Snowflipper Penguin
Snowflipper Penguin is a 0 Mana Cost Common Neutral Minion Beast card from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set!
Flavor Text
On land, a group of penguins is called a "waddle."- Mana Cost: 0
- Attack: 1
- Health: 1
- Crafting Cost: 40 / 400 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 5 / 50 (Golden)
- Rarity: Common
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Minion Type: Beast
- Set: Knights of the Frozen Throne
I give this a 5 stars becauce it i a penguin. Will see play in every deck.
Happy feet for everyone.
this card is going to be insane in Hunter and Druid.
Allows for the crafting of zombeasts that already cost 10 mana.
10 mana 8/15 ultrapenguinsaur incoming
As explained on the card’s page it is impossible to get a beast that costs more than 5. This is to make it impossible to get a beast that costs more than 10 Mana. This penguin is still a decent way to increase a beasts stats without increasing it’s cost, which makes it easier to play other cards you draw.
Impossible to do your ultrapenguinsaur, because the zombeast is made of two minions, each one costing 5 or less mana
Quality necktie.
I don’t know if aggro druid will still be around when frozen throne hits, but if it does, this will be a staple. My favorite thing here is you can buff it and draw to replace itself with beast synergy, and because it already costs zero it’s immune to devolve, meaning you are guaranteed to keep your buffs. Against shaman that’s huge.
Now to be fair this set has a lot of slower powerful control cards so I don’t know how aggro will even fair in this meta but I think the beast tag counts a lot more than people give it credit for.
So half the time it’s a 2 mana 3/3 and half the time when you are missing the combo it’s a wisp?
i wanna hug it
Miracle beast hunter??? Stampede synergy???? That 5 mana gadgetzan auctioneer for beast??? This card is busted.
Nerf this blizz
I’m gonna blame Scamaz for making this card existing haHAA
5/5, adorable as heck. No opponent would ever dare kill a minion this cute. New meta.
5/5, adorable as fuck. No opponent would ever kill a minion this cute. New meta.
If nothing else, this is the best 0-mana 1/1 purely because it’s a beast. Now is it GOOD? Not by a long shot. I think I’d prefer mostly any other card in my hand over this.
I’m not sure how popular this will be since it will make you run out of cards sooner…but I could see this finally making decks menagrie decks viable with tinyfin for 2 3/3’s and a 4/4 on turn 5 that could be further buffed if ignored.
I mean… what do you want me to say? It won’t see play period, but the zombeast thing will be an interesting option. It EXISTING will probably be relevant, but it won’t ever see it into a decklist.
with dinosize it will be
works with razormaw, houndmaster, gives your zombeast +1/1 for 0 mana cost. activates bonus on kc as well. also its a penguin
But you’re paying 2 mana for the hero power….its probably the worst one to choose then
2 Mana draw a better beast is good. Would the effect be like discover a beast, give it +1/+1, it would be not bad
This beast only exists to kill the new Hunter Heropower. I know I’m gonna see this Pinguin a lot while crafting a Zombeast.
Its that bad? u can have a litile more efficjent stats on something like kodo or other with already good effeckts
but you would rather have the 1 Mana 1/1 Charge boar then the pingiun most of the time
It’s a surfing pinguin. I’m happy.
Nerf for the death knight hunter hero power?
Nerf for any discover/summon a beast?
More 0 Mana 1/1’s plz.
Random beast related cards just got worst
5/5 so CUTE
actually look kinda bad but w/e
Snowflipper, is going to break the meta.
Have trust in it …
Token beast ok move alon
ummm, stampede support?
lol dafuq blizz
This card is more useful than you’d think. While the Wisp was just a 1/1 and never saw play and the murloc 0 1/1 was basically just a bad card for anyone playing Everyfin Is Awesome,
This card has BEAST synergy. It can be played on turn 4 with a Hound Master to make a 3/3 taunt and a 4/3 in the same turn, a total of 4 mana 7/6. You can play it on turn 2 in an aggro druid and give it mark of Y’Shaarj, making it a 3/3 draw a card for just 2 mana, when draw a card is usually worth 1.5 to 2 mana.
Also it’s a penguin and it represents fallen penguin brothers from Club Penguin.