Sow the Soil
Sow the Soil is a 1 Mana Cost Common Druid Spell card from the United in Stormwind set!
Card Text
Choose One - Give your minions +1 Attack; or Summon a 2/2 Treant.
Flavor Text
"I'M NOT A TAILOR!"- Mana Cost: 1
- Crafting Cost: 40 / 400 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 5 / 50 (Golden)
- Rarity: Common
- Class: Druid
- Card Type: Spell
- School: Nature
- Set: United in Stormwind
- Mechanics: Buff Minion, Choose One, Summon
Sow the Soil Additional Information
Cards Relating to Sow the Soil
Treant (Stormwind) Type: Minion - Cost: 2 - Attack: 2 - Health: 2 |