
Mana Cost








Name Class Rarity Type
Ram Wrangler
Battlecry: If you have a Beast, summon a random Beast.
Hunter Rare Minion 5 3 3
Rambunctious Stuffy
Rush After you cast a Frost spell, gain Reborn.
Death Knight Common Minion 3 4 2
Ramkahen Wildtamer
Battlecry: Copy a random Beast in your hand.
Hunter Rare Minion 3 4 3
Ramming Mount
Give a minion +2/+2 and Immune while attacking. When it dies, summon a Ram.
Hunter Rare Spell 3
Ramming Speed
Force a minion to attack one of its neighbors.
Warrior Epic Spell 3
Give a damaged minion +3/+3.
Warrior Common Spell 2
Deal 2 damage to all minions. Gain 2 Armor for each destroyed.
Warrior Epic Spell 4
Rangari Scout
After you Discover a card, get a copy of it.
Hunter Common Minion 1 1 2
Ranger Gilly
Warrior Tourist. At the end of your turn, get a 2/3 Crocolisk. Deathrattle: Give all minions in your hand +2/+3.
Hunter Legendary Minion 5 4 6
Deal 1 damage to a minion. If you've played a card from another class this turn, deal 4 instead.
Rogue Common Spell 0
Rapid Fire
Twinspell Deal 1 damage.
Hunter Common Spell 2
Raptor Hatchling
Deathrattle: Shuffle a 4/5 Raptor into your deck.
Hunter Rare Minion 1 2 1
Ras Frostwhisper
At the end of your turn, deal 1 damage to all enemies (improved by Spell Damage).
Mage, Shaman Legendary Minion 5 3 6
Rat Pack
Deathrattle: Summon a number of 1/1 Rats equal to this minion's Attack.
Hunter Epic Minion 3 2 2
Rat Sensei
Battlecry and Deathrattle: Add two 1/1 Turtles with Taunt to your hand.
Druid Common Minion 2 2 2
Rat Trap
Secret: When your opponent plays three cards in one turn, summon a 6/6 rat.
Hunter Epic Spell 2
Rush Battlecry: Destroy a friendly minion and gain its attack and Health.
Warlock Epic Minion 3 2 2
Ratchet Privateer
Battlecry: Give your weapon +1 Attack.
Neutral Common Minion 3 4 3
Rats of Extraordinary Size
Summon seven 1/1 Rats. Any that can't fit on the battlefield go to your hand with +4/+4.
Hunter Epic Spell 6
Deathrattle: Resummon this with -1/-1.
Warrior Legendary Minion 9 9 9
Rattling Rascal
Battlecry: Summon a 5/5 Skeleton. Deathrattle: Summon a 5/5 Skeleton for your opponent.
Neutral Epic Minion 4 2 2
Ravaging Ghoul
Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to all other minions.
Warrior Common Minion 3 3 3
Ravasaur Runt
Battlecry: If you control at least 2 minions, Adapt.
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 2
Raven Familiar
Battlecry: Reveal a spell in each deck. If yours costs more, draw it.
Mage Common Minion 2 2 2
Raven Idol
Choose one - Discover a minion; or Discover a spell.
Druid Common Spell 1
Battlecry: Add two random 1-Cost minions to your hand.
Neutral Common Minion 3 2 1
Ravenholdt Assassin
Neutral Rare Minion 7 7 5
Ravenous Kraken
Battlecry: Destroy a friendly minion. Deathrattle: Summon a copy of it.
Neutral Common Minion 3 2 5
Ravenous Pterrordax
Battlecry: Destroy a friendly minion to Adapt twice.
Warlock Common Minion 3 3 3
Ray of Frost
Twinspell Freeze a minion. If it's already Frozen, deal 2 damage to it.
Mage Common Spell 1
Raylla, Sand Sculptor
Paladin Tourist After you cast a spell, summon a random 2-Cost minion and give it Divine Shield.
Mage Legendary Minion 4 2 6
Raza the Chained
Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, your Hero Power costs (0) this game.
Priest Legendary Minion 5 5 5
Raza the Resealed
Battlecry: For the rest of the game, your Hero Power refreshes whenever you play a card.
Priest Legendary Minion 5 5 5
Deathrattle: Summon a Deathrattle minion that costs (3) or less from your hand.
Demon Hunter Common Minion 2 3 2
Razorfen Beastmaster
Deathrattle: Summon a Deathrattle minion that costs (4) or less from your hand.
Demon Hunter Rare Minion 3 3 3
Razorfen Hunter
Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Boar.
Neutral Free Minion 3 2 3
Razorfen Rockstar
After you gain Armor, gain 2 more.
Warrior Common Minion 1 1 3
Razorglaive Sentinel
After you play the left or right-most card in your hand, draw a card.
Demon Hunter Common Minion 4 5 4
Razormane Battleguard
The first Taunt minion you play each turn costs (2) less.
Druid Rare Minion 2 2 3
Razormane Raider
Frenzy: Attack a random enemy.
Neutral Common Minion 5 5 6
Razorpetal Lasher
Battlecry: Add a Razorpetal to your hand that deals 2 damage.
Rogue Common Minion 2 2 2
Razorpetal Volley
Add two Razorpetals to your hand that deal 2 damage.
Rogue Common Spell 2
Cards can't cost less than (2).
Neutral Epic Minion 3 2 4
Battlecry: Summon a random 5-Cost minion. Repeat for each spell school you've cast this game.
Death Knight, Shaman Epic Minion 7 4 4
Reap What You Sow
Deal 3 damage. Excavate a treasure.
Death Knight Common Spell 3
Reaper's Scythe
Spellburst: Also damaged adjacent minions this turn.
Warrior Rare Weapon 4 4 2
Enemy spells cost (5) more next turn.
Paladin Common Spell 2
Reckless Apprentice
Battlecry: Fire your Hero Power at all enemies.
Mage Rare Minion 4 3 5