Revenge of the Wild
Revenge of the Wild is a 2 Mana Cost Rare Hunter Spell card from the Rastakhan's Rumble set!
Card Text
Summon your Beasts that died this turn.
Flavor Text
My roommates only use Revenge of the Passive Aggressive.- Mana Cost: 2
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Hunter
- Card Type: Spell
- Set: Rastakhan's Rumble
- Mechanics: Summon
Revenge of the Wild Card Review
The card is pretty insane in some way, but I’m still not sure what kind of way it is. Summoning all of the Beasts that died this turn for just 2 mana is a crazy effect. The thing is, even getting a single minion like Bearshark or one of your Animal Companions back is already good tempo play. Getting one of the biggest Beasts is straight up insane.
A thing that a lot of folks are talking about is Flark's Boom-Zooka, but I don’t think that it’s going to work. Any Flark’s deck is still incredibly clunky. You would need to build a deck with only big Beasts in it (no other minions at all), don’t draw them, then play Boom-Zooka and this on Turn 10. In theory, if you get 2x Charged Devilsaur and King Krush, that’s 2x 7/7 + 8/8 on the board, all of which can immediately attack. But that’s a pipe dream – the chance that they will still be in your deck by Turn 10 (assuming the best case scenario of drawing this + Boom-Zooka before T10) is incredibly low.
Recruit Hunter might be a deck to play this in, but it’s not 100% optimal. On the one hand, you do have some big Beasts, but on the other, they often die on your opponent’s turn, not on yours. Unless you can stick a 5/5 Devilsaur and trade it on your turn, the card might be dead until much later into the game. Also, the deck runs Prince Keleseth, but it’s probably the “worst” deck for Keleseth out of all current Keleseth decks, so cutting it wouldn’t be the end of the world. But then again, getting a 2 mana 5/5 in the mid game after you trade your Devilsaur, or getting a 2 mana Witchwood Grizzly / Charged Devilsaur later in the game is tempting.
But in the end, the deck I think would want to use this most is some kind of Midrange Hunter, maybe Secret Hunter. Those run quite a lot of Beasts, and like I’ve mentioned, just getting a single 3-drop is worth it, although you would aim for more. For example, it might be a good follow-up to a Spellstone that wasn’t AoE’d. If your opponent has dropped some minions to trade into your 3/3’s, you can trade them off first and then revive with this card.
It also has nice synergy with Unleash the Hounds – you can double it for extra 2 mana assuming you traded all of your Hounds. If you happened to trade another Beast on the same turn, that’s even more value.
Overall, the card has a lot of potential and I would be surprised if it didn’t see any play over its time in Standard. In a Beast-heavy deck, it doesn’t take a lot to get value out of it, and the tempo swing potential is massive after certain turns. The only downside is that it’s a bad card to topdeck if you have no Beast to trade, and that it does nothing when you’re behind on the board and can’t stick a minion, because everything you play dies right away (unless you can combo it with some Charge/Rush minions, that is).
Card rating: 8/10
Saying it won’t work with Flark is a little naive. If you have deathrattle minions and then pull them with flark, then this would be insane. Turn 10:
Play Flarks boomzooka, pulls Savannah highmane, arfus and the beast. All attack and die,
Play revenge of the wild to resummon them,
Leaves you with a 6/5, a 9/7 3 x 2/2s, a deathknight card in hand having dealt 17 damage.
If this isn’t tempo then I’m not sure what is!
Giggling Inventoresque. I confirmed the 2-3 beasts this plays for two mana all say “Hello”. Seriously a huge disappointment to see this. Why?
wtf op
make sure u keep extra copies of this for the dust value when it gets nerfed!
uhhhhhhhhhhh this should be Hunter’s legendary spell
Win more card. Won’t see play. You’re talking about having extra value after having katherina on play. But you have already won the game if you have the time to play katherina. Not very good.
This in face hunter is busted. He doesn’t lose anymore on turn 6.
2 mana N’zoth without deathrattles(some of them even have a deathrattle), this card is busted.
wtf, broken
Imagine if you recruit a King Krush with Katherna, hit his face, cube it, do this twice, then do play dead, there would be 40 damage to your opponents face. This is just too OP
That’s also a five card combo that needs to be begun a turn before in a class that has never had substantial draw.
A strong 2 mana card, decks that run this won’t be able to run Keleseth.
Seems like it would be best w unleash the hounds for a board clear
“We’re nerfing Fiery War Axe cause we think it is too powerfull, and it offers too much for only 2 mana”
-Said Blizzard
Like, wtf… it is easily a good 4 mana card. It offers tooooo much it it hits only ONE beast. 2 mana re-unleash the hounds, 2 mana Fuck Randomness Y’ll Shoot The Boomzooka Right At Your Face, 2 mana replay any beast that you probably ALREADY chose to be in your deck… holy fuck, thats meta breaking
This will both rotate AND can’t be played on curve. That’s the most important difference between this and War Ax.
There is no way this card is real, do you guys even realise how broken this card is? If its real its going to become the most powerfull card in the entire game
Wops misread the effect, my bad. Its not so broken after all
This and the Zooka could make for a very strong swing turn!
………..not even a legendary, so for 4 mana you can cast it twice (potentially of course). I play a lot of Hunter and was feeling deflated at the power of some of the cards other classes are getting, but this makes me feel sorry for everyone else now. Vive Rexxar
Sounds like you ride a roller coaster of emotion during reveal season…
I’m so lonely……….
Revenge of the Wild is a very efficient card, but this screams win more rather than lose less. If you can use your big beasts to trade up into even bigger minions rather than dealing direct damage to the hero, you were probably going to win anyway.
It’s good, but it’s good in the same way as Kel’thuzad.
As mentioned in the review, you can at the very least double up on UTH, when playing from behind. That’s a strong comeback mechanic.
I suppose so, but decks that would get the most value out of the card would not be the ones also playing Unleash the Hounds.
Where does that opinion come from?
Deathrattle and Recruit Hunter
Ah ok, I see it more in MR.
sorry i think everyone is overhyping this card. in most cenarios its a dead card in your hand. if you win with beasts+cubes on board u mostly winning anyway, so no reason to summon back ur minions after trading. maybe im wrong tho,
2/5 stars
The only matchup it would actually be super usefull is taunt druid, but how dead is this deck
Yeah this is Gucci fam.
I see Charged devilsaur trading then coming back then making me kill myself.
4.5I hate egg hunters/5
This looks broken, but we’ll have to see if it’s a dead card more often than not. Just thinking on dropping Scavenging Hyena + UTH + then this makes my mouth water, and that’s not the best combo out there.
Broken with normal beasts, specially deathrate minions, not necessary think in combo. Nerf to 4 mana in one month :p
This card is only really playable when you’re ahead already. Obviously, it’s low cost does mean it won’t take that much to get decent value out of it, but you do need your beasts to die on your turn, something that isn’t exactly easy at points.
Very powerfull combined with Rush, Charge, Deathrattle Minions.
The scaling within this card seems broken to me. It’s already a decent play if you revive a Bearshark on Turn 4 for only two mana. Midgame could be a Highmane + X for only two mana, lategame a Build a Beast board or something for only two mana. Card looks like a Value + Tempo King to me. 5/5
Absolutely broken. This card its going to get nerf
Wtf this card is so good.
Even if you don’t build your deck around it is usefull, 2 mana get 1 or 2 average beasts you used to trade is enough to get value. Even if you only use it to get huffer back is good.
No Guy Guys, u dont see the meme potential. U play king Smorc, Coin doomsayer. Next turn they all die, u play revenge of the wild, cube the King, play dead into play dead, terror scale stalker creating 6 9,9 for a total of 54 smorc damage!!!! NEW META
OK he’s an 8,8 so 8×6 will only be 48 but still this is hunters new goal in life!!!
You only get 5 King Crushes tho, since cube and Terrorscale take up 2 spaces on the board
Use play dead instead of terrorscale and u get with 2 revenge and playdead 6 Crushes. Most warriors are outrange of 5 KC i am glad we can attack 7 times with it
In a situation where your King could survive (so he can be killed by doomsayer) until your turn, why would you play doomsayer in the first place? Next turn just hit+cube+play dead+….
Element of surprise?
Rank 20 comment.
mmmh revenge of the wild (2) + cube (5) + play dead (1) + play dead (1) + terrorscvale stalker (3) = 12 mana.
2 mana re-summon Oondasta.
11 mana combo? If it dies on your opponent turn it doesn’t trigger.
2 mana really?? 10/10
Yeah no fair, but let’s give rogue some more garbo unplayables. Keep it comin Blizzard lol
Has synergy with the legendary spell but I don’t think is as broken as people say. Really situational.
Really blizzard? really?
I mean it’s gonna be 10 mana combo on *cough* hunter… But boomzooka + this is pretty damn strong.
Imagine this with the new oondusta legendary. Thats a huge swing when you are behind on board.
Boomzooka viable!!!
Damn, didn’t think about that. Actually insane
Holy Sh*t
This is insane
Am I a joke to you?