
Mana Cost








Name Class Rarity Type
Talented Arcanist
Battlecry: Your next spell this turn has Spell Damage +2.
Neutral Common Minion 2 1 3
Undamaged enemy minions take double damage. Combo: Get a Backstab.
Rogue Legendary Minion 3 3 3
Tame Beast (Rank 1)
Summon a 2/2 Beast with Rush. (Upgrades when you have 5 Mana.)
Hunter Rare Spell 2
Tamsin Roame
Whenever you cast a Shadow spell that costs (1) or more, add a copy to your hand that costs (0).
Warlock Legendary Minion 3 1 3
Tamsin's Phylactery
Discover a friendly Deathrattle minion that died this game. Give your minions its Deathrattle.
Warlock Legendary Spell 4
Tanaris Hogchopper
Battlecry: If your opponent's hand is empty, gain Charge.
Neutral Common Minion 4 4 4
Tanglefur Mystic
Battlecry: Add a random 2-Cost minion to each player's hand.
Neutral Common Minion 3 3 4
Tar Creeper
Taunt Has +2 Attack during your opponent's turn.
Neutral Common Minion 3 1 5
Tar Lord
Taunt Has +4 Attack during your opponent's turn.
Warrior Common Minion 6 1 11
Tar Lurker
Taunt Has +3 Attack during your opponent's turn.
Warlock Common Minion 5 1 7
Tar Slick
Minions take double damage. Deal 1 damage.
Rogue Epic Spell 1
Tar Slime
Taunt Has +2 Attack during your opponent's turn.
Neutral Common Minion 1 0 3
Target Dummy
Neutral Rare Minion 0 0 2
Taste of Chaos
Deal 2 damage to a minion. Finale: Discover a Fel spell.
Demon Hunter Common Spell 1
Tasty Flyfish
Deathrattle: Give a Dragon in your hand +2/+2.
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 2
Taurajo Brave
Frenzy: Destroy a random enemy minion.
Neutral Rare Minion 6 4 8
Tauren Warrior
Taunt. Enrage: +3 Attack
Neutral Common Minion 3 2 3
Tavish Stormpike
After a friendly Beast attacks, summon a Beast from your deck that costs (1) less.
Hunter Legendary Minion 3 2 5
Teacher's Pet
Taunt Deathrattle: Summon a random 3-Cost Beast.
Druid, Hunter Rare Minion 5 4 5
Tear Reality
Add 2 random Mage spells from the past to your hand. They cost (2) less.
Mage Common Spell 4
Tempest Hammer
After your hero attacks, deal 3 damage to the lowest Health enemy.
Shaman Rare Weapon 4 1 3
Templar Captain
Rush. After this attacks a minion, summon a 5/5 Defender with Taunt.
Paladin Rare Minion 8 8 8
Temple Berserker
Reborn Has +2 Attack while damaged.
Neutral Common Minion 2 1 2
Temple Enforcer
Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +3 Health.
Priest Common Minion 5 5 6
Battlecry: Your opponent takes two turns. then you take two turns.
Priest Legendary Minion 7 6 6
Ten Gallon Hat
Draw a minion. Give it +1/+1 and "Deathrattle: Get a Ten Gallon Hat."
Hunter Rare Spell 2
Tenacious San'layn
Lifesteal Whenever this attacks, deal 2 damage to the enemy hero.
Neutral Rare Minion 5 4 6
Tending Tauren
Choose One - Give your other minions +1/+1; or Summon two 2/2 Treants.
Druid Rare Minion 6 3 4
Tent Trasher
Rush. Costs (1) less for each friendly minion with unique minion type.
Warrior Epic Minion 5 5 5
Tentacle Grip
Deal 3 damage. Combo: Get a 1/1 Chaotic Tendril.
Rogue Common Spell 2
Tentacle of N'Zoth
Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to all minions.
Neutral Common Minion 1 1 1
Tentacle Tender
At the end of your turn, get a 1/1 Chaotic Tendril.
Warlock Common Minion 3 2 5
Tentacled Menace
Battlecry: Each player draws a card. Swap their Costs.
Neutral Epic Minion 5 6 5
Tentacles for Arms
Deathrattle: Return this to your hand.
Warrior Epic Weapon 5 2 2
Tenwu of the Red Smoke
Battlecry: Return a friendly minion to your hand, it costs (1) this turn.
Rogue Legendary Minion 2 3 2
Teron Gorefiend
Battlecry: Destroy all friendly minions. Deathrattle: Resummon them with +1/+1.
Neutral Legendary Minion 3 3 4
Terrible Chef
Battlecry: Summon a 0/2 Nerubian Egg. Deathrattle: Destroy it.
Neutral Common Minion 3 2 1
Terrorguard Escapee
Battlecry: Summon three 1/1 Huntresses for your opponent.
Neutral Common Minion 3 3 7
Terrorscale Stalker
Battlecry: Trigger a friendly minion's Deathrattle.
Hunter Rare Minion 2 2 3
Tess Greymane
Battlecry: Replay every card from another class you've played this game (targets chosen randomly).
Rogue Legendary Minion 7 6 6
Test Subject
Deathrattle: Shuffle any spells you cast on this minion to your deck.
Priest Rare Minion 1 0 2
Testing Dummy
Taunt Deathrattle: Deal 8 damage randomly split among all enemies.
Warrior Common Minion 6 4 8
Thaddius, Monstrosity
Taunt Your odd-Cost cards cost (2) less. (Swaps polarity each turn!)
Neutral Legendary Minion 10 11 11
Reborn Battlecry and Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to a random enemy.
Death Knight Legendary Minion 4 3 3
The 8 Hands From Beyond
Battlecry: Destroy both players' decks EXCEPT the 8 highest Cost cards in each.
Death Knight Legendary Minion 8 8 8
The Amazing Reno
Battlecry: Make all minions disappear. *Poof!*
Mage Legendary Hero 10
The Badlands Bandits
Get eight 3/2 Bandits with bonus effects. Any that can't fit in your hand are summoned instead.
Paladin Legendary Minion 6 0 0
The Beast
Deathrattle: Summon a 3/3 Finkle Einhorn for your opponent.
Neutral Legendary Minion 6 9 7