Shield of Honor
Shield of Honor is a 1 Mana Cost Common Paladin, Warrior Spell card from the Scholomance Academy set!
Card Text
Give a damaged minion +3 Attack and Divine Shield.
Flavor Text
"Sir, this shield would've been more helpful last turn!"- Mana Cost: 1
- Crafting Cost: 40 / 400 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 5 / 50 (Golden)
- Rarity: Common
- Classes: Paladin, Warrior
- Card Type: Spell
- School: Holy
- Set: Scholomance Academy
- Mechanics: Buff Minion, Divine Shield
Too good?
Great for Fast and Pain Decks.
Might even be got for big health minions, for those that you want to protect if they can’t deal with it. If You combine this with Augment Archmerchant first, and than you use Shield of Honor, you can make such an annoying minion.
This is great. 4 Stars.
Works well with Kor’kron Elite + Inner Rage + This and Rampage + Bloodsworn.
Can also make Bloodboil Brute more sticky, but that might not be enough to use this in your deck.
I think this is used if Rampage is used and if Rampage isnt used, this isnt used.
Paladin also can’t get a whole lot out of this.
4 Stars because Tempo Warrior is really strong and doesnt seem to die in the rotation. But this is probably the only deck that will use this and if the archetype dies, this dies with it. Might fall to 2 Stars and “only from Cobalt Spellkin” if Tempo Warrior gets nerfed and Bomb Warrior takes over.
Great, especially in Warrior.
Yup saw this coming for a warrior pally card of course you would buff a dmged minion and give it shield.