Raid the Sky Temple
Raid the Sky Temple is a 1 Mana Cost Legendary Mage Spell card from the Saviors of Uldum set!
Card Text
Quest: Cast 10 spells. Reward: Ascendant Scroll.
Flavor Text
"Why can't I hold all these scrolls?"- Mana Cost: 1
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Mage
- Card Type: Spell
- Set: Saviors of Uldum
- Mechanics: Quest
Raid the Sky Temple Additional Information
Cards Relating to Raid the Sky Temple
Ascendant Scroll Type: Hero Power - Cost: 2 Hero Power Add a random Mage spell to your hand. It costs (2) less. |
I believe this card has more value then Doctor boom 10 spells no problem. Even more value a control mage could be a thing
Although mage does not have much lots of removal it can freeze holding board for big minions plus conjurers calling combo. This is one of the best buttons in the game.
DKs could create value so even decks Hunters and Rogues could survive the late game. This hero power is easy to acheive and is on DK value level.
Insane value for cyclone mage for when it runs out of steam or wants more cards out of cyclone, but can also be used to form a new tempo deck out of the new secret package as well. Excellent card. 5/5
Rng Mage, best mage in my heart, and i am so glad is not BS giant related even if they could fit this in.
Why is the art reno raiding a temple? he isnt one of the bad guys? SMH does the character plot just not matter now?
Reno is one of the “good” guys, but a greedy one. He is only here for the treasures (it’s said in an announcement video)
Thank you for clearing that up
Current cyclone giant mage pretty much loses when she runs out of giants. Wich can happen versus a control warrior, or any future control deck. So, is this worth it for 1 card less? People seem to forget that because this hero power becomes good after turn 9 you can just hold it in your hand and only use it with a cyclone. Yes you probably have to use more spells to get the quest reward, but being able to ping up to turn 8 guarenteed is probably better then risking to lose that hero power before turn 8. After turn 10 generating cards will allways win it from ping and facing against control decks that’s often the case.
I think luna’s pocket galaxy is one of the weakest cards in the cyclone giant mage deck. And it can only be used against slower decks. And when up against slow decks generating cards is better then having (on average) 2 giants costing 1.
I think just like Baku Rogue was overlooked by ‘EVERYONE’ before expansion release. This quest is another dark horse. The current meta is pretty slow and with a quest expansion I think the meta will stay slow and more towards control decks.
Casino mage just got even better
My question is: Do spells from Yogg’s Puzzle Box count? If so, we may see a new archetype here… a quest that you don’t need to complete gradually. You could hold the Quest in hand or even mulligan it if your completion objective is just to get it in play at some point and then play the Puzzle Box. That’s only two or three deck slots (three if you run two copies of Puzzle Box) that could give some midrange Mage concepts an alternative win condition for games that run the distance.
I’d say they don’t count I’m using things like deck of wonders as an example so nay be off. Those scrolls didn’t count when drawn for the other mage quest. I could be wrong about that though. But still why would you want to try triggering with that. You wouldn’t be able to complete it till turn after without even having enough Mana to play HP when you did.
Also the puzzlebox is more of a Hail Mary card when you’ve got no other play that could save you.
They don’t count. You don’t cast the spells from puzzle-box — the puzzle-box does. Similarly, it wouldn’t trigger Open the Waygate, Flamewaker, Auctioneer, etc.
Does this mean are Reno is a mage?
Yep. The recent AMA explained it as:
– Elise is a Druid; her attack quote indicates her Druid heritage by attacking with plants
– Brann’s gun usage is a fit for Hunter
– “Sir” Finley Mrrrglton was knighted as a Paladin
– Reno… gets Mage as the final hero class, and gets to wield wicked-looking spell gatling guns
Reno just doesn’t seem like the previous mage characters to me so that surprises me. Thx
Yeah what you think those scrolls are for he uses them to provide ammo to his guns. They’re basically magical spitball launchers you need a lot of magic parchment to use them.
In retrospect, it makes sense for Reno to be the new Mage.
Reno was one of the first cards to embody the Highlander archetype, and the Kabal from Mean Streets of Gadgetzan was (kinda) built around that archetype. What was one of the classes featured in the Kabal? Mages!
Whether the design team actually factored this convenient alignment of the planets in is anyone’s guess…
Reno is not a Mage, but Reno cards from Uldum will be Mage cards. This has to do with the magical treasures Reno uncovers and uses in Uldum.
If you look at Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron’s card art, the box is resting on someone’s hands… yep, Reno found it. Reno himself is wielding a Gatling Wand, which lets him shoot off spells even though he has no Mage training.
Reno hasn’t been a Mage in the past and may not be a Mage in the future, but he will be the face of the Mage class for this expansion.
Honestly I feel like him being a mage is even more proof he is a dragon imo
If the Mage legendary minion from this expansion is Reno and he has the Dragon tag, everyone’s gonna lose their minds over it lol
I get the idea that Mage’s quest this time might have been to compensate for Open the Waygate’s dominance in Wild, thanks to Mana Cyclone’s synergy with Flamewaker and Arcane Giant. Won’t have been the first time a Mage Legendary was shafted due to a previous Mage Legendary already being fantastic; see Flame Leviathan in GvG to compensate for Archmage Antonidas’ synergy with Spare Parts from the same set.
I guess Mage doesn’t have too many useless spells, but seeing that we don’t have the Waygate synergies from previous sets (e.g. Leyline Manipulator), it’ll be up to the rest of Mage’s cards this set to see if Reno’s quest is worth it. But I can’t help but be reminded of how Mages nearly had Hero Power synergy for Rastakhan’s Rumble, drawing parallels with how Rumble appeared to be a throwback to The Grand Tournament and Hero Power/Inspire synergies, none of which really took off beyond Baku being an instant Justicar Trueheart.
Maybe some madman will run both Mage quests in Wild just so Raid the Sky Temple can be a “win more” card.
Reasons to think this is bad: Completing this quest in any reasonable time is only workable for Cyclone Mage, yet Cyclone Mage already generates several random spells at a time. The hero power is all value and no tempo on an archetype that already struggles with aggressive Hunter and Shaman decks.
Reasons to think this is good: The quest basically completes itself for Cyclone Mage, you have to make zero deckbuilding sacrifices to complete this quest early.
If Mage gets better defensive tools so they can play out longer games without dying halfway through to progressive chip damage, then I think this can be very good. As it is, the promise of this card is not worth spending 1 card from your opening hand, as it makes Mountain Giant cost 1 more mana. 2/5
It looks really good at first glance. And while I don’t doubt this will see some play, I’m just wondering what synergies this has. Sure, it’s a good card, but this doesn’t really combo with much. Maybe that’s a good thing because it doesn’t need support, but maybe that’s a bad thing because this card is to “stand alone.” I guess we’ll see. 3/5.
My plan (while hoping that we get more spells for the archetype) is to run it in a control mage shell. With dragon’s fury gone there’s no restriction on how many spells one can run in the deck, so my hope is to use the quest as a control-mirror finisher that can keep pace with the value generated by Dr. Boom. Against faster decks it isn’t as necessary, but since it’s a quest it doesnt have to rot in your hand for the whole game.
This looks ok… nothing amazing
Easy for a mage to activate this for an ~1 mana value hero power. This is way weaker than the other quests revealed so far.
You all getting scammed! You get a two mana discount off a spell you got from pressing a button that costs TWO MANA. Hello.
Primordial Gylph is similar to this hero power, and it was played all the time.
Yeah, I’d compare this to primordial glyph. On one hand, this doesn’t discover the spell. But on the other hand, it’s a HP and you can do it every turn.
It’s not much of a scam considering since it cost 2 less if you had the Mana to play the card it’s basically the same as if you had in hand already to play. The only time this is bad is if the card you RNG into cost 0 or 1 otherwise your breaking even or maybe even profiting depending on what your deck is. Everyone uses their hero power when you have 2 Mana to spare the only thing this hurts for mage is can’t ping off a minion. However that RNG could give you a card that keeps you alive long enough to win. I mean come on who wouldn’t love say dropping a LPG on turn 3 that could be a big deal for some decks.
Works well for Antonidas since you could bank cheap spells to toss out with him to get fireballs before he may get killed on opponents turn. Also works with the elemental since cheap spells means more spells get refunded when summon.
Sry not turn 3 unless have a weird tavern brawl but RNG into it would be nice instead of worrying about drawing from deck before draw big minions.
That is still net 0 mana for a free spell in your hand. How is that a scam?…
Considering what this HP does it’s actually rather nice for several mage options. Some of the mage decks suffer if they don’t draw into key cards mostly the draw power ones. Losing ping to at least get a random card that may have value may be worth it.
They might nerf Giants and stuff for this value oriented quest to see play. You still need to go with Cyclone early game and finish with Yogg, haha. …Giving up on ping can hurt.
agree, I can’t see how any mage deck would want to stir away from the current meta, which is conjuring giants…the khadgar combo is just way too broken to leave space for something different, and those decks do not lack value whatsoever nor they rely on hero power.
I think you two got it right. Any other class would be excited for the potential value, but mage just wants to drop Giant on Turn 4 into Conjuring on Turn 5 and then SMOrc to victory.
You dont have to play this quest on turn 1. You can just hold it and play it with a cyclone. If the Giants smorc fails, you have the quest reward to carry you after that.
It’s a strong value tool, but I’m not sure what Mage deck needs it right now. I suspect it’ll get left by the wayside because Mage has better, combo-y win conditions and will have no interest in playing a value game.
Waiting for Reno as Mage Hero??
Good for Tempo Mage but Hero Power not so strong. 3/5
The hero power is REALLY strong just not for tempo mage.
Yeah, pretty much. Took the words right out my mouth. 4 Stars. Hell even some Midrange Mages might Consider using this Quest too, because of how much value it gives.