Sindragosa is a 8 Mana Cost Legendary Mage Minion Dragon card from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Summon two 0/1 Frozen Champions.
Flavor Text
"I recognize your effort but I think your magic still has room for improvement." - Sindragosa after taking a class on giving constructive feedback.Cards Relating to Sindragosa
Frozen Champion Type: Minion - Cost: 1 - Health: 1 Deathrattle: Add a random Legendary minion to your hand. |
TL:DR Has potential, but not worth crafting currently.
What it has going for it:
– Dragon Tag – Potential dragon synergy with The Curator, Bookworm, and Netherspite historian
– Death rattle summons – Can easily be killed off for more late game threats, discourages AOE, N’Zoth synergy.
– Death Knight synergy. Ping the ice summons, get a legendary into your hand and a water elemental on the board
Going against it
– 8 mana slot is already competitive with Medivh and the Lich King.
– Slow and clunky. You have to be in decent shape to throw her down. To gain full value you have to kill the summons and then play the legendary you get. You’re looking at full value over the course of 2 or 3 turns which can be hard to find unless you’re already ahead.
– Legendaries are random and you could completely miss on getting anything decent, making those 2 or 3 turns a waste and potentially better utilized with Elise and her packs or even Ysera.
Don’t make my mistake. Save your dust and sub in a neutral legendary or another dragon. Maybe over the next couple of expansions Mage will get more dragon support and then I’ll bump her rating up.
Gives a ton of value, and Mage has an easy time killing off their own 1 health minions.
Add in the Dragon and N’zoth synergy, and this could be bad.
Unless other mage dragon synergy comes out this doesn’t out-value Medivh’s weapon that summons free minions with your spells. Yes, this does give legendary minions, but you have to kill the champions plus fully cast the legendary.
This seems like a very good card I would love to play around with. It has good stats for it’s cost. Has an interesting effect. And is a dragon leading to the possibility of Dragon decks.
Also to those who don’t like that the legendary is random consider this. You are more likely to to get a card that is expensive and sub optimal, but ultimately a big high stat card that would be useful late in the game when both player start to run out of steam, a well rounded and powerfulet that is useful immediatly, or a card that synergizes incredibly well with your deck or class. Even the three new princes who so far seem to be the least popular legendary cards from this expansion if not in general have very solid stats and by the time you get them out of Sindragosa, you will have likely drawn most, if not all, of your 2, 3, and 4, cost cards. Considering that you will always get at least two of them, they aren’t taking up slots in your deck, and that even if you do get a card you don’t like you don’t have to play it, I don’t see the random legendary as being bad at all.
I think what makes it even better is the mage hero card, you can ping the frozen champion
It would be a much more powerful 8-drop if it said: for your next three spells summon a minion equal to their mana costs…
It would be even better if it wasn’t a battlecry, but the effect was linked to something, like a weapon (as mage don’t have any , it would’nt mess with the game style)
That would be neat.
Dude, that’s some next level shit ur talking about.
Control dragon mage would be able to smash another control decks
if he get’s good rng yes but count bad legendaries in hearthstone and then count good legendaries in hearthstone ………….. also you need a clean board to play this since playing an 8/8 minion on turn 8 will give you almost nothing yes you can ping it but then it turns into 8/8 10 mana give a random legendary and spawn a 0/1 taunt and the only way you can get a clean board before playing this is to have very good board and trade with evrything or force enemy to use twisting nether and mage dosen’t really have a way of spamming the board so this card will be too slow against agro and too weak against control
They aren’t even Taunt so you basically need to kill them yourself.
Dr. 8
So original.
Do we know if they give you only class-specific legendaries? Class-specific and Neutral legendaries? Or just ANY legendary? I feel like that’s a crucial part of evaluating this card, because if it’s any that increases significantly how many low-rolls there are (think clutchmother and fandral and others that are only useful in their respective class) and fewer high rolls. While class-specific means the only low roll is like anomalus or maybe solia depending on how late in the game you are…and neutrals obviously introduce a lot of low and high rolls (second nzoth or ysera or alexstraza, etc. vs cho, millhouse, and co.)
Amy legendary trom aby classic
I’ve just realized something with the frozen champions. The card text itself doesn’t say it’s frozen but if you look at Sindragosa the “Frozen” part of the Frozen Champion name is in bold, meaning the champions will in fact be frozen! Therefore, it would fit nicely into the new freeze deck, assuming it works.
This gonna be awesome , i cant wait to play my Reno-Dragon-Frost-Nzoth Mage !
Who wants to bet that Deathbringer Saurfang will be the Warrior legendary?
Think this looks nice on paper but it’s just nowhere near as valuable an 8 drop as medivh the guardian in Mage. Pyros is also far better as it fills out minion gaps in your deck for tempo. This will only see play in a slow control or maybe Reno decks.
Think people are realllly overvaluing this card.
8 mana. By this time you need to start worrying about your end game. So you play this, an 8/8 with two 0/1 Deathrattles. That’s likely your 8 mana unless you’re playing this at 10 which gives you very selective options to break the Champions yourself on the same turn.
But it doesn’t end there: Not only will you have to play self-damage minions or spells, you have to hope that you get a good Legendary into your hand. And then you need the Mana to play that Legendary after spending some breaking your own Champions or setting them up with Taunt.
Even if everything goes well and you break both Champions the turn after, and somehow manage to get time to play them, you may very well get two trash Legendaries while you’re sitting at endgame. The game is not nearly slow enough for that and I don’t think KotFT is going to change that.
I don’t want to stomp on your hopes and dreams, but barring some super Dragon synergy card that goes with this, this is way too slow to see any play.
I don’t see how you’re supposed to efficiently kill off the Frozen Champions. Volcanic Potion? Spend 2 turns to ping them? And that is AFTER you play an 8 mana card that does nothing the turn you play it. If the Frozen Champions would have taunt or something it would make more sense.
Can’t make it too easy.
Dragonmage for the win.
But there are no mage dragon synergy cards…
But there could be new Mage Dragons and there is Coldarra Drake in Wildformat.
very overrated imo.Almost none of the tier1 decks in the history of hs has the win condition of outvalueing your opponent.CW had tons of lifegain and control priest combined removal with value and it was incınsistent always.Also i see this card beeing compared to medivh,nzoth or dr.boom but they created very good tempo when used this card is just a 8/8 when you consider tempo.But maybe im wrong and the card is ok
The card says they are 0/1 minions, not 1/1 as listed above.
it doesnt say its 1/1 above
1/1 as listed below*
It says Cost 1, Health 1.
Not Attack 1, Health 1.
It doesn’t say it’s a 1/1.
You can pick it from Netherspite Historian too. It means your hand with 4 legendaries on late game + Nzoth… I think i have a new favorite deck
Only in wild
Should be good in reno mage ^^
Guys this is great- a good way to add minions in a damage deck without thinning out on spells. This and Pyros Will work out nicely in the same control deck.
It’s time for a Nzoth Mage! with Pyros and Syndragosa!
I actually don’t want to see many more mage dragons because if Sindragosa is the only mage dragon, it’s pretty much a guaranteed pull off of Netherspite Historian. Also a further dragon synergy is that primordial drake kills the frozen champions, for whatever that’s worth.
They give you a random legendary , soooo , that’s pretty neat !
Awesome card. Dragon mage time.
Frozen Champion really needs to be a 0 mana minion; otherwise, Devolve will become a nightmare for every N’zoth deck.
Not quite, I mean bringing a 10 minion back to 9 isn’t detrimental at all and bringing back a 6 mana (pyros) back to 4 too, but making them 0 doesn’t change much IMHO because devolve usually it is used to take out a taunt in the way so you can BL for lethal, or get rid of buffed minions or removal (buffed board of murlocs/doomsayer), or even a again’s a board of a mirror match filled with totems.
If the frozen champions are devolved, they’ll become 0 mana cards anyways. I don’t know what your trying to get at here…
If the Frozen Champions were 0-mana, Devolve wouldn’t work against them and they’d remain as Frozen Champions. But since they’re 1-mana, they can turn into 0-mana minions. It’s like how evolve doesn’t work with 10-mana minions (or any giant) and how devolve doesn’t work against most giants (and 0-mana minions).
Oh I see. That is a good point to make but in a control match, this card is very good and would be even better if it didn’t have a good counter to it.
if they r 0 cost minions then devolve wont devolve them b/c they cant go any lower, so you will still have the frozen champions instead of some garbage 0 cost minions
Oh, is this why so many “meh” tier legendaries, makes sense…
Dr. Boom was a 7 mana 7/7 that summoned two tokens minions with powerful deathrattles. This card is a 8 mana 8/8 that summons two token minions with powerful deathrattles.
I think not.
Sindragosa Dr. 8 confirmed. Illuminati Confirmed. Naxx is out. etc.
Dr Boom was broken because it was a TEMPO card. 7 mana 9/9 with 2 deathrattles with an INSTANT effect (instant 2-8 damage!). This card is a 8 mana 8/10 VALUE card, that draws two (hopefully) powerful cards. You cant compare them because they are different types of cards. Dr boom is way more powerful than this card will ever be.
(Hey man I think he was making a joke)
Dragon Mage on the way
Priest says. Let me change your mind! Thanks for the legendary mage. (and also has potion of madness)
Yeah, potion of madness a 0/1, so you can charge with 0 attack, that is genius
And this is how trolden videos are born !
It’s not his/her fault that you’ve never played Cabal Shadow Priest in your life. Are you new to the game, by chance? Genius…
Potion of madness with wild pyromancer on board :V
If only Frozen Champions had text on it that says “This minion is Frozen” lol
You mean Potion of Sadness lol.
Nzoth mage might see some play
Well, it’s not THAT great…….8 mana for an 8/8 is normal, and then you have to kill your 0/1s……with double ping? vulcanic potion?
it’s 12/13 mana over 3 turns to have an 8/8 on the board and 2 random legendaries in hand (that you have to pay) which could be just crap.
it’s a card with lot of value but, god how slow it is
Definitely agree with you, but it seems like this expansion is more control/ slow based games so it may turn out a lot better than expected. In this meta right now though, it would never see play.
And the moment it slows down jade druid will distroy all its dreams and it will speed up again
It looks pretty good. The champions proc eventually making it an 8/8 draw two legendarys (eventually) for 8 mana. I would definitely run this in almost every mage control
This card looks really cool. Seems a bit like Medivh though. Powerful 8 drop but doesn’t have any immediate effect. Needs time to get full value out of it. Seems like a great idea for a control deathrattle Mage!
Frozen Champion from Maelstrom Portal Kreygasm.
Maelstrom Portal can’t summon token cards.
What are frozen champions?
0/1 Deathrattle: Add a random legendary to your hand.
Seems pretty good then
0/1 Deathrattle: Add a Lore Walker Cho or Millhouse Manastorm to your hand.
Frozen Champion
Type: Minion – Cost: 1 – Health: 1
Deathrattle: Add a random Legendary minion to your hand.
Frozen Champion
Type: Minion – Cost: 1 – Health: 1
Deathrattle: Add a random Legendary minion to your hand.
Is just bellow the status
Just added it above!
But it still says on the card that it’s a 0/1: “Battlecry: summon two 0/1 Frozen Champions.”
Oh oops
That’s really confusing, how it’s just Cost 1 Health 1
I saw two 1s and thought it was a 1/1 but of course there isn’t attack there