Shirvallah, the Tiger
Shirvallah, the Tiger is a 25 Mana Cost Legendary Paladin Minion Beast card from the Rastakhan's Rumble set!
Flavor Text
On bended knee Thekal placed his weapon upon Shirvallah’s altar, whereupon she slowly knocked it off with her paw.- Mana Cost: 25
- Attack: 7
- Health: 5
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Paladin
- Card Type: Minion
- Minion Type: Beast
- Set: Rastakhan's Rumble
- Mechanics: Divine Shield, Lifesteal, Rush
I purchased two Rastakhans pack in case of opening Shirvallah. I did. 5/5
holy wrath paladin is ridiculous cause of this sexy bastard of a card hahaha
You know, this is like a recover card, maybe could come out late but a 7 sure heal plus a maybe 14, could get you out of some letal ranges, plus now there is a lot of heal/armor for paladin and other options, this doesn’t need to be a win condition this is the savior of a deck who calls for shyrvallas help.
Meh. Unenthused. Quest/Buff/Spell paladin have better, bigger late game stuff to make endless copies of for value, aka, Lynessa exists.
This really needs to have 8 power to be worth it I think. It would be frustrating to put this in your deck and jump through hoops to cast it, then have it not be able to kill a Lich King or just a Giant.
If control paladin appears to be a deck and can compete great in the ladder, this is a auto include, 2x consecration, 2x Equality and 1x A new challenger is a discount on 19 mana. Put in another A new challenger, Oondasta and you get it for free. I dunno I think it is pretty good.
This can see play in a Holy Wrath Standard OTK deck. Get its cost down low and draw all of your cards, and you can baleful banker it back into your deck, then hit them with the holywrath. You can also go for the augmented elek+ baleful banker for multiple shuffles, in order to hit multiple holy wraths next turn.
The new paladin 7 cost spell could see play in this deck, as it reduces the cost by 7, and can be a good defensive tool.
I would want to run call to arms to help thin the deck, but then there is antisynergy with the bankers, so it is not a viable option.
Looks pretty good, but it might be costed too steeply at this point. I will attempt a control paladin with this thing, but I would hope for another good spell for control paladins other than just the normal consecrate and spikeridged steed with sometimes lay on hands or something. Just for reference, I would pay 8 mana for this minion, even if crystalsmith combo wasn’t a thing.
Buff for Tess Rogue.
Rip hearthstone,
just imagine having a 10 cost shirvallah, then playing a 8 cost spell that would make it cost 2.
and lets not forget the 7 healing lifesteal, rush and divine shield
if i owned blizzard i would make it “Cant cost less than 10 mana”
Also…. He has Vallah in his name. Which means “Swear by god”… so wtf
would be more worth it with overkill ability
would be more worth it with overkill ability
I wanna mention 2 things:
1) This card would be a 10 mana card by its powerlevel. You get 7 lifes deal 7 demage + get a solid body instantly. Thats amazing for control. So yaeh u can’t drop if turn 7 or 8 most of the time but thats the case for cards like ysera, guldan too so thats not the big point.
2) I wanna compare this to arcane giant. You normaly drop ag around 3 mana. so u played 9 spells already. so if your spells averagly cost 3 u get a much better ag for free with this card. Ag saw play. This is card is much better so it will see more play. I would rate it 5/5 so far but just if control pali gets a thing in the meta. of course this card is trash for aggro.
“Ag saw play. This is card is much better so it will see more play”
This would be valid if shirvallah was neutral, which it isn’t
Good point. But I guess it fits perfectly for pala cause of corpsetaker or holy wrath synergies
I like this card design! Imagine if you pick it up from rexxar in a spell hunter, that would be awesome and pretty OP
You can just get beasts with costs lower then 6. But yaeh it would be amazing
Empty your deck, drop it on the board -> baleful -> holy wrath. GG ez.
Also, if you put 2 giants in, you’ve got a 10% high roll chance if you cast it straight up xD
Zola the bale for next turn to repeat the combo next turn with the second holy wrath
or turn 10 just play this card for 0 mana, ele, banker, banker time out. that makes you immune for the next turn and have 4 tigers in your deck. next tunr holy holy for 50 damage.
How much mana do you think playing a 7-5 Divine shield, Rush, life steal minion is worth?
Zilliax is a 3-2 for only 5 mana with all this + it also has taunt and magnetic for those mech synergies
Now your getting +4 attack + 3 health. minus the taunt and magnetic for ONLY 20 more mana. Unless you play 20 mana worth of spells.
Zilliax is super understated but still sees a lot of play because it’s a good defensive card for 5 manna and can heal you for at least 3 maybe 6 more if your lucky. + has that mech synergy.
Stats wise, I’d say it’d be a fair card at 8 or 9 mana. (without the effect obviously) It’s be a good control tech against aggro and mid-range decks that’d give you 7 – 14 health heal potentially 21 Hp+.
Hard to say, idk if this is gonna be good. I feel like it’s not, because control paladins and quest paladin doesn’t need more dead cards in there hand against aggro and mid-range decks
Unless pally gets some pretty epic spells that are super strong like UI or some better cheap ones. I don’t know about this card.
there is already a 8/3 div, rush for 8 mana. OK its a bad card but in arena playable. This card is much better and lifesteal alone is worth 1 mana more. so i would say its a 10 mana card. Don’t now any better card (except battlecry synergies, aoes or deathrattle synergies)
Prismatic lense High Roll!!
I haven’t loved card art this much since Baku the Mooneater
10/10 will see play on my lock screen
I don’t think this card is great. 1 EQ, 1 Cons, 1 Spikeridged steed down, and this card still sits dead in your hand? This card is very, very bad when drawn early, and doesn’t win Control matchups to make up for that flaw.
So i gonna get this 1 COST by playing some academics lol
Looks like can fit in quest paladin
Unplayable imo. It’s not relevant enough to justify the investment. It’s. It even a win condition
there is no investement, otk dk paladins already run ~40mana worth of spell
With the current card pool? Trash, because any kind of control/midrange Paladin is trash. Considering this is the lead off card, though, it seems likely that Paladins are going to have spells pushed this expansion. Shirvallah isn’t enough incentive alone to run a spell heavy deck, but will definitely fit right in if some kind of Control Paladin DOES surface. That’s a big if, though.
visit HS replay
there are dk otk pala lists with over 50% winrate that play 38mana worth of spell
Why bother commenting if you’re just going to be so wrong? Even Paladin is a midrange deck that is one of the strongest decks in the current meta. Control Paladin with eggs and cubes is also strong and is seeing a decent amount of play in high legend.
Last time I checked, Egg Paladin was like tier 3, if that’s changed recently then I GUESS you could make the argument, although it doesn’t run anywhere near enough spells to use this. As for Even Paladin…you mind taking a look at the mana cost of this card?
Well, if the Buff spells used in Even Paladin right now can find their way into another deck or Control Paladin becomes viable, it won’t be difficult to turn this into a ten mana card between Blessing of Kings, Spikeridge Steed, Equlity, Consecration, and whatever else you might find useful. It’s also nice with Corpsetaker. It’ll find a home eventually.
I loved the design, let’s see if the card is good or not
Definitely slotting this card into a Reno Paladin list I’m working on in wild, I’m sure it’ll have a place in standard as well.
Paladin doesn’t have that many big cost spells. This would start being fair to play at 6 or 7 mana, meaning you need to cast at least 18 Mana of spells to make this work. Buff pally can accomplish this with deck thinning like crystology to draw 1/1 taunts and kangor, as well as the quest. Quest, crystology, blessing of King’s and spikeridged steed is on its own 13/18, and then all you need is a few more spells. 3x Sound the bells, for instance. Enough big threats and healing is what quest paladin needs, and this’ll only be around for 4 months anyway. I like it; 4 stars. Tier 2 deck.
Also I hope all the loa have high cost and an effect that reduces them, or are low cost and cost more if you don’t appease them. Adds to their flavor
6 or 7 mana? this is still good at 10
Wouldn’t you want to play this and a buff spell on the same turn? Or Kangor and it, so you can heal better? Either way, this starts not feeling painful at 8 mana.
ziliax is good at 5mana with a 3/2 statline
this is a 7/5
it’s a 7/5 lifesteal with battlecry deal 7 and heal 7
deal 7 + heal 7 would be a 6+mana spell
7/5 lifesteal would be a 5+drop
getting both for 8mana is ridiculously OP
So I recently started playing quest paladin, and this will fit riiiiiiiight in.
Love it 4.5/5
Yes, and do 0 damage. Cool!
I would like this interaction to be clarified. When Holy Wrath drew Molten Giant, it did the full mana cost damage if I remember correctly. So why wouldn’t it in this case? This Tiger could be the win condition that Control Paladin is lacking: you play this for 0-mana once you have drawn your deck, then Baleful Banker it, then Holy Wrath for 25 damage, which would normally be lethal.
Or even better Hemet your deck after having drawn the baleful and you only have this and a holy wrath in your deck above 3 mana except for maybe some vital control cards like consecration or the death knight.
I’m not that sold on Hemet. The Tiger needs to get down to at least 3 mana before this combo is playable, and having to use 22 mana on spells is a lot of mana! I think by the time the combo is available, Hemet could be redundant. But it needs experimentation for sure…
Buff pal anyone?
I agree, looks like they want to make that deck viable, also considering the new kingsbane minion for pala and Lynessa as recent legendary minion they really want to see that happen.