Ravaging Ghoul
Ravaging Ghoul is a 3 Mana Cost Common Warrior Minion card from the Core Set 2025 set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to all other minions.
Flavor Text
But goes by "Ravishing Ghoul" when he hits the club.- Mana Cost: 3
- Attack: 3
- Health: 3
- Crafting Cost: 40 / 400 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 5 / 50 (Golden)
- Rarity: Common
- Class: Warrior
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Core Set 2025
- Mechanics: Battlecry, Damage All Minions
2 slow in a patron deck. This card is slightly below “par” by it self.
Not nearly a good enough replacement for Death’s Bite or even Unstable Ghoul, especially not for patron decks.
The value of those cards was their ability provide a free whirlwind like effect on the turn you play patron / acolyte / grommash. This way, you could build ENORMOUS tempo without having risk these staple minions being hard countered or removed. That’s why Inner Rage works so well in patron: Because it’s literally a free trigger for all of the above minions effects.
As a 3-Mana 3/3 Whirlwind, it’s not a bad card per se, and actually preforms beautifully in control and fatigue warrior simply because of the execute setup and tempo AOE against stuff like face and zoo. But unfortunately, it still doesn’t fill the void left behind by those classic Warrior staples (Hell, N’zoths Tentacle does a better job than this card) and likely means that aggro/tempo patron won’t be making a comeback anytime soon.
Dread Infernal is already one of the best cards in arena, and this is like it but on a smaller scale. Every card that makes warrior less horrible in arena is a card that i fully support. The obvious dream is your opponent plays creeper on two, you axe it down, then he plays spider tank or an equivalent and you drop this then axe the tank. The tempo possibilities are kind of insane with this effect in the early game.
I think Patron Warrior maybe getting a comeback in this expansion. Will it be OP, who knows, have to wait and see don’t we.
Yeah – this will be my drop-in replacement for Death’s Bite in Standard play I think… might keep the Sea Reavers in just for giggles.
So, this is meant to replace Warsong in patron, right?
Unstable Ghoul more likely, Warsong has already been replaced!
Brann Patron Warrior with this and Taskmaster?
A 3/3 with a sweet whirlwind effect. As long as its a good common for arena I’m happy.
Sure to be a staple. Now show me the new druid legend!
Beautiful card against aggro and fits perfectly into Patron Warrior
I would love to see this card with taunt but I think that makes this card OP
you do know its a battlecry? if so than ignore me