Saronite Chain Gang
Saronite Chain Gang is a 4 Mana Cost Rare Neutral Minion Draenei card from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set!
Card Text
Taunt Battlecry: Summon a copy of this minion.
Saronite Chain Gang is a 4 Mana Cost Rare Neutral Minion Draenei card from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set!
Taunt Battlecry: Summon a copy of this minion.
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Although hand buff decks are somewhat weak, I can still imagine this finding a good place in a deck like that. Don Han’cho + Saronite Chain Gang = 2 x 7/8 taunts.
This is also a nice arena card
Spirit Wolves 2.0
Hello power creep, classic cards are just getting weaker and weaker
It isnt the same… Turn 3 you have 2 tounts and turn 4 deal 4 dmg and summon 2 drop or totem… With this you get turn 3 something played and then on turn 4 you get 2 tounts… With wolves you get faster board control with minions.. Soo this isnt for shaman mybe its only good for evolve shaman
wow even better than shamans spirit wolves for 1 more mana and without overload
Like i said once you can play wolves turn before then this…faster board control specialy vs agro decks
perhaps but its better against everything else
Looks slightly better than infester tauren to me, and that card is alright in arena. So this will pop up from time to time.
dont think so.. helfire and both of them are gone.. and if you helfire with infested tauren you will still ged 2/2 minion on board…but its good vs decks with no board clear.. from sizuatio to situation lol sometimes this is better and sometimes is infested tauren better
so i would say its the same shit LOL infested have synergy with n zoth and this have synergy with quest warrior new druid class legendary but i dont think you wanna to manny tounts cause you will probably run the leach king… more taunts you have summoned less chance you have to summon taunts you really wanna on board just like leach king xD its better to have 3-7 mid/large taunts then full deck of little ones like this one
This is a cool card. It has a little bit of everything going for it. Good against aggro, similar to second rate bruiser in that sense, but you trade one mana for +1 health and more consistency. Also synergizes with hand buffs which is a little strange but welcome. My favorite is the evolve synergy, imagine these guys into the Shaman death knight, that’s two 6 mana minions on turn 5!
If they survive then yes it is two 6 mana minion but they wouldnt survive in most of cases
Looks promising. It’s Feral Spirits, but instead of the overload 2, you pay one extra mana up front. It means you can’t play it earlier, but that won’t really be a deal breaker. This is a very effective anti-aggro card and I think it’ll play a big role at keeping aggro decks in check.
Also noteworthy: Hand buff effects. Those effects are uncommon, but I’m sure it’ll be relevant somewhere, especially in arena.
Guys, Buffadin. Imagine playing Don Han’Cho and hitting this. That is 2 7/8’s with taunt for 4 mana. Pretty good play.
Well, considering that hand buff decks were never a thing and that Dopplegangster had even more value and that stuff never saw play… I mean, if Don Han’Cho hits Dopplegangster it’s 3 7/7s for 5, and that was never a thing.
Everyone wanted a control meta. Congraz, we have got what we asked for. Now we just need to add atleast 10 hours more play time a month to get to legend.
Good to evolve
The cute little skele evolves into 11 for 4. This is 10 for 4. This is a lot better on it’s own though.
#blizzard cant balance
If it where a deathrattle it would be far better…
Just think about, first 2/3, but then after 1 cryostasis, or a few paladin buffs reborn as a maybe 10/13 with taunt, lifesteal, poisonous, windfury ?? you just could buff it with any tag or raw stats and it will be reborn with the tags and stats ^^
Ok no i take it back, it would be to strong…. Damn i am stupid sometimes XD
handbuff paladin
This card is actually better than the Shaman class card feral spirit.
There are several advantages Feral Spirit has over this card. Since it is a spell this means that it has many bonuses like summoning stuff while cast with a Summon Stone or Atesh. Since it costs less it can be used earlier. Becuase it has overload it can have synergy with other overload cards and it means that your opponent will not be able to use it as effectively if they steal it or get it randomly. And becuase of all of the above it is far easier to get multiples of Feral Spirits, for instance the only way you can reliably get this card through discover is a Stonehill Defender, while a shaman can discover Feral Spirit semi-reliably via Finders Keepers, Jewelled Scarab, and Tortollan Primalist.
Good with that Warrior card that gives a Taunt minion in your hand +3/+3 for 2 mana.
If it hits this thats 4 mana for two 5/6’s with Taunt.
Like evolve shaman isn’t annoying as it is…
Rip yeti
4 mana 4/6 with taunt
Yes, this is way better than yeti but ironically, yeti can kill both and survive as a 4/1! XD
Good if you buff it, and possibly good enough to play on its own. 2 mana for a 2/3 taunt would be okay if it existed, coupling two together for 4 mana should make it better.
Wild evolve shaman with brand then chain gang then thrall deathseer OPOP
handbuff Paladin might work
Another chance at Buffadin Paladin??
Doppleganger dreams
The evolve shaman is strong with this one
Next evolve card
Spirit Wolf is that you?