Pilfered Power
Pilfered Power is a 3 Mana Cost Epic Druid Spell card from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan set!
Card Text
Gain an empty Mana Crystal for each friendly minion.
Flavor Text
The Hozen don't get paid much, but at least they get to keep any excess mana.- Mana Cost: 3
- Crafting Cost: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 100 / 400 (Golden)
- Rarity: Epic
- Class: Druid
- Card Type: Spell
- Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
So does this mean jaraxxus can turn into a sheep?
Looks like Blizzard is nudging Druid toward an aggro deck with this card.
you don´t want ramp in aggro lol
Not a great card. Yes, will work okay with Roots, but that is reliant on you having both cards in hand, plus is token decks you aren’t really bothered about ramping so much. Plus the card is completely dead late game – 2 mana for a card you can stomach, but 3? Not so much.
Turn 1 pass-
Turn 2 Roots coin Roots innervate pilfered power
This card is metachanging.Even if you draw it at 10 mana you gain the free mana card.
If I have a full board and ten mana do I draw seven cards for three mana?
New Shaman Cancer yay feelsgoodman
T1 living roots = 2 1/1
T2 living roots = 4 1/1 inervatr into pilfered power
T3 7 mana crystal…
“Your opponent left”
yea in wild bcuz roots rotates
They don’t rotate out. Nothing rotates until first expansion of 2017.
Are you sure nothing that nothing will change ??
Some stuff already rotated out. I’m pretty sure the blackrock set has left, because sludge-belcher is a wild card now.
Blackrock Mountain is still in Standard, Sludge Belcher is part of Curse of Naxxramas (which rotated out). Nothing rotates out until the expansion after Mean Streets of Gadgetzan is released, which will likely be sometime in early Spring of 2017.