Rhok’delar is a 7 Mana Cost Legendary Hunter Weapon card from the Kobolds and Catacombs set!
Card Text
Battlecry: If your deck has no minions, fill your hand with Hunter spells.
Flavor Text
Rhok'delar is ready to Rhok'de'casbah!- Mana Cost: 7
- Attack: 4
- Durability: 2
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Hunter
- Card Type: Weapon
- Set: Kobolds and Catacombs
- Mechanics: Battlecry
It’s kinda amusing to look back and see how wrong everyone was about spell hunter. Turns out when you can flood the board, have early and late game removal, and a way to sustain yourself late game you don’t really need minions.
You are quite right. Currently using spell hunter and it is very, very good.
I just looked up this legendary rating list to see how a few new legendaries were ranked. When I saw the rating for Rhok’delar I insta-dismissed every other rating. I’ve been crushing it with Spell Hunter, it’s one of my favourite decks!
Gross. Honestly I am disappointed with most of the legendary weapons. I think Flanking Strike will see play as will Wandering Monster. Hunter has tools but this will not be one of them. I don’t see how Spell Hunter is even viable as most of his spells can’t go Face.
Hey Asperkraken, where are ya now mate?
1st of all – its fill the hand with spells wich means that your card on the next turn will be destroyed!
2nd – it costs 7 mana! 7! not even 4 wich could be more or less equal to 4/2 weapon and loss of one card
3rd – and main! no minions! Realy?! I would understand if its says “If your deck has no minions but beasts, fill your hand with Hunter spells”.
And whom am i speaking to …
Guess you didn’t play the deck. So many beast-calling spell cards you can flood the board nearly as fast as Odd Pally. As for wasting a card – hold your coin or T8 the Rhok’delar bro. Easy
This no minion strategy is stupid. Hunter has many bad spells and few which buffs beast in your hand. This is just ridiculous. Card has antysynergy with its own battlecry.
Alright, I’m dusting all my hunter cards for mage cards, they got better spells there (and boobs)
Hell yeah thats why I play secret mage with Kabal Crystal Runners
Bet ya hurting now!
If I end up opening these hunter cards, I’m going to try it out. Now I’m kinda curious if a deck like this could work. There are some support cards this set and with DK, release the hounds, locked and loaded, animal companion, and with secrets……im wondering if there is enough there.
Could be fun at the very least.
So bad it’s unbelievable !
Blizzard just took a huge dump on Hunter (again)
Ben Brodes fun deck which never gone see any play brilliant idea. There is a differnce between fun and trash. Fun is DK Rexxar its not good as other hunters 5 mana cards and dont really fit to hunter class but its so fun to play it. U have to be mental thiking that playing this trash ben brode hunter is gone be fun.
Too weak for its effect and the type of style hunter deck plays.
This might see play in Barnes deck or Yogg deck, which can be a help for them slightly
BUT after they routate out there’s no deck for hunter to put it in. After, hunter pretty much only got Beast or Deathrattle decks left that is decent.
Should have been: Whenever any other character hen yourself attacks a minion, cast vanish. then resummon the enemy minions
For anyone who did the hunter quest to obtain this in World of warcraft
You would need to remove the “If your deck has no minions” to get a 7mana 4/2 fill your hand with random hunter spells and that itself isn’t even that broken, its just DECENT. What is Blizzard doing printing all these trash…
Hunter fans everywhere: These hunter cards for no holds have been pretty bad so far… Blizzard must be making them a super powerful special weapon!!!
Blizzard: Nah, why would we do that! We’ve already devoted this set to strengthening priest and merging hunter, so why would we try to brink hunter back from the brink! We just decided we hate hunter, son no good weapons for you loyal blizzard fans
Hunter fans: Oh…. ok then
And so, budget Hearthstone begins to end
Another trash
At least it’s somewhat? maybe? possibly? slightly? better? than runespear? question mark?
What pisses me off about this card is that some people will get this as their free legendary weapon, and they’ve been screwed out of 1200 dust. They’ll get 400 from disenchanting this garbage, but need that 1200 to get a card they can actually use.
thats how bliz makes the big bucks bois
This is a free refill in the lategame most of the time, if you use a spell-heavy or recruit deck.
Yeah this is just a 7 mana 4/2 weapon that can give you 10 cards, so bad…
This is better than ultimate infestation, but at least it has a cost to its effect.
This is the shaman quest card, you don’t have to do anything in game for, that gives better Cards.
You have some serious brain famage if you think this is even close to Ultimate Infestation in terms of power.
Murloc quest, but don’t need to do anything in game for? You’re right. You don’t have to do anything *in-game*. You just need to figuretivily lobotomize your deck to have no minions to tget shitty hunter spells
Draw 5 cards > Generate 10 random spells (cards in your deck are better)
Deal 5 damage > 4/2 weapon (don’t take face damage)
Summon a 5/5 > 3 mana
Even ignoring the condition on this, UI is WAY better.
Just pulled this as my free weapon. what a crock.
come now guys, repeat after me: worst. expansion. ever.
I 100% disagree. Almost all cards revealed are either super fun or very strong.
Except for Hunter cards
gimmicky =/= super fun
and most support is either for priest or for ‘dead’ decks -wild only decks like silver hand pally, totem shaman and control warrior- or for a weird non-existant ‘new’ archetype -big mage-
Did somebody say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?
even if the battlecry does go off what are you gonna do with a hand of spells from the class with the worst spells. the deck requires way too much sacrifice and barely has any solid win condition
Go face?
So this card and “To My Side” are awful in standard, BUT they will both work in a wild Yogg’N’Load deck. Very fun deck (although by no means top tier – or even 4th teir) these are some very good cards for that deck only.
Yogg’N’Load Is also Ben Brodes favourite deck… coincidence? I think Not! Just a shame Hunter is now gonna be terrible cause Ben Brode wants to play his favourite deck in Wild …
well, you could, but you could also risk not having pulled yogg yet and losing the effects
Kobolds and Catacombs:
Hunter = Freeze Shaman
Cool card only for No minion hunter or wicked hemet hunter witk low cos t minions and high cost spells
They finally really did it. YOU MANIACS!
Sorry Blizz, but this ENTIRE archetype won’t work with just 2 cards, it just won’t. Could it be good later? Sure. But will it? No. Another bad weapon. Rip.
this card is so broken, barnes yasharaj deck had a 70% win rate before nerf to call of the wild this card could revive that deck
Not if your Barnes or *Y’shaarj are still in your deck though, then it’s horrible.
Barnes hunter never had anywhere close to a 70% win rate…
This card would be only viable in a secret hunter deck with DK rexxar and Hemmet.. even then.. would be a meme deck.. so Sad for hunter
This card would be good if it didnt need you to have no minions. Just as To My Side
What I wouldn’t give to punch Ben Brode in the face for this…
You can have my kidney if it helps.
Ben brode isn’t responsible for how a card should be balanced
he is responsible for letting this design pass though
Hahahahaha, a joke right?
I swear if this is my free random weapon I am going to rage so hard…
Or you could play it and have fun
This is the perfect counter for those OP turn 7 millhouse manastorm plays, it even has 4 attack to deal with it instantly
I hate it when my opponent turn 7 Millhouses me I can finally counter that degenerate deck with this fresh archetype
The old heroes still play minions in his Decks… the Hunter don’t need that old stuff any more…
Confirmation that Blizzard hates hunter? Or did we already know that? Eh.
If this weapon had decent stats it would see play at rank 25, just for the stats of the weapon. But that’s it.
I actually do quite well with this card. Hunter spells are situational and can very much come in handy if played at the right time. The 4/2 added to that is a bonus.
well thx for the lame card
Lmfao people actually joke that the weapon would be this, gdi it came true
Yeah, very sad
seems we jinx’d it