Reckless Experimenter
Reckless Experimenter is a 5 Mana Cost Epic Priest Minion card from the The Boomsday Project set!
Card Text
Deathrattle minions you play cost (3) less, but die at the end of the turn.
Flavor Text
It's hard to call her reckless when it's clear she knows what she's doing.- Mana Cost: 5
- Attack: 4
- Health: 6
- Crafting Cost: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 100 / 400 (Golden)
- Rarity: Epic
- Class: Priest
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: The Boomsday Project
- Mechanics: Deathrattle
EZ Legend:
Reckless Experimentr, Spiritsinger Umbra, 2x Devilsaur Egg.
9 Mana for 4/6 + 3/4 + 2×5/5 immediately and 2×5/5 at the end of the turn.
27/30 for 9 Mana makes Master Oakheart jealous.
I don’t like it, but I can get why some might. Questionable Quest Priest buff?
Really amazing card. So original. Can you imagine giving priest a better version of a retired card that even hunter with all the great deathrattle and activators don”t use. Lets make it more interesting, like maybe turn this into an epic card that destroys your entire deck. Seems amazing and you pay only 6 mana for it. OH AND DON’T WORRY ABUT WIN CONDITION. Your oponent has all the win conditions he needs. All he has to do is destroy this card.
The obvious weakness of this card aside. Wording is not that speciffic so playing both these could result in a 6 mana discount for all minions you play. Whitch is not bad you get a 1 mana velen + 3 mana mally that got transformed into a demon and your deck failed but its still part of the combo wombo. the auchenai also would get a 0 mana so you could squeeze healing shits like making heals into dmg for wild. Don’t see this card running it with the current combo priest. And i think spellstone makes the current meta more reliable. Otherwise you are as slow as shudderlock you have to wait drawing this 2 times. You can cube it for free minion cards though.
Overal my oppinion is that its all a bad idea. Nothing unique. Nothing interesting in reality. And the fact that priest will get duplicating shit will make those rubish new cards play along with this. I don’t see priest gettign anything for his other archetype that are not working properly on their own. Like moth priest. Dragon priest. Nothing that will make gen priest work too (who would ever need a discount on the worst hero power ever though :D).apparently priest won’t get anything that will give you machine priest a go. Despite the fact that GvG gave priest good mechs. I don’t know if giving lifesteal to the punching mech still gives you a free win. But its the best combo there for priest though :D.
VERY BAD CARD but priest gets all those every expansion. Its not even surprising. It would be a great shock if priest gets a good card. Although they nurf priest even if he is a tier 2 garbage so keep up th egood work. I think there ae still things in priest that can get screwed. considering al lthe priest archtypes failed. Like priest has no agro deck. His control decks fail big time in wild, They fail in standart too since there are combo decks that kil lyou despite everything. Midrange priest got nurfed anyway despite not being tier one deck. But who knew that druid who has cool cards will make more use of the best cards for priest when priest has no good cards in his class pool. AAAAAnd now we get the only working priest deck (mindblast combo priest) with few super expensive epic cards that can’t be used for anything else to make the deck combo out in even more turns than it already does.
Very bad card i would dust it whenever i get it. Although it is for the only usable priest crchtype. 0 points for this be more original next time.
ok i missread the text don’t read this
2 other cards named omega turn this cards name into OMEGA LUL
So this is obviously a combo card. Neat ideas are Cube, Voodoo Doll and Egg, three cards which were unplayable by Priest before. That’s good. It also free cycles Loot Hoarders, the Deathring new card and Thalnos. Another idea is dropping a bunch of Deathrattle minions and then Silence/Purify this card so your minions don’t die at the end of the turn. I like the card because there’s many good ideas to experiment with. This said, what kind of deck would run this, apart from Quest? Can this be part of a win-con right now? It generates good value, for sure, especially in an empty board state, but how does the Priest survive until the mid/late game vs Aggro with this deck? And will it be enough to overwhelm control decks? We shall see… It’s something between 2 and 4 stars (needs experimentation), so I will give it 3 stars.
Silence Priest incoming, u use it, set on board minion with 3 less cost and then silence it
Doesn’t work
So Priest gets a modified Corpse Widow? Neat.
What about cube to use with carne or statue?
If this kills the minions in order of play and it only kills them while it’s alive, then this could be used to flood the board. This -> voodoo doll -> tons of cheap deathrattle minions, and since the voodoo triggers first then this will die before it kills everything else. Of course, that’s only if it’s coded to work like this, but even if it kills them no matter what or all at once, you could just play some eggs and/or other small minions that are played for deathrattle. There’s also the potential for some NASTY cube combos so 5/5, will definitely see play.
It doesn’t work like this, any minion that was played when it was still alive will die, no matter if it dies before those minions.
Ah thanks for clarifying, RIP insane combos. There’s still cube and devilsaur egg so 4/5 then
This card isn’t stupid good because coffin and the quest. I don’t care what others think, this card singlehanded could bring quest into light.
What happens if you play a deathrattle minion and then the experimenter dies before the end of turn? Is the effect an “enchantment” put on the minion or is it on the exerimenter? Because you could just get the discount and then trade this minion off otherwise.
Devilsaur Eggs: tempo
Voodoo Doll: fast removal
Dead Ringer/Loot Hoarder/Thalnos: free recycling
Very cool card for quest deck
So how does this work with Coffin Crasher? If I play him for three mana, when he dies at the end of turn does the obsidian statue be brings out die too?
Nope because you don’t played the statue.
Even then the end of the turn has passed then so it would survive until your turn if it was summoned
The Problem ist like always with priest, turn five 5 mana 4/6 to nothing. VS aggro or Rogue or even hunter its a dead turn.
Im Priest main since beta,
But if you have cheap deathrattles, you can play them immediately on turn 5. And there are good cheap deathrattles for Priest.
If you are main priest, how can you not be enjoy by this card. It s full combo potential with cube, eggs, Deathrattle, rush, battle cry …..
well im main priest too since beta. i remember when drakonid was in standard every one exactly every one was crying about that card .
5 mana 4 6 is like 5 mana 5 6 and drakonid was op cuz his body very good tempo for 5 mana and extra card.this is 5 mana 4 6 and play every fucking cheap minion in your hand and have their effect befor devolve or scream or any kind of transform or silence.i think this card is very good in combo quest priest in wild .
pretty sweet with voodoo doll.
Combo wombo can’t wait to see what happens
Haha, yeah, there is potential
What if you have a deathrattle already on the field and play this the next turn. Will the deathrattle die?
The card says “you play”, not “played”. So no, they don’t die.
The Weasel Tunneler wild players are cackling with maniacal glee.
This is clear Eggs/Cube support.
Devilsaur Egg and this on turn 5 is an easy 9/11 worth of stats on turn 5. In Wild, it can be nuttier with some of the other cheap, minion spawning deathrattles.
On turn ten, a little three card combo could be this, Cube, and either Cairne Bloodhoof or Bone Drake or any other useful death rattle minion that costs less than 6. In the case of Cairne, you can have 16/21 worth of stats with an additional 8/10 waiting to be played. At that point, you’re probably on the winning side of the game.
It is unfortunate the minions die at the end of the turn, which would make deathrattle that add cards to hand less useful, but more board oriented deathrattle minions will thrive with this card.
If Deathrattle is the main theme of Priest’s Boomsday support, and there are at least two new good mid cost Deathrattle minions, it could prove to be rather competitive be it as Quest Priest or some combo Deathrattle Priest centered around this card.
If Priest gets a way to grant rush to its minions this could be an easy 5/5 card. As is now, it adds support to Quest Priest, but it doesn’t seem great. I’m seeing a sort of parallel to the Evoke mechanic from MTG. At a reduced cost, you can play a minion, get their effect, and then immediately kill the minion. This is similar, except you don’t get the deathrattle immediately, you get it at the end of your turn. While deathrattles can be very powerful, and using this to cycle cards like Thalnos or Loot Hoarder or the new Dead Ringer can be quite handy, you don’t want this on the baord when you’re playing your bigger deathrattle minions because you need to be able to compete for the board at some point, and playing this and then a 3 Mana “Add a random dragon to your hand at the end of your turn” is not going to help win you the game. Quest Priest already struggles to win, often having to just outlast your opponent, and this makes that harder to do because you’re removing your minions for them…
Kinda meh at the moment, maybe there will be another deathrattle or two that could shine with this, but if not, I don’t imagine it will see too much use.
Thank you blizzard for making my dream real. I wanted to play a viable quest priest since the release of Un’Goro.
Suddnely deathrattle priest became super easy.
I don’t see what it does beyond drawing cards. Egg is a cute idea, but turn 5 is usually too late in the game for zoo to go off, especially in a class with little support for the archtype.
Well, gaining 9/11 worth of stats on turn 5 assuming an even board state will still turn the game in your favour.
please let this make egg decks viable
Ah sounds like a good idea
Yeah, this card and the other deathrattle (draw a deathrattle) pretty much ensures Egg priest is a thing.
If this were able to do that, then dragon soul would already be competitive. Turn 5 is too slow for zoo in a class that does not have a lot of ways to support it.
Well it’s not really zoo; egg hunter isn’t zoo and it’s not a terrible deck
Play for free, hatch at end of turn, looks functional to me. Still a meme but it works.