
Razzle-Dazzler Card

Razzle-Dazzler is a 6 Mana Cost Epic Death Knight, Shaman Minion Naga card from the Perils in Paradise set!

Card Text

Battlecry: Summon a random 5-Cost minion. Repeat for each spell school you've cast this game.

Flavor Text

Look out Dancin' Deryl, he's coming for your job.

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  1. Foshizzel17
    July 3, 2024 at 11:41 AM

    Even in a not focused Shaman deck, they are gonna have Arcane, Fire, Frost and Nature spells. So this could easily summon 3 more 5 drops without much work.

    I mainly play wild so I guess I have a bigger spell pool than standard

  2. DeadlyBlinke
    July 3, 2024 at 4:00 AM

    A slightly inferior elemental inspiration on a 4/4 body. However, the main reason elemental inspiration saw play was due to the real pay off, from Siff. In some alterations of the respective meta when rainbow mage was prevalent, elemental inspiration was extremely strong. Now it sees little play in the more modern versions of rainbow mage. If this will see play or not, all depends on the further support for “rainbow” shaman/dk.

    I think in rainbow dk this will be a welcomed addition, we will see about shaman. 4/5 stars.