Portalmancer Skyla

Portalmancer Skyla Card

Portalmancer Skyla is a 5 Mana Cost Legendary Mage Minion card from the The Traveling Travel Agency set!

Card Text

Rogue Tourist Battlecry: Swap the Costs of the lowest and highest Cost spells in your hand.

Flavor Text

"Say goodbye to red-eye gryphon flights!"

Portalmancer Skyla Additional Information

Signature Version:

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  1. Vincent
    September 5, 2024 at 12:54 PM

    A zero cost Tsunami? That’s scary. I don’t like it.
    Btw Skyla looks like a cat with the ears of an elf and the teeth of Pennywise, in a purple dress. It looks awful. What’s this supposed to be?

    • Vincent
      September 11, 2024 at 1:12 PM

      One hour after release people are already calling for nerfs.
      RegisKillbin: “Portalmancer Skyla just broke the Hearthstone meta with some of the most absurd Standard format mana cheating in the history of the game.”
      Zeddy: “Big Spell Mage is back and it’s absolutely busted! Portalmancer Skyla allows you to play Tsunami for 0 mana as early as turn 4.”

    • Werewolf-Korra
      September 14, 2024 at 10:59 PM

      The Signature version is so much better looking. I may actually have to spend money on hearthstone again just to get that gorgeous artwork.