Protect the King!
Protect the King! is a 3 Mana Cost Rare Warrior Spell card from the One Night in Karazhan set!
Card Text
For each enemy minion, summon a 1/1 Pawn with Taunt.
Flavor Text
Form ranks! Everyone into the King's Tuskarr Defense!Cards Relating to Protect the King!
Pawn Type: Minion - Cost: 1 - Attack: 1 - Health: 1 Taunt |
This site card name is wrong. It’s not “Protect the King”, actual name is “Protect the King!”
No good against patron though. The Grim Patrons will simply attack into the 1/1s creating more patrons
Interesting counter-zoo card… May give one copy in a warrior deck a try
I would use it in reno otk warrior
This card is extremely bad…what in the world is everyone smoking?!
If you think the opponent having a huge board and playing Protect the King + Bolster + Bolster is really good I have got something super overpowered for you!
Have a huge health minion Divine Spirit + Divine Spirit + Inner Fire!!! With this “amazing” combo you don’t even have to be losing the game horribly to a specifically only a zoo style deck to use it!
Yes, infact being behind on the board and filling it with 3/3 taunt is really bad. Overall against zoo which can handle quite well a single big minion (hello power overwhelming) but has To sacrifice the whole board To pass through a Wall a peons.
I wouldn’t say it’s bad at all. Decent, at least. Seems like it could be solid in Tempo, Patron, or Dragon. Only problem is anti-synergy with whirlwind effects.
And if you’re playing against any kind of aggro, they will likely have 3-5 minions on board at any time. This + Bolster + Bolster is a huge swing. 7 mana for 3-5 5/5 taunts? Yes please. Bolster is still bad, but I still stand by this card being good. If your opponent doesn’t have AOE, the 1/1s can soak up a lot of excess damage.
The problem with having “all your eggs in one basket” like that is that a single hard removal spell effectively destroys that minion and all your buff cards. Warrior gets away with it because of Charge; Priest – not so much. I’ve only seen that play work with really cheap, high health cards like Lightwell, played early (or Lorewalker Cho – that’s pretty horrible as you get lumbered with a handful of Divine Spirits you daren’t cast).
Protect the King + a single bolster however gives you a 3/3 Taunt for every enemy minion for 5 mana cost. That means on turn 10 you could combo this with Leeroy Jenkins. Or that 5 mana totally counter’s the 10 cost Rafaan Mummy Zombies card.
This isn’t a bad card, slightly situational (like Unleash the hounds) but not bad.
Guys, I know it’s for the king, but don’t charge the dragon, okay?
Something to counter aggro shaman and zoo
… with Bolster, that’d also cover Patron warrior, Rafaam (Mirror of Doom) and Token Druid.
Unleash the cheat!
At the office of Blizzard last week :
– Odd that in 15 decks top tier, it has there only 10 of warrior playable for the moment! Moreover, from time to time, that loses against zoo!
– Oh whore makes a cheat card quickly!!
yeah, we have enough expensive warriors decks around.
Can we have something different pls?
This and bolster!
WOW, true.
that’s a huge comeback……
Wow. Protect the King + Bolster + Bolster. GG aggro. Only problem is you have to play Bolster and your opponent has to have 3-7 minions to be great. A bit situational, but amazing.
“Protect the king” AKA “Counter-Hunleash-the-Hounds” or “wreak-zoolock” incoming!