with this card. Can work, but wont happen often. They really are trying to push taunt warrior with the new expansion. They gave us Protect the King in One Night in Karazhan and bolster in TGT and now this. Will this be enough to make it work? Probably not, will there be more warrior cards? Yep so lets see if it will improve anything.
This + Gnomeregan Infantry, you heard it here first.
haha in wild though
It might not be total garbage for once.