Pogo-Hopper is a 1 Mana Cost Rare Rogue Minion Mech card from the The Boomsday Project set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Gain +2/+2 for each other Pogo-Hopper you played this game.
Flavor Text
Once you hop, you just can't stop!Pogo-Hopper Card Review
I have no clue whether this card is viable or not, but it will surely be fun. While it starts slowly, it has synergies with all kinds of Rogue cards. Now the Lab Recruiter reveal makes even more sense – those two have insane combo! Shuffling more copies of Pogo-Hopper into your deck is great. I mean, starting with the third one it’s insane tempo play. 2 mana 5/5, then 7/7, then 9/9 etc. We all know how powerful a big Edwin can be if your opponent has no answer, and this will be like Edwin after Edwin after Edwin. You force your opponent to have so many answers. If you draw well, it should even grow faster than Jade cards.
Now, there are two problems with a deck like that. First of all – you need some way to actually DRAW your first copy of this card. Elven Minstrel can help, but it doesn’t guarantee it. Maybe Witchwood Piper? But then you can’t play any 1-drops, and it can still draw another 2-drop. If you build your entire deck around it, you want to start the chains as quickly as possible. Starting with a 1/1, 3/3 and 5/5 in the late game is not great, the game will often be lost by that point. Another issue is that we still might need some more ways to copy it, because bouncing it is not good. Yes, you can Shadowstep or Youthful Brewmaster it, but all it does is giving it +2/+2. It might be good AFTER your Pogo-Hopper is damaged, so you can also heal it up, but ideally you will want cards that copy, such as Zola the Gorgon or Sonya Shadowdancer (but since it doesn’t have Rush or Charge, it might be difficult to combo them together). Valeera the Hollow is also big, because you can play every Pogo-Hopper twice, doubling the card’s potential. The deck would also be bad against Aggro, but that was always a problem with slower Rogue deck and I don’t think that anything can be done about it. It looks like it will be very difficult to pull off… but people, including me, will definitely try it.
The card can also be slotted into Quest Rogue, but I really don’t think that it will make another comeback after the nerfs. While the card is great after you finish the Quest, it doesn’t really help you finishing it, which is the main issue (because the deck is already powerful after you finish it).
Card rating: My mind is telling me no, but my body… my body is telling me yes. Most likely a 3/10, but I believe and rate it 8/10.
I don’t play this card out of principle. I hate playing against it, so I don’t play it myself. casting multiple +10/10 minions that cost 1 mana. Stupid dishonourable strategy, I rope as soon as I see it.
Does anyone think that this card is comparable to Jade Idol for Druid? Or am I just thinking wrong?
DK Valeera, play Lab Recruiter, play copy of Lab Recruiter and target the first one. Now you can have endless Recruiters and endless Hoppers. Seems like a deck I will see from Dane about one month and a half after Boomsday goes live. Endless decks always make me happy.
Looks Like White rabbit Inaba classic spirit monster from yugioh
Well …. I was looking for an excuse to craft Sonya Shadowdancer.
Well done! You’ve found your excuse.
Looks hard to play against aggro. But thé sustain of zilliax could makethe deck competitve
WOW! this card is amazing especially with lab recruiter this will 100% be a great deck to play for rouge easy 5 stars this expansion has some nutty cards.
Hmmm a jade like rouge Inc…
Play this card late game and add 3 copies to your deck. Crazy hilarious and fun (until I run into a ton on the ladder). Great card
And guys stop saying about quest rogue. Pogo-hopper is not a good card for quest rogue
As a rogue player, when i first read the card i smiled but now when i think about it more i believe that not only pogo-hopper rogue would be competitive but a nerf for the card would be around the corner.
Totally agree
What May Seem Like An Amazing Card To Put In Quest Rouge is actually not as I don’t think the +2/+2 effect works with quest wording, as it says your minions are 4/4 permanently as it can’t be silenced off and I’m Pretty is after all buffs. idk Someone with more hs knowledge clarify.
no. have you ever played Edwin after finished quest…. its like you give your 4/4 minion +4 attack with spell… he will and MUST gain buff…
B oing
I love the smell of win conditions in the morning
Looks like fun! More fun than jades at least
Harder to play than jades, that’s for sure. The outcome might be similar but you will need higher skill to pull it off.
*Manical laughing from person who has done almost nothing but tinker with rogue decks for 3 years*
Hello infinite murloc. I still wanted the card to be murloc though :D. But there are cards liek belefull banker zola, pandas and tons of things you run in a quest rogue anyway.Hopefully this time without the quest since it kinda makes your minions 4/4s.I so hate rogue quest. I am super envious fro mwhen un’goro was erleased. I told myself hey quest priest and N’zoth would be great. AAAAnd one year later i am still wrong. And the quest rogue was a one legendary deck that totally beat the crap out of me. And this deck is spiking trough the roof. Unlike the other quests that are too hard to quest out.
Aparently you want to magnetize those little buggers as much as posible and with a little magnetic lifesteal you have the typical rogue infinite value epic sustain deck. Not shure why rogues get tons of cards with more than 10 health and lifesteal. Are they rogues or vampires.
Anyway a nice idea or rogues. You get a deck full of rabits and spiders. Go draw it
Another overpowered card for rogue congrats. Not like they needed this anyway. Last time i played mill rogue on Wild they mill your deck for less than 8 turns anyway. The legendary spell is not even nessesary. There are coldlight oracles there. Not shure if the legendary spel lwill be that much legendary.
I’m going to play Pogochamp Rogue, whether it’s good or not. Watch out.
I am curious how does magnetized hopper work with lab recruiter. Take zilia for instance: infinite rush, lifesteal, taunt, divine shield hoppers for 9 mana?
go to blizzard site and read new changes. copy of a card now should keep all buffs..now if you coppy rogue legendary weapon 20/3 with lifesteal you will gain 20/3 copy of weapon not 1/3 like it was till now
but just go on their site and read because i could be wrong xD
I am pretty sure they don’t get the buff. The weapon you mentioned clearly sais that it keeps all buffs and shuffles in the deck.So no, they don’t keep the buff
Or you are just trolling
Interesting card. I like it. Reminds me of card-specific synergies in MTG.
Has some really fun synergies in Rogue specifically, even outside of Shadowstep (which is a bit lackluster in synergy with Pogo-Hopper when compared to, say, Edwin or Quest). I can’t wait to try out a Pogo-Hopper deck with Lab Recruiter for the infinite streak with 2x LR along with Myra’s to hyper-accelerate the game into the infinite combo faster. In faaaact… gimme a sec to theorycraft another deck x3
Quest Rogue’s a bit of a weird deck to play it in, but it’s kinda understandable. Technically, it does work, since the battlecry triggers AFTER the 4/4 is applied, giving it effectively +3/+3 on top of the base effect. If Quest Rogue comes to a slower more control-ish core, then I can see this being insane with getting to huge stats somewhat early. But as the current iteration which focuses on chargers to finish the game quickly, I don’t really know.
Not so sure it’d fit in a mech deck tho. It’s pretty bad without any synergies (a 2-mana 1/1 and 2-mana 3/3 aren’t really spectacular to say the least). And playing card to complement specifically Pogo-Hopper de-consistencizes the deck.
It is sad that compared to jades, this one can be silenced or devolved. On the other hand sap/banish aren’t working very well.
Did you miss Jades in Standard? I certainly didn’t. Now, this is obviously different, and I think I like it. First, Jades got out of hand in the mid-game already, once you played two cards that summoned them, the rest of the Jade cards packed insane value. Then we had fatigue insurance and infinite value in a class (Druid) which had outstanding defensive tools. In this case, this will only be threatening in the later stages of the game, and it’s a value tool for Rogue, a class which has never been good at outvalueing opponents. Obviously, we got two great cards to make this work (Myra’s Unstable Element and the Gang Up 3/2 minion), and here we have the win condition to that possible deck archetype. As a Rogue fan, I’m glad that we are getting new tools to try other archetypes apart from Tempo and Miracle (Burgle is fun but far from competitive). It’s an archetype were the DK Hero card can shine, and I’m super happy for that. I do believe this new deck can be somehow competitive, maybe T3? It could be stronger, but right now the deck depends on getting Myra’s Unstable Element quickly enough, and right now that’s no guarantee. Also, will it be stronger than the fringe Malygos Rogue combo deck that we already have? That deck got a considerable boost with Myra’s Unstable Element, and will have a similar style of play than a deck with this card here. Anyway, I’m saying 4/5 stars for this card in Constructed, 1/5 stars in Arena (unless you somehow craft 3+ of these cards in Arena).
Step 1- draw all of deck with myra’s unstable element
Step 2- Lab recruiter a pogo-hopper and lab recruiter
Step 3- draw cards and get giant pogo-hopers
You’ll need to have kept some card draw, though. 1 pogo-hopper or lab recruiter per round is going to be too slow to snowball much!
Maybe shuffle 3 pogos into your deck before you draw your deck so you get like 2-3 in hand
You want both Lab Recruiters so you can get them in the deck too, or Valeera them
So this + Elven Minstrel or Witchwood Piper + Lab Recruiter with DK Valeera and go infinite in hopper size + no fatigue?
Would you shuffle this or Faldorei Strider back into your deck?
I think Faldorei, because it shuffles 3 4/4 spiders into your deck by itself, which pop out for free and cycle itself, and doesn’t necesessarily need the shuffle to be good as a curve play.
Nevertheless, Pogo-Hoppor is a powerful late game strategy, when the set up is done and can be a “meme-deck”, that will win some matchups here and there.
Together with the reveal of Lab Recruiter this is an easy 4/5 in my books.
And Valeera, this is one of the decks why they sent a murloc to the hall of fame.
Yeah, true, and I’ve been very sad when that happened because of DMH Warrior. But I guess it was the right decision after all.
This just makes me think of the things people pulled of with infinite murlocs in the arena of time
Quest rogue buff. Or at least people will try to experiment with it. I know I will…
This won’t buff quest rogue. This will be an alternative to it.
Well quest dose lock the minions to 4/4, but buffs they recive still apply after. And if I want to play many duplicates of a minion this would be it.
Let’s say you play this cute guy 5 times, then number six that I play will be a 4/4 minion that will recive a 12/12+ buff when played… and then it goes on from there.
Also In wild I can easy have 12 more of these tossed in my deck (standar atleast six should be possible) and with DK rouge I can play two of one each turn.
Pogo, Lab recruiter, Labrecruiter the lab recruiter, and then you’ve basically got a 4 mana jade idol that has fandral on the board
Bunnyhoppor getting his Card for winning Summer Championship? haha
I can imagine a deck with it, mimic pod, lab recruiter, and myra.For devastating snowball.4/5
youd have to be insanely lucky to pull that off before turn 6 and turn 6 snowball isnt that great
How does this interact with the Quest global buff? Would it be a 4/4 that gained the extra stats, or would it just be a 4/4?
I’m also sure there’ll be some meme decks where you destroy your deck with Myra’s and fill it with Pogo-Hoppers thanks to Lab Recruiter. Maybe it’ll suck, or maybe it’ll be just as annoying as Jade Druid with Jade Idols.
I’m 90% sure that it will be 4/4 and +2/+2 for each pogo-hopper you played.
The Crystal Core reads “For the rest of the game, your minions are 4/4.” so I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t gain extra stats but just always be 4/4.
Battlecries apply AFTER the Quest. Edwin VanCleef was briefly played in the Quest Rogue back in Un’Goro and it obviously worked.
The buff will apply AFTER changing it to 4/4. So the first one would be 4/4, second 6/6, third 8/8 etc.
Well that makes this a lot more interesting… I wonder if QR will have space for this. Definitely something to try out though.
This is certainly a cute idea and the closest thing to Infinite Murloc from the Tavern’s of Time arena event. With Lab Recruiter, Elvin Minstral, Shadow Step, and Gang Up in Wild this can become the center of a deck.
As is though, I don’t really think such a deck idea would work with the card pool currently avalible. The initial tempo loss created by playing a two mana 1/1 can be too great against faster decks generally and such a strategy leans towards a control style of game play, something rogues have struggle with since the rotation of Antique Healbot. Perhaps this’ll become part of Kinesband Rogue, but otherwise it might not find a home.
Definitely could be the keystone card of a control rogue. I agree. I would not be surprised if a new hopper rogue archetype was created in wild.
For quest?
I don’t think this will be ideal for Quest Rogue. The third Pogo-Hopper will be a 5/5 at which point your quest reward will make minions smaller.
But if you will play it AFTER you played crystal core, this will be 4/4 Plus +2/+2 for each pogo-hopper you played.
But since it’s a battlecry, won’t it apply the buffs on the 4/4 body?
It won’t make them smaller, Battlecries are triggered after the Quest turns a minion into a 4/4.
Jade Rogue but it sucks
Meme decks incoming!