Oaken Summons
Oaken Summons is a 4 Mana Cost Common Druid Spell card from the Core Set 2025 set!
Card Text
Gain 6 Armour. Summon a minion that costs (4) or less from your deck.
Flavor Text
The Guild used oak trees until they all turned to ash.- Mana Cost: 4
- Crafting Cost: 40 / 400 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 5 / 50 (Golden)
- Rarity: Common
- Class: Druid
- Card Type: Spell
- School: Nature
- Set: Core Set 2025
- Mechanics: Gain Armor, Recruit
this can be good for druid taunt deck
Is it worth cutting Mire Keeper for?
“Don’t be crying when someone annoying the hell out of you with this and pulls the right taunt minion to mess up your day.”
Lol. Thats quite the imagination you have there. You know what, you want to play a 2 or 3 mana card for 4 mana, you go right ahead.
Trying to compare a simple card like this to a quest. You do know, between the 2, which would be harder to predict, right? It’s pretty small mined to think both would be the same to predict.
Literally this could have been a good card if the design team left one thing out: “or less”. If it just recruited a 4-cost minion only and nothing less, this card would definitely see play with that other oak card, not much play though. As it stands, this is near the border of useless against tier 2 and above decks.
Control warrior is getting very interesting.
Using this in aggro may work too, but less synergy than control.
It’s a druid card.
Not bad then. Doesn’t fit the meta, but definitely something to build a deck around.
Not very exciting/good. Will not see play
Uninstall. Telling shit as always.
Or you could pull a dirty rat without the side effect
It is really annoying rating cards in the Highlander , Jade , Rng Tempo Keleseth meta.
Everything feels average.
I see great potential though after rotation.
This is so true.. gonna be a new and better game when rotation finally hits.. Kazakus and companions have been here way too long
Its like people have never palyed taunt Druid and seen how annoying if can get for your opponent. I liek this card. It’s obviously a card you work into your deck with the right creatures. Seriously, 4 mana for draw a creaute and put it into play then gain 6 life. how is that not good in anyway. And to make the best use of it is to have a taunt deck where it will protect you even more. Its obvious there are creatures that you dont put into a deck with this because they would not help enough or you miss out on battlecrys. this is not ment for every deck but for a selective few that need a taunt minion and some extra life to help against aggro.
I don’t see this card being good enough. It can pull a gollaka or that ramp minion that you choose either a mana crystal or a 2/2. I think you would have to build around it too much to be effective.
there is a certain 4 drop minion that people say is bad becasue you need armor to attack with it but this works with it and is going to be hilarious droping this on turn 3 or 2 if everything goes right. for Wild I will be sticking with my Big Ramp Druid but if I ever decide to play standard this seems fun with all the Taunt minions and DK.
So build a deck with no 1, 2, or 3 drops and then put a crappy 4 drop minion. Yeah, will be hilarious.
You forget there are plenty of good taunt minions that are 2 and 3 mana. how small minded do you have to be to think that anyone would only play one or two kinds of creatures to pull off of this. seriously 90% of hte people on htis site are idiots and only look at a card for its face value instead of out it works in a deck as a whole. Remeber when everyone said that the Rogue Quest was the worst and that the Druid one was going to be one of the strongest. Look at how wrong they all were. Don’t be crying when someone annoying the hell out of you with this and pulls the right taunt minion to mess up your day. Every card has its value. It all comes down to how you can abuse it in your deck and at the current moment of the game. Every card is subject to situation. Nothing is perfect.
“Don’t be crying when someone annoying the hell out of you with this and pulls the right taunt minion to mess up your day.”
Lol. Thats quite the imagination you have there. You know what, you want to play a 2 or 3 mana card for 4 mana, you go right ahead.
Trying to compare a simple card like this to a quest. You do know, between the 2, which would be harder to predict, right? It’s pretty small mined to think both would be the same to evaluate.
Spyder you suck. Uninstall the game.
Works great in a deck with early game ramp. You get armour in case you are getting beat by aggro in the early game as well as an immediate threat, easy to build just few small minions and ramp with some good 4 drops. The new taunt is perfect for this card and even if it can’t attack, it doesn’t mean that it’s useless, they need to kill it
A sort of preemptive if slightly less versatile version of Moonglade Portal and also similar to Feral Rage. There is enough ramp in Druid that you could go without playing too many low cost minions to try to maximize the value out of this card, but you would probably be fine as long as you don’t play too many low cost battlecry minions.
Plus, this can be used in the late game to pull out a weak topdeck out to maximize the chances to drawing something that’ll have more of an impact on the game state.
Finally a recruit card that makes sense
The recruit mechanic is random right?
So it could still pull out that fire fly from your deck.
Lol you aren’t putting firefly in a deck with recruit cards.
Can’t wait to build a Tank-Druid deck with this card.
Seems like a good way to gain 6 armor and pull out the 4 cost 3/6 meat wall..