Seaforium Bomber
Seaforium Bomber is a 5 Mana Cost Epic Neutral Minion card from the The Boomsday Project set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Shuffle a Bomb into your opponent's deck. When drawn, it explodes for 5 damage.
Flavor Text
Dress for the bomb you want, not the bomb you have.- Mana Cost: 5
- Attack: 5
- Health: 5
- Crafting Cost: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 100 / 400 (Golden)
- Rarity: Epic
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: The Boomsday Project
- Mechanics: Add to Deck, Battlecry, Bomb
Seaforium Bomber Additional Information
Cards Relating to Seaforium Bomber
Bomb Type: Spell - Cost: 5 Casts When Drawn You take 5 damage. |
Monocopy in a Shudderwock Deck ? … Maybe insane
Love this card! This will find a place in my Hunter deck for sure!
Ha get it seaforium… C4ium…
Well… Time for Dane to make a Shadowcaster Factory ft. Seaforium Bomber x3
If you’re able to get Brann AND Augmented Elekk on the board when playing this, it’ll be a monster, not to mention doing it an infinite amount of times with the Shadowcaster combo. It’s a lot faster than Dead Man’s Hand with Juggernaut, and a ton more reliable than the Wondrous Wand + Juggernaut infinite combo.
… Oh. Y’all only care about Standard… Well, I’d say this is pretty bad. Something of a delayed Blazecaller that only hits face. Not so good unless we see some Battlecry Synergies besides Augmented Elekk. Maybe in infinite-shuffle Rogue… But idk.
Mill Rogue maybe …
Could be a tech card in a meta where everyone plays combodecks that draw through their whole deck. But even then it just fine and not game winning.
Im the bomb and im gonna blow up!
Im the bomb and in gonna blow up!
Augmented Elekk and Lab Recruiter synergies come to mind. Never mind the Pogo’s!
If the Mine doesn’t draw anything afterwards, it could be OK for Control.
But I feel like this could even be better in Tempo Decks. 5/5 is a nice body for 5 mana, something Tempo Decks care about, Control not. Tempo Decks care about 5 Face Dmg, Control not.
If Big Spell Mage is a thing in this meta, this will be a nice Counter against Ravens and Dragons Fury. I could see this in Tempo / Odd Rogue.
Control Decks draw enough Cards (Druids, Warlocks, Mages) and also Mircale Rogue. So it should be easy to get the Bombs off.
5/5 with 5 face dmg for 5 with the possible Addon of denying your opponent a card, sounds OK. I would maybe prefer it to Lifedrinker
it will draw
Mine warrior in wild anyone? W brann, the new elekk, iron juggernaut, and this card.
Omg yes.
If the bomb doesn’t draw any replacement card afterward, this will fit into many control deck. Deny a card draw and deal damage at the same time is pretty fun. Otherwise, it will be dust
I’m pretty sure that – when drawn – the bomb does 5 face dmg, and when the player survives the damage, the normal draw will occur.
then it may not see much play except in some meme
This is exactly the kind of mad science card I want to see! Is it any good? I honestly have no clue. Definitely one to look out for though, I wouldn’t be shocked to see it make a competitive deck at some point.
EZ mecha’thun counter
shudderwock laugh ha ha
*Iron juggernaut noises intensify*
So, will the bomb cantrip and draw a replacement card? If the answer is yes, this card is absolute trash (see Iron Juggernaut which was much more efficient). If no, it might actually see some play to disrupt other decks.
It definitely draws, even though it wasn’t confirmed. Every card like that which you shuffled into your opponent’s deck so far cycled – Iron Juggernaut, Beneath the Grounds, The Darkness.
Seaforium Bomber is not god awful, but it is far enough below the powercurve for a five drop that it probably won’t see play.
In more detail, the body isn’t good without it affecting the board in some notable way and it doesn’t. It throws five damage at your opponent at some point. That point might not happen, but give it long enough, miracles can happen.
The amount of damage too is underwelming. It wouldn’t surprise me if a Leper Gnome style five drop deathrattle could be created that just dealt five damage. For the amount of time you could have to wait to get the damage dealt, it really should’ve done at least eight.
Why shuffle a bomb that deals 10 damage when you can shuffle 2 bombs that deal 10 in total. Genius!
wtf? Iron juggernaut is a 6 mana 6/5 shuffle a 10 dmg mine. So in comparison for 1 more mana it gets plus 1 stat and 5 more dmg. This card is so bad
It’s also a class specific legendary. Neutral cards are quite often less powerful than class cards.
ikr! when will they make commons as strong as class specific legendaries! come on!….. derp
Forgot that was LEGENDARY?
5 damage for who?
Omg did you think about that
Is this rhetorical, or are you just retarded
It’s actually a decent question, no need to be such assholes about it. The card has weird wording and there isn’t a token for clarification.
The text lacks explanations for sure, it could land on minions, it could draw anotehr card when drawn, we will not know untill they clarify
A card for dead man’s hand Elekk warrior?
Dead man’s hand does not need elekk nor burn since it’s a fatigue deck that just shuffles a few specific cards into the deck to redraw them and shuffle again, elekk would mess that up and burn is not necesarry
I say Elekk because doubling the bombs shuffled would make it MUCH faster. In wild you already have Iron Juggernaut so no one would play this card in a deck with Brann anyway