Raid the Docks
Raid the Docks is a 1 Mana Cost Legendary Warrior Spell card from the United in Stormwind set!
Card Text
Questline: Play 3 Pirates. Reward: Draw a weapon.
Flavor Text
Winning the annual Ratchet Regatta really went to their heads.- Mana Cost: 1
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Warrior
- Card Type: Spell
- Set: United in Stormwind
- Mechanics: Draw Cards, Questline
Raid the Docks Additional Information
Cards Relating to Raid the Docks
Create a Distraction Type: Spell - Cost: 0 Questline: Play 3 Pirates. Reward: Deal 2 damage to a random enemy twice. |
Secure the Supplies Type: Spell - Cost: 0 Questline: Play 3 Pirates. Reward: Cap 'n Rokara. |
Cap'n Rokara Type: Minion - Cost: 5 - Attack: 7 - Health: 7 Battlecry: Summon The Juggernaut! |
The Juggernaut Type: Minion - Cost: 0 Start of Your Turn: Summon a Pirate, equip a warrior weapon, and fire two cannons that deal 2 damage! |
Easy quest. Pirate Warrior in Wild now has another wincon.
Turn 1 Pirate Warrior: (in a perfect world)
Sky Raider->Parachute Brigand->Patches
Quest stage one done.
Turn 2: Sharkfin Fan-> attack to summon pirate 2.
Quest part two done.
Turn 3: Attack for another pirate from Sharkfin Fan, drop Bloodsail Cultist.
Turn 4: Trades where needed. drop Ship’s Cannon or Skybarge.
And then Rokara turn 5.
Forgot to mention that’s on the Coin, but still….
Doesn’t work, quest is to “play” pirates, not just summon them. RIP to Patches & Parachutes.
My dreams are crushed!
Not really, but it was fun in theory
This quest should belong to Rogue.
Maybe Blizzard thought it would too easy considering Bloodsail Flybooter. Then again…
You know pirate warrior has been a thing for a long time now right? Ofc you dont.
Heheheheh. 5/5 very fun.
A bit hesitant about the weapon effect since this prevents you from keeping any weapon you run. But the other effects are great!
Fascinating… they seem to be pushing a rather slower take on pirate warrior. I’m half tempted to predict a flop, but I hope it works. 3/5
This quest line takes theb piss out of the Demon Hunter’s. I can’t believe they think it’s comparable.
The mini-rewards are whatever, but this doesn’t seem too hard to complete and the end reward is a really good. “Every” Warrior deck is going to be running 6 pirates anyway (2 of the new 2 drop, Sword Eater, and Anchorman) so adding maybe 3 more or so to complete this in a timely manner isn’t THAT unreasonable.
The end reward puts every class on a clock because against control you just hit them for like 5-7 every turn (weapon and cannon) and aggro can’t really stabilize well when you have infinite weapons, a meh board clear, and potentially spit out a random taunt or rush minion.