Steward of Darkshire
Steward of Darkshire is a 3 Mana Cost Rare Paladin Minion card from the Caverns of Time set!
Card Text
Whenever you summon a 1-Health minion, give it Divine Shield.
Flavor Text
Turns out divine shields are way cheaper if you buy in bulk.- Mana Cost: 3
- Attack: 4
- Health: 3
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Paladin
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Caverns of Time
- Mechanics: Buff Minion, Divine Shield
Steward of Darkshire Additional Information
- Twilight Drake will indeed receive the Divine Shield buff. [Source]
tried playing darkshire+stand defeats the purpose of the weenie deck. 8 mana to safely cast with a mana curve as low as f*ck. rather have more minions that are “instantly” playable.
This could finally make Magma Rager useful.
Confirmed works with twilight drake. Even with 3 cards in hand, drake becomes an amazing four drop if played on curve with this.
Guys does this work with NOBLE SACRIFICE????!!!!!!! SECRET PALADIN FOR ANOTHER YEAR!!!!!!!
Yes it does.
time to run blood knight
wtf wolfrider MVP
Really guys?? All this aggro talk and you are all missing the most important case? Stand against darkness! Now you can use your sword that buffs minions after this and then you play stand against darkness and you have 2/2’s with divine shield ?
Stand against drknss succ
but it could be a great combo
I want to see that one person that tries this combo, gets it, and then get completely wrecked by a priest using Shadow Word: Horror.
Not trying to downplay the combo or anything, I’ll find it hilarious due to just a single card that doesn’t look good coming up to be able to take down 2 cards with a total of 8 mana, using only half of those resources
Yes it’s kinda cool – but I think the loss of Muster for Battle and Quartermaster in Standard is going to pretty much kill the Silver Hand Paladin … it’ll be Murlocs, Murlocs Everywhere!
Especially with the Vilefin Inquisitor.
I know it’s a long shot but imagine this combo in wild:
If you get an emperor thaurissian proc on the following cards,
Stand against Darkness
Steward of Darkshire
Sword of Justice
1st step, Steward, 2nd step, Hobgoblin, 3rd step Sword of Justice, and finally Stand against darkness
That’s 10 mana with the emperor procs, and now you have a 2/3, a 3/3, and 5 4/4s with divine shield
Bar twisting nether or doom!, I don’t think anything can handle that kind of board xD
Anyone else thinking “murlocs”?
Me :^)
Also Magma Ragers
And with the new murloc it’s even better
hobgoblin wild pally new meta
I presume you would only play 1/1 minions?
Magma Rager > Scarlet Crusader
This card has one specific deck it works with in my eyes. Aggro pali. The one health makes it so you can summon off all your leper gnomes and worgan infiltrators and wolf riders with divine shield. Between this and divine favor, i think pally is OP in aggro
This will work with hero power. Cards that key off “summoning” a minion (like Knife Juggler) work with Pally/Shaman hero power. Cards that key off “playing” a minion (like Hobgoblin) don’t work with hero power, because “playing” only includes from your hand.
We’ve found it guys! A situation where Magma Rager is better than Ice Rager :p
After all these years…
oh god thats right
Another reason to run grand crusader
As a priest
This + hobgoblin = angry chicken value.
Does this work on Faceless Shambler? It officially has 1 health, but it’s battlecry changes it…
Also, magma rager is no longer absolute trash! Now it’s just situational trash.
I think it does have synergy, because you’re summoning it either way.
Battlecries trigger before other effects
But if it works with Twilight Drake, which has 1 health originally, and then later on gets the buff from the same card, then this should technically also work on Faceless Shambler, correct?
Twilight Drake (1 health) -> Gets buff from Steward -> Battlecry triggers on Twilight Drake
Faceless Shambler (1 health) -> Gets buff from Steward -> Battlecry triggers on Faceless Shambler
This looks like a really good card, a nice number of cards will be better in the combo, and the extreme blood knights would be an option!
Magma rager better than ice rager confirmed
if this work whit the hero power I think it could be fine.
otherwise I don’t it could be play
Of corse it buffs the hero power minions because the text says “summon” not “play”!
hobgoblin says: “when you play a 1 power minion”, .
you can summon with hero powers or other in game effects like deathrattles, muster for battle or even dr.doom’s ability (while those will be rotated).
So it works with hero power.
And; as it adds more value than silver hand regent, it can empover other 2/1 cards (divine leper gnomes etc.), or wolfrider.
Since has a standard 3/3 body, it can usually stay alive 1 turn, it may enchant 1-2 minions, attack itself, thus a good addition to agro, agro/midrange.
I think it does, due to the keyword “summon” (as opposed to for example Hobgoblin which says “when you play a minion”
It says ‘summon’ so i presume it does
whenever you SUMMON a minion (it should work with hero power)
OMG, You’re right!
into SW: Death
11 mana tho
Emperor aint getting rotated bro.
Yeesh… This is one of those plays that’s either followed by a silence, a BGH, or a concede.
hmm yeah true but 1 bgh is not enough, because there are still 5 1-1 minions and 1 3-3 minion on the board and bgh is probably going to be nerfed so paladin is going to become more annoying and aggro paladin are going to be op AS FUUUUUUUU
thats 11 mana, the steward with stand against darkness is a strong combo tho
coin value anyone xD