Skyfin is a 5 Mana Cost Epic Neutral Minion Murloc card from the Descent of Dragons set!
Card Text
Battlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, summon 2 random Murlocs.
Flavor Text
"Do you want to be a murloc or a dragon?""Yes."
- Mana Cost: 5
- Attack: 3
- Health: 3
- Crafting Cost: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 100 / 400 (Golden)
- Rarity: Epic
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Minion Type: Murloc
- Set: Descent of Dragons
- Mechanics: Battlecry, Holding Dragon, Summon
So now fish are flying too? What a crazy world we’re living in.
I mean.. It’s okay, I guess.
Kinda wish that Curator could stay a little longer but, oh well. Someone could try and find a way to make this work, but I still see it as a Meme card, soo.. I don’t know. I’m not falling for it right now. 2 Stars.
Drago-loc Decks incoming! 😀 Maybe some kind of Face Dragon Murloc Hunter?
Incredibly nice “bat-ish”, “demon-ish” and dragonlike art. But it´s a murloc. Could have almost been Amalgam 2.0 if not for the name.
This compares pretty awfully to Hench-Clan Hag :\
given that a random murloc is a 2/2 with no text, this is 1more mana than HCHag for 2/2 more stats, which is normally worth it. Also it’s a murloc itself.
Actually it means it will summon 2 completely random murlocs so any murloc from neutral or any class even pulling the 4/4 from shaman this has a good bit of potential.
“any murloc from neutral or any class even pulling the 4/4 from shaman”
averages out as a 2/2 murloc with no text
Hmm this needs experimentation but could be a lot better than first sight. In aggro-dragon-non-murloc decks could be a nice option, is just 3 bodies for 5, and on average pretty much like the hunter card that summon 2×2/2 if you control a secret… And that card is pretty good
Even if you run no other murlocs this is a nice value card you get 2 more random murlocs and potential to highball a 4/4 murloc as one. On average you’ll summon 2 more murlocs with at least 2 attack.
5/5 For the name…