
Mana Cost








Name Class Rarity Type
Murozond, Thief of Time
Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, Discover a Dragon. Deal damage equal to its Cost to all other minions.
Priest Legendary Minion 7 6 6
Battlecry: Give all minions in your hand +1/+1. Forge: +2/+2 instead.
Paladin Common Minion 3 2 4
Museum Curator
Battlecry: Discover a Deathrattle card. It costs (1) less.
Priest Common Minion 2 1 2
Muster for Battle
Summon three 1/1 Silver Hand Recruits. Equip a 1/4 Weapon.
Paladin Rare Spell 3
Mutanus the Devourer
Battlecry: Eat a minion in your opponent's hand. Gain its stats.
Neutral Legendary Minion 7 4 4
Transform a friendly minion into a random one that costs (1) more.
Shaman Common Spell 0
Mutating Lifeform
After this survives damage, gain a random bonus effect.
Neutral Epic Minion 5 3 8
Myra Rotspring
Battlecry: Discover a Deathrattle minion. Also gain its Deathrattle.
Rogue Legendary Minion 5 4 2
Myra's Unstable Element
Draw the rest of your deck.
Rogue Legendary Spell 5
After you cast a spell on this minion, draw a card.
Paladin Common Minion 3 3 4
Mysterious Blade
Battlecry: If you control a Secret, gain +1 Attack.
Paladin Rare Weapon 2 2 2
Mysterious Challenger
Battlecry: Put one of each Secret from your deck into the battlefield.
Paladin Epic Minion 5 5 5
Mysterious Visitor
Battlecry: Reduce the Cost of cards copied from your opponent by (3).
Priest Epic Minion 2 2 3
Mystery Egg
Miniaturize Deathrattle: Get a copy of a random Beast in your deck. It costs (3) less.
Hunter Epic Minion 4 0 3
Mystery Winner
Battlecry: Discover Secret.
Hunter Common Minion 1 1 1
Mystified To'cha
Battlecry: If the combined Health of both heroes is exactly 42, set your hero's Health to 42.
Priest Epic Minion 4 4 2
Mythical Terror
Lifesteal At the end of your turn, force all enemy minions to attack this.
Demon Hunter Epic Minion 7 4 10
Naga Corsair
Battlecry: Give your weapon +1 Attack.
Neutral Common Minion 4 5 4
Naga Giant
Costs (1) less for each Mana you've spent on spells this game.
Neutral Epic Minion 20 8 8
Naga Sand Witch
Battlecry: Change the Cost of spells in your hand to (5).
Mage Rare Minion 5 5 5
Naga Sea Witch
Your cards cost (5).
Neutral Epic Minion 8 5 5
Naga's Pride
Summon two 2/2 Lionfish. If you played a Naga while holding this, give them +1/+1.
Hunter Rare Spell 3
Nagrand Slam
Summon four 3/5 Clefthoofs that attack random enemies.
Hunter Epic Spell 10
Najak Hexxen
Battlecry: Take control of an enemy minion. Deathrattle: Give the minion back.
Priest Legendary Minion 4 1 4
Narain Soothfancy
Battlecry: Get two Fortunes that are copies of the top card of your deck.
Demon Hunter, Priest Legendary Minion 4 4 4
Nat Pagle
At the start of your turn, you have a 50% chance to draw an extra card.
Neutral Legendary Minion 2 0 4
Nat, the Darkfisher
At the start of your opponent's turn, they have a 50% chance to draw an extra card.
Neutral Legendary Minion 2 2 4
Natalie Seline
Battlecry: Destroy a minion and gain its Health.
Priest Legendary Minion 8 8 1
Natural Causes
Deal 2 damage. Summon a 2/2 Treant.
Druid Common Spell 2
Natural Talent
Get a random Naga and a random spell. They cost (2) less.
Death Knight, Shaman Epic Spell 3
Destroy a minion. Your opponent draws 2 cards.
Druid Common Spell 1
Nature Studies
Discover a spell. Your next one costs (1) less.
Druid Common Spell 1
Naval Mine
Deathrattle: Deal 4 damage to the enemy hero.
Neutral Common Minion 2 0 2
Nazmani Bloodweaver
After you cast a spell, reduce the cost of a random card in your hand by (1).
Priest Rare Minion 3 2 5
Discover two 8-Cost minions to summon with Taunt and Elusive.
Shaman Epic Spell 9
Necrium Apothecary
Combo: Draw a Deathrattle minion from your deck and gain its Deathrattle.
Rogue Epic Minion 4 2 5
Necrium Blade
Deathrattle: Trigger the Deathrattle of a random friendly minion.
Rogue Rare Weapon 3 3 2
Necrium Vial
Trigger a friendly minion's Deathrattle twice.
Rogue Epic Spell 5
Necrolord Draka
Battlecry: Equip a 1/3 Dagger. (+1 Attack for each other card you played this turn!)
Rogue Legendary Minion 5 3 4
Your Deathrattles trigger twice.
Hunter Epic Minion 4 3 6
Necrotic Geist
Whenever one of your other minions dies, summon a 2/2 Ghoul.
Neutral Common Minion 6 5 3
Necrotic Mortician
Battlecry: If a friendly Undead died after your last turn, Discover an Unholy rune card.
Death Knight Common Minion 2 2 3
Need for Greed
Tradeable Draw 3 cards. If drawn this turn, this costs (3).
Demon Hunter Common Spell 5
Needlerock Totem
At the end of your turn, gain 2 Armor and draw a card.
Shaman, Warrior Common Minion 2 0 2
Neeru Fireblade
Battlecry: If your deck is empty, open a portal that fills your board with 3/2 Imps each turn.
Warlock Legendary Minion 5 5 5
Battlecry: Add 2 random spells to your hand (from your opponent's class).
Neutral Legendary Minion 9 8 8
Neferset Ritualist
Battlecry: Restore adjacent minions to full Health.
Neutral Rare Minion 2 2 3
Neferset Thrasher
Whenever this attacks, deal 3 damage to your hero.
Warlock Common Minion 3 4 5