Stitched Tracker
Stitched Tracker is a 3 Mana Cost Common Hunter Minion card from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Discover a copy of a minion in your deck.
Stitched Tracker is a 3 Mana Cost Common Hunter Minion card from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set!
Battlecry: Discover a copy of a minion in your deck.
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Really helps a controly Hunter avoid running out of steam, which is always nice.
It can also do some really weird things (3 N’zoths anyone?)
Should see some play if Control Hunter is a thing.
If only this card would be discover copy of card from your deck Q_Q
Looks like my Secret Miracle Hunter is gonna be a thing after all
My name is stitched tracker and I want to be a priest card, coz Rexxar won’t run me, sad face.
This card makes Prince Keseleth infinitely better. One of the problems with Keseleth is how weak it is if you don’t draw it early on, this adds 3 cards to your deck which can add Keseleth to your hand. 2 copies of this card, and Keseleth himself.
This shouldn’t make prince kelseth any more viable. Even if you do find him with stiched tracker, it’s a copy of the card, so it’ll just be a vanilla 2 mana 2/2 until you draw your 2 mana prince kelseth from your deck.
The only reason this card wouldn’t be insane is if Hunter is as absent from the future meta as it is in the current meta.
This is better than a 3 mana 2/2 “Draw a card”, and Hunter is going to appreciate being able to pull Highmane when it needs value, Houndmaster when it needs taunt, or Dispatch Kodo when it needs quick damage.
It’s a mark of a great card when any class would kill to have it.
Great card, I agree with you, but it’s another 3-mana drop so you need to cut something. Animal companion, kill command and eaglehorn bow are all great cards. Will we really see a control hunter?
Amazing control card Hunter just got right here, the only thing is the two big things hunters need for control to work is:
1: a little bit more AOE/ board clear
2: Some form of healing (or mages will wreck control Hunter)
Hunters are getting loaded with value control cards this expac (so far)
Hero card? aoe for 2 and some armour
That’s 1 card
Let’s slower versions play the crabs as 1 ofs and still be able to tutor for them.
Malygos Hunter anyone?
This card is for control and combo…
2 yoggs! sure, lets go.
Let’s just hope the control package is good enough to be viable, more AOE for hunter plz!
Hunter already has so many 3 drops. It has low stats and no beast synergy. If you want to play on curve, you’d look for a 4 drop… Barnes maybe?
This card is actually really good. Having the ability to discover any minion allows midrange hunter to play on curve more often. Lets say you play this on turn 3. You could discover a houndmaster if you have no 4 drop in hand or if you are already on curve then you could discover a 5 mana drop. If you still have somehow have still perfect curve still it allows you to get highmane more consistently on turn 6. Lastly, this gives midrange the lategame that it struggles with and is kinda like an additonal jeweled macaw but with slightly less rng.
If you think of it as a 2 mana 2/2 with usually better Tracking then this card is statted correctly. Really good in Arena.
Discovering a Highmane isn’t particularly strong imo, and that is only in control decks. This would never see play in midrange hunter which already has too many 3 drops (with the new bearshark too). Then again, why would i want to craft an entire control hunter deck, when midrange hunter is already so good and much cheaper
I like the card mechanic. Butt 3 mana for a 2/2 does hunter not have enough 3 Drops? I really like to see a form of AEO. Because a 6 mana concentration is not good enough
Can we just go over how blizzard is litterally making hunter a control deck with these cards… let’s see 3 mana 2/2 discover a highmane in your deck? Sure! Oh and let’s not make it a beast so it combos with our 7 mana archer.
Still a cool card though like Kabal courier but you know what you are getting yourself into.
New Meta guy
It seems like Blizzard are giving Hunter the big guns this time around. They REALLY want a control hunter paradise.