Stand Against Darkness
Stand Against Darkness is a 4 Mana Cost Common Paladin Spell card from the Whispers of the Old Gods set!
Card Text
Summon five 1/1 Silver Hand Recruits.
Flavor Text
Or if you're too tired, you can just kind of lean against the darkness.- Mana Cost: 4
- Crafting Cost: 40 / 400 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 5 / 50 (Golden)
- Rarity: Common
- Class: Paladin
- Card Type: Spell
- Set: Whispers of the Old Gods
- Mechanics: Summon
I enjoy it for tokens as it lets me gain numbers after boardwipes.
If newly nerfed “Force of Nature” summons 3 2/2 treants (6/6 stat value) and is 5 mana, why can’t this be 4 mana?
Absolute garbage.
Steward of darkshire + this = 5 1/1’s with divine shield?
no only minions played from hand.
I can see this card working in token pally late game you could get a board full of 3/3’s for less mana than mirror of doom.
But over all a lack luster 2-3 star card.
No steward says summon not play. Think of knife juggler. So yeah if you play stand against darkness with a steward in play you get 5 1/1 with divine shield.
I can confirm. I have a deck entirely based off this combo and yes, if you have Steward on board and play this, you WILL get 5 1/1’s with divine shield.
Should be 4 mana
New Card: Eighthmaster
Mana: 4
Stats: 1/4
BC: Give ALL Silverhand Recruits +1/+1
All is important because all classes can access Silverhands as of TGT (due to SHR).
(Btw, given that they haven’t invented “sarcasticese” yet, for the slower amongst us, this a joke idea for a card)
(Though it would be hilarious if it turns out to be true)
I like the card, forces your opponent to consider board clear on these puny 1/1s
I dont think 5 1/1’s is enough to lure out a boardclear, of course, that depends on the boardclear, holy nova maybe, hellfire I dont think so, demonwrath yeh probably
Not worth the mana cost unless you have quartermaster ready and usable the same turn. This old god expansion is all about combos, huh?
Card seems decent in Arena. That’s a lot of bodies to abuse.
Now if only they will give us a corrupted Knife Juggler that deals 1 damage for every minion the enemy puts out.
Suggest that to the devs O-O Best card I have heard for this pack yet. Same mana cost and stats as normal juggler, but 1 damage for every enemy minion played… geez thatd be a great check to paladin.
With quatermaster
Sadly this card is going to be useless because QM is going to be removed (QM is from GvG if i’m not wrong and that’s gonna be gone) UNLESS they provide a “new” form of qm (i’m talking about standards of course – this card will probably be decent in wild)
Steward of darkshire’s been announced. It’s less OP but works really well with this card.
Because there are never enough silver hand’s
Shit card unless there’s another card to combo with. Where’s quarter master 2.0?
Quartermaster isn’t gone forever. Wild will still exist, standard won’t be the entire game.
We’re all just going to have to come to grips with the fact that not all Paladin cards are going to be completely broken anymore.
Like whisp but mhe I guess?
WotOG seems to be way slower expansions so far. This is way too mana expensive to be used in current meta, but if it would be 4 mana it could be great.
There it is. Muster For Battle 2.0
Nope, muster had a tempo impact. Huge i d say, but this hasn t at all
I like this guy, kind of slow for that token stuff but quarter master will abbuse the fuck out of this
Muster still op and better
Except for the fact that quartermaster is in GVG, so the Stand and Quartermaster combo won’t be seen in standard
Wild will exist. Standard won’t be the entire game.
Yes. Standard will be the entire competitive game. All official tournaments will be held in d Standard and Standard will define the meta. Wild is just the gimmick to allow you to play the old cards that you enjoy.
I don’t think so MTG has standard and a wild equivalent but people still play legacy(wild). it will probably gain popularity as more sets leave standard