
Mana Cost








Name Class Rarity Type
The Skeleton Knight
Deathrattle: Reveal a minion in each deck. If yours costs more, return this to your hand.
Neutral Legendary Minion 6 7 4
The Soularium
Draw 3 cards. They are Temporary.
Warlock Legendary Spell 1
The Stars Align
Transform minions in your hand into ones that cost (3) more. (They keep their original Cost.)
Priest Epic Spell 3
The Stonewright
Battlecry: For the rest of the game, your Totems have +2 Attack.
Shaman Legendary Minion 4 5 4
The Storm Bringer
Transform your minions into random Legendary minions.
Shaman Legendary Spell 6
The Sunwell
Fill your hand with random spells. Costs (1) less for each other card in your hand.
Neutral Legendary Spell 9
The Voraxx
After you cast a spell on this minion, summon a 1/1 Plant and cast another copy on it.
Neutral Legendary Minion 3 3 4
Theft Accusation
Choose a minion. Destroy it after you play a card copied from the opponent.
Priest Rare Spell 1
Theldurin the Lost
Battlecry: If your deck started with no duplicates, gain Immune this turn and attack all enemies.
Hunter Legendary Minion 4 3 4
Theotar, the Mad Duke
Battlecry: Discover a card in each player's hand and swap them.
Neutral Legendary Minion 6 4 4
Taunt Deathrattle: Dobule the stats of all Elementals in your hand and deck.
Neutral Legendary Minion 7 7 5
Thickhide Kodo
Taunt Deathrattle: Gain 5 Armor.
Druid Common Minion 4 3 5
Thing from Below
Taunt Costs (1) less for each Totem you've summoned this game.
Shaman Rare Minion 6 5 5
Thirsty Drifter
Taunt Costs (1) less for each 1-Cost card you've played this game.
Priest Rare Minion 7 4 6
Thistle Tea
Draw a card. Add 2 extra copies of it to your hand.
Rogue Rare Spell 6
Thistle Tea Set
Discover a spell from another class. Get a copy of it.
Rogue Common Spell 2
Rush. Deathrattle: Go Dormant. Cast a Fire spell to revive Thori'belore!
Warrior Legendary Minion 4 4 4
Thorignir Drake
Rush Whenever this attacks, summon two 3/1 Whelps to attack the target first.
Shaman Rare Minion 7 6 6
Thorim, Stormlord
Battlecry: Unlock your Overloaded Mana Crystals. Draw that many cards.
Shaman Legendary Minion 3 3 4
Thorngrowth Sentries
Summon two 1/2 Turtles with Taunt.
Druid Common Spell 2
Thornmantle Musician
Finale: The next Beast you summon gets +1/+1.
Hunter Common Minion 1 1 3
Thornveil Tentacle
Lifesteal Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to a random enemy minion.
Warlock Common Minion 2 2 2
Copy 2 cards in your opponent's deck and add them to your hand.
Priest Common Spell 2
Thrall, Deathseer
Battlecry: Transform your minions into random ones that cost (2) more.
Shaman Legendary Hero 5
Thrallmar Farseer
Neutral Common Minion 3 2 3
Thrall's Gift
Discover a temporary Lightning Storm, Hex, or Bloodlust.
Shaman Rare Spell 1
Threads of Despair
Give all minions "Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to all minions."
Death Knight Rare Spell 3
Thrive in the Shadows
Discover a spell from your deck.
Priest Rare Spell 2
Through Fel and Flames
Give a minion Rush. Finale: And +1/+1.
Demon Hunter, Warrior Rare Spell 0
Throw Glaive
Deal 2 damage to a minion. If it dies, add a temporary copy of this card to your hand.
Demon Hunter Rare Spell 1
Thunder Bluff Valiant
Battlecry and Inspire: Give your Totems +2 Attack.
Shaman Rare Minion 5 3 6
Thunder Lizard
Battlecry: If you played an Elemental Last turn, Adapt.
Neutral Common Minion 3 3 3
Taunt Deathrattle: Summon an Elemental and Beast from your deck.
Neutral Legendary Minion 8 6 6
After you play a card with Overload, summon two 1/1 Sparks with Rush.
Shaman Epic Minion 4 3 6
Battlecry: Remove the top 5 cards from your deck. Corrupt: Your opponent's deck instead.
Warlock Legendary Minion 6 8 8
Ticket Master
Deathrattle: Shuffle 3 Tickets into your deck. When drawn, summon a 3/3 Plush Bear.
Rogue Rare Minion 3 4 3
Ticket Scalper
Overkill: Draw 2 cards.
Neutral Common Minion 4 5 3
Ticking Abomination
Deathrattle: Deal 5 damage to your minions.
Neutral Rare Minion 4 5 6
Tidal Revenant
Battlecry: Deal 5 damage. Gain 8 Armor.
Warrior Common Minion 8 5 8
Tidal Surge
Lifesteal Deal 5 damage to a minion.
Shaman Common Spell 3
Tidal Wave
Lifesteal Deal 3 damage to all minions.
Shaman Common Spell 8
Tide Pools
Discover a spell that costs (3) or less. After you cast a spell, reopen this.
Druid, Mage Common Location 3
Tidelost Burrower
Battlecry: Dredge.  If it's a Murloc, summon a 2/2 copy of it.
Shaman Common Minion 4 4 4
Tidepool Pupil
Battlecry: If you've cast 3 spells while holding this, Discover one of them.
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 2
Tight-Lipped Witness
Secrets can't be revealed.
Neutral Epic Minion 3 2 5
Tigress Plushy
Miniaturize Rush, Lifesteal, Divine Shield
Paladin Common Minion 4 3 2
Timber Tambourine
Deathrattle: Summon 1 5/5 Ancient. (Play cards that cost (5) or more while equipped to improve!)
Druid Epic Weapon 4 2 3
Timber Wolf
Your other Beasts have +1 Attack.
Hunter Free Minion 1 1 2